ZYGOPHLYCTIDALES K. Seto [Chytridiomycetes] MB#831579. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 5:17–38. 2020 (posted in 2019)
ZYGOPHLYCTIDACEAE K. Seto [Zygophlyctidales] MB#831580. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 5:17–38. 2020 (posted in 2019)
Zygophlyctis Doweld, Index Fungorum 114:1. 2014. IF550450
Zygophlyctis asterionellae K. Seto, MB#831581. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 5:17–38. 2020 (posted in 2019)
parasite of Asterionella formosa (diatom); Lake Biwaike, Shimotakai, Nagano, JAPAN
Zygophlyctis melosirae (Canter) K. Seto comb. nov. MB#831582. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 5:17–38. 2020 (posted in 2019)
Zygophlyctis planktonica Doweld, Index Fungorum 114:1. 2014. Based on Canter’s description of Zygorhizidium planktonicum Canter, which was invalidly published.