ZYGORHIZIDIALES K. Seto [Chytridiomycetes] MB#831578. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 5:17–38. 2020 (posted in 2019)
Zygorhizidiaceae Doweld [Zygorhizidiales] Index Fungorum 102:1. 2014.
Zygorhizidium affluensCanter; J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 62:267–278, fig. 2. 1969 Parasitic; Asterionella formosa; plankton of lakes; E.L.D., U.K.;
Ξ Rhizophydium planktonicum Canter (in part) 1948
Zygorhizidium asterionellae Pongratz; Schweiz. Z. Hydrol. 28:104–132, Pl. 3, 19–24. 1966
Parasitic; Asterionella formosa; plankton; Lake Léman, SWITZERLAND
Species not validly published. See comment by Seto in Fungal Systematics and Evolution 5:17–38. 2020 (posted in 2019)
Zygorhizidium chlorophycidis Canter; Nova Hedwigia 5:1–6, Pls. 1–2. 1963
Parasitic; colonial planktonic greens; lakes; E.L.D., U.K.
Zygorhizidium cystogenum Canter; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 46:305–320, figs. 1,2. 1963
Parasitic; Dinobryon spp., Uroglena sp.; lakes; E.L.D., U.K.
Zygorhizidium melosirae Canter 1950; Canter emended; J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 60:85–96. 1967
ΞZygophlyctis melosirae (Canter) K. Seto comb. nov. MB#831582. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 5:17–38. 2020 (posted in 2019)
lectotype designated
Zygorhizidium planktonicum Canter 1953 and 1957; invalid; see Doweld, Index Fungorum 114:1. 2014
Zygorhizidium planktonicum forma asterionellae Canter, Jaworski, & Beakes; Nova Hedwigia 55:437–455. 1992
Parasitic; Asterionella; lakes; E.L.D., U.K.
Zygorhizidium planktonicum forma synedrae Canter; Nova Hedwigia 55:437–455. 1992
Parasitic; Synedra; lakes, E.L.D., U.K.
Zygorhizidium vaucheriae Rieth; Biol. Zentralbl. 86 433–448, figs. 1–2, Pls. 1, 2. 1967
Parasitic; Vaucheria; ditch; Gatersleben, Germany & Tadzhik, S.S.R.
Zygorhizidium venustum (Canter) Canter; Nova Hedwigia 21:577–592. 1971
Ξ Rhizophydium venustum Canter 1963