Synchytrium plant parasites not included in this bibliography; see Karling, J.S. 1964. Synchytrium. Academic Press, New York.
Synchytrium microbalum Longcore, DR Simmons & Letcher; MB#817291. Fungal Biology 120:1156–1164. 2016
Saprobic, nutrient agar; small acidic lake; Hancock County, Maine, USA
SYNCHYTRIALES emend Doweld AB, 2014. Index Fungorum no 92, 2014; MB#550404. Emended by Longcore, DR Simmons and Letcher to be the least inclusive clade of the Chytridiomycetes that includes Synchytrium taraxaci and Synchytrium species included in James et al. (2006; as the Synchytrium clade)
SYNCHYTRIACEAE emend J Schr€ot., in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., Teil. I (Leipzig) 1:71, 1892; MB#81448. Emended by Longcore, DR Simmons and Letcher to be the least inclusive clade of the Chytridiomycetes that includes Synchytrium taraxaci and the Synchytrium species included in James et al. (2006; as the Synchytrium clade).