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QUAERITORHIZA Longcore, D.R. Simmons & T.Y. James [Quaeritorhizaceae] MB#833680. Mycologia DOI: 10.1080/00275514.2020.1730136. 2020

QUAERITORHIZACEAE Longcore, D.R. Simmons & T.Y. James [order not yet determined] MB#833714. Mycologia DOI: 10.1080/00275514.2020.1730136. 2020

Quaeritorhiza haematococci Longcore, D.R. Simmons & T.Y. James MB#833715. Mycologia DOI: 10.1080/00275514.2020.1730136. 2020


Rhizidium endosporangiatum Karling; Mycopathol. Mycol. Appl. 36:165–178, figs. 18–37. 1968
Saprobic; bleached corn leaves & pollen; soil sample; Pitcairn & Niue, OCEANIA

Rhizidium megastomum Sparrow; Mycopathol. Mycol. Appl. 25:119–143, figs. 19–23. 1965
Saprobic; snake skin; soil, Oahu, HAWAII, USA 5. 1982; nomen nudum

Rhizidium phycophilum Picard Mycologia 101:696–706. 2009; MB#13127
Saprobic, pollen, chitin (associated with coccoid green alga in culture); soil sample under Antarctic beech, ferns and mosses;

Rhizidium renifore Karling. Arch. Mikrobiol. 70:266–287, fig. 1 A–O. 1970;
Saprobic; purified shrimp and lobster chitin; soil sample; AUCKLAND PROVINCE, NEW ZEALAND

Rhizidium tomiyamanum Konno; J. Jap. Bot. 44:315–317. figs. A–H. 1969
Saprobic; Porphyra, pine pollen bait; marine; ? JAPAN

Rhizoclosmatium aurantiacum Sparrow 1937. See: Powell et al. (2019) Phytologia 101 (2) for designation of lectotype

Rhizoclosmatium globosum H. E. Petersen 1903 (type species)
See: Powell et al. (2019) Phytologia 101 (2) for designation of lectotype , epitype and designation of JEL347 in CZEUM to support the lectotype.

Rhizoclosmatium hyalinum Karling; Sydowia 20:96–108, figs. 48–59. 1967
Saprobic; exuviae and chitin bait; water in outdoor tub; U. of Otago, NEW ZEALAND

Rhizoclosmatium sparsum M.J. Powell and Letcher; MB#829907; Phytologia 101:139–163. 2019
Saprobic; chitin bait; aquatic sample; The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, ALABAMA, USA

Rhizoclosmatium persicum Letcher, Longcore & M.J. Powell; MB#829910. Phytologia 101:139–163. 2019
Saprobic; cellulose; aquatic sample; Lake Nicol spillway; Tuscaloosa County; ALABAMA, USA

Rhizoclosmatium pessaminum Letcher, Longcore & M.J. Powell; MB#829911. Phytologia 101:139–163. 2019
Saprobic; chitin; Perch Pond, Penobscot County, MAINE, USA

Rhizoclosmatium umbonatum Letcher, Longcore & M.J. Powell; MB#829908. Phytologia 101:139–163. 2019
Saprobic; chitin and cellulose; acidic lake; Mud Pond, Old Town, Hancock County, MAINE, USA

Rhizoclosmatium umbonatum var. sphaericum Letcher, Longcore & M.J. Powell; MB#829909. Phytologia 101:139–163. 2019

RHIZOPHLYCTIDALES Letcher [Chytridiomycota]; P.M. Letcher et al. Mycological Research 112:1031–1048

RHIZOPHLYCTIDACEAE Letcher [Rhizophlyctidiales] P.M. Letcher et al. Mycological Research, 112:1031–1048
Also see this publication for epitype of Rhizophlyctis rosea, the type species.

Rhizophlyctis A. Fischer 1892 sensu Sparrow 1960; I.J. Dogma designated R. mastigotrichis (Nowakowski) Fischer as lectotype; Nova Hedwigia 24:393–411.1973; but lectotype predated by designation of R. rosea (De Bary & Woronin) Fischer in Clements & Shear; The Genera of Fungi, p. 235. 1931. See W.H. Blackwell and M.J. Powell 1999. The nomenclatural propriety of Rhizophlyctis rosea. Mycotaxon 70:213–217. Letcher et al designated an epitype for R. rosea; See: Mycol. Res. 112:1035, figs 2A–I, 1039 6A and 1040 7A–D (2008) from observations of culture BR 186,

Rhizophlyctis aurantiaca I.J. Dogma; Nova Hedwigia 25:51–89, Pls. I–III. 1974
Saprobic; chitin; soil; Annapolis, MARYLAND, USA

Rhizophlyctis boninensis Kobayasi & Konno; Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. 12:725–733, fig. 3 L–Q. 1969
Saprobic; ? cellophane; soil; Chichijima, BONIN ISLANDS

Rhizophlyctis bonseyi Sparrow; Mycopathol. Mycol. Appl. 25:119–143, figs. 29–54. 1965
Saprobic; chitin; soil, margin of reservoir, Maui, HAWAII, USA

Rhizophlyctis columellae S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Indian Phytopathol. 43:564–567, fig. 1. 1990 (1991)
Parasitic; zygospore of Spirogyra sp.; tank; Lucknow U., INDIA

Rhizophlyctis costatus Konno; Sci. Rep. Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku Sect. B. 14:227–292, Pl. 8, A–D. 1972
Saprobic; cicada wings; forest soil; Ohdaigahara (Nara Prefecture), JAPAN

Rhizophlyctis fuscus Karling; Mycopathol. Mycol. Appl. 23:215–222, figs. 12–21. 1964
Saprobic; human & snake skin, corn leaf; soil; Madras, INDIA

Rhizophlyctis harderi Uebelm. Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 25:324. 1956. nom. inval.; lacked Latin description
Uebelmesseromyces harderi M.J. Powell & Letcher MB#810749. Mycologia 107:419–431. 2015

Rhizophlyctis hirsutus Karling; Mycopathol. Mycol. Appl. 23:215–222, figs. 22–26. 1964
Saprobic; skin, corn leaves, hemp seed; soil; dry rice paddy, Madras, INDIA

Rhizophlyctis lovettii Karling; Mycopathol. Mycol. Appl. 23:215–222, figs. 1–11. 1964
Saprobic; human fibrin film; soil; Madras, INDIA

Rhizophlyctis oceanis Karling; Amer. J. Bot. 56:211–221 figs. 1–108. 1969
Saprobic; purified shrimp chitin; soil; Pitcairn et al. Islands, OCEANIA

Rhizophlyctis oceanis var. floridaensis Karling; Nova Hedwigia 28:209–229, figs. 17–28. 1976;
Saprobic; chitin; soil; flower garden, FLORIDA, USA

Rhizophlyctis petersenii var. appendiculata Karling; Sydowia 20:96–108, figs. 60–67. 1967
Saprobic; corn leaves and chitin; soil and water; NEW ZEALAND.

Rhizophlyctis reynoldsii I.J. Dogma; Nova Hedwigia 25:51–89, Pl. VII., figs. 1–19. 1974
Saprobic; chitin; leaf litter, Rangoon, BURMA

Rhizophlyctis rosea (de Bary & Woronin) A. Fisch., Rabenh. epitype P.M. Letcher et al. Mycological Research 112:1030–1048. 2008

Rhizophlyctis serpentina I.J. Dogma; Nova Hedwigia 25:51–89, Pl. IV–VI, Figs. 1–45. 1974
Saprobic; chitin bait; soil & leaf litter; widespread, CAMEROON

Rhizophlyctis sp. Canter & Ingold; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 82:739–742, figs. 1–26. 1984
Parasitic; Dacrymyces stillatus conidia; Downs, S. Oxfordshire, U.K.

Rhizophlyctis tropicalis Sparrow & I.J. Dogma; Arch. Mikrobiol. 89:77–204, fig. 4, A–M. 1973
Saprobic; lens paper and onion skin baits; soil; DOMINICAN REPUBLIC

Rhizophlyctis variabilis Karling; Sydowia 20:96–108, figs. 68–81. 1967
Saprobic; bleached corn leaves; soil; NEW ZEALAND

Rhizophlyctis variabilis var. burmaensis I.J. Dogma; Nova Hedwigia, 25:51–89, Pl. VIII, figs. 1–20. 1974
Saprobic; chitin; soil & leaf litter; BURMA

Rhizophlyctis willoughbyi Konno; Sci. Rept. Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku Sect. B. 14:227–292. Pl. 7, A–D. 1972
Saprobic; bee wings, cicada wings, and snake skin; soils; widespread, JAPAN

Rhizophydium Schenk; all Phlyctidium spp. into Rhizophydium; Karling; CI, p. 64. 1977

RHIZOPHYDIALES Letcher [Chytridiomycota, Chytridiomycetes]; P.M. Letcher et al. Mycological Research 110:898–915, 2006

RHIZOPHYDIACEAE Letcher [Chytridiomycetes, Rhizophydiales]; P.M. Letcher et al. Mycological Research 110:898–915, 2006

Rhizophydium achnanthis Friedmann 1952 Ξ Hapalopera achnanthis (Friedmann) A. Batko; ZH, p. 170. 1975

Rhizophydium algavorum Gromov, B.V., A.V. Pljusch and K.A. Mamkaeva, Protistology 1:62—65. 1999
Parasitic; Chlorococum minutum; pond; St. Petersburg, RUSSSIA

Rhizophydium anatropum (Braun) Karling; CI, p. 65. 1977 Ξ Phlyctidium anatropum Braun 1856

Rhizophydium androdioctes Canter; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 56:115–120, figs. 1–19. 1971
Parasitic; Dictyosphaerium pulchellum (Green alga); Loch Leven, Kinross, SCOTLAND

Rhizophydium angulosum Karling; Arch. Mikrobiol. 61:112–127, fig. 1, M–X. 1968
Saprobic; pollen and bleached corn leaves; many soil collections from OCEANIA
≡ Boothiomyces angulosus (Karling) Jerônimo, D.R. Simmons, T.Y. James & Pires-Zottarelli . Nova Hedwigia 109:399–412. 2019

Rhizophydium annulatum Sparrow; Canad. J. Bot. 55:1501–1504, figs.1–6. 1977
Saprobic; pine pollen; Punch Bowl; Melrose, FLORIDA, USA

Rhizophydium aphanomycis Karling; Nova Hedwigia 27:747–771, figs. 12–21. 1976
Parasitic; Aphanomyces sp.; soil; Ngorongora Crater, TANZANIA

Rhizophydium aureum Konno; Sci. Rep. Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku Sect. B. 14:227–293, Pl.3, figs. A–D. 1972
Saprobic; snake skin, bee wings, & cicada wings; soil; Tsu-shima; Bonin Island, JAPAN

Rhizophydium biporosum (Couch) D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 51:967–975. 1973
Ξ Phlyctochytrium biporosum Couch 1932
Phlyctidium bumilleriae Couch 1932

Rhizophydium blastocladianum S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30:1–82, fig. 16. 1988
Parasitic; Blastocladia on apple; tank sediment; Lucknow U., INDIA

Rhizophydium blyttiomycerum S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30:1–82, fig. 24. 1988
Parasitic; Blyttiomyces spinosus & zygospore of Spirogyra; ditch; Sultanpur Road, SE of Lucknow U., INDIA

Rhizophydium brevipes var. marinum (Kobayasi & Ookubo) Karling; 1977. p. 65
Ξ Phlyctidium brevipes marinum Kobayasi & Ookubo 1954

Rhizophydium brooksianum Longcore [Rhizophydiales; Rhizophydiaceae] Mycologia 96:162–171. 2004
Saprobic; pine pollen; soil; Penobscot Co., MAINE, USA.

Rhizophydium bumilleriae (Couch) Karling; CI, p. 65. 1977 Ξ Phlyctidium bumilleriae Couch 1932;
See Rhizophydium biporosum (Couch) Barr 1973

Rhizophydium capillaceum D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 47:991–997, figs. 12–22 on Pls. I–VIII. 1969
Saprobic; pine pollen; soil: Ottawa, ONTARIO, CANADA

Rhizophydium clavatum Karling; Sydowia 20:74–84, figs. 21–24. 1967
Saprobic; chitin bait; soil sample; NEW ZEALAND

Rhizophydium clavatum S.N. Dasgupta & R. John (homonym); Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30:1–82, fig. 34. 1988
Parasitic; Closterium; tank; Lucknow U., INDIA

Rhizophydium coleochaetes (Nowakowski) Fischer 1892 Ξ Chytridium coleochaetes Nowakowski 1876;
H. Canter places sp. in Chytridium; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 43:14–18. 1960

Rhizophydium collapsum Karling; Sydowia 17:285–296, figs. 1–15. 1964
Saprobic; pine pollen; brackish soil; Rhamnad Dist., INDIA

Rhizophydium conchiforme S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30:1–82, fig. 35. 1988
Saprobic ?; Spirogyra; ditch, Sultanpur Road, SE of Lucknow U., INDIA

Rhizophydium condylosum Karling; Arch. Mikrobiol. 61:112–127, fig. 2, A–X. 1968
Saprobic; human hair and snake skin; soil from Cook Island, FIJI & PITCAIRN

Rhizophydium contractophilum Canter; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 42:185–192, figs. 1–4. 1959
Parasitic; Eudorina elegans and Eudorina sp.; Lake Windermere, E.L.D., U.K.

Rhizophydium coralloidum Karling; Mycologia 68:1245–1248, figs. 1–9. 1976
Parasitic; Karlingia rosea; soil; Canaveral, FLORIDA, USA

Rhizophydium dentatum suggested as name for Miller’s (1968) “Dentate; but not validly published; W.C. Zattau: Master’s Thesis Clemson U. 1978. But molecular data (James et al. 2006) suggest that “Miller’s Dentate” (JEL103) is in the Chytridiaceae (Chytridiales)’; named as Odontochytrium milleri Ve´lez and Letcher MB#801484. Mycologia 105:1251–1265. 2013

Rhizophydium difficile Canter 1954 Ξ Hapalopera difficilis (Canter) A. Batko; ZH, p. 169. 1975

Rhizophydium digitatum Scherffel 1926 = Phlyctochytrium planicorne Atkinson 1909: T.W. Johnson; Norw. J. Bot. 22:249–257. 1975

Rhizophydium dubium Kiran & Dayal (invalid; type not designated); Indian Phytopathol. 44 30–34, Pl. 1. 1991.
Saprobic; rotting leaves of Eichornia; pond; Agricultural Farm, Varanasi, INDIA

Rhizophydium echinocystoides Sparrow; J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 84: 62–68, figs. 15–18. 1968.
Saprobic; pine pollen; Sphagnum bog; Humbolt Co, CALIFORNIA, USA

Rhizophydium elyensis Sparrow 1957 ≡ Boothiomyces (Sparrow) Jerônimo, D.R. Simmons, T.Y. James & Pires-Zottarelli . Nova Hedwigia 109:399–412. 2019

Rhizophydium ellipsoidium (Ookubo & Kobayasi) Karling; CI, p. 64. 1977 Ξ Phlyctidium keratinophilum Ookubo & Kobayasi 1955

Rhizophydium fragilariae Canter 1950 Ξ Hapalopera fragilariae (Canter) A. Batko; ZH, p. 170. 1975

Rhizophydium fugax Canter; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 51:699–705, Pl. 57 & fig. 1. 1968.
Parasitic; Cryptomonas spp.; plankton of lakes; E.L.D., U.K.

Rhizophydium gonapodyanum S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30:1–82, fig. 23. 1988.
Parasitic; sporangium of Gonapodya polymorpha; tank sediment; Lucknow U., INDIA

Rhizophydium hispidulosum Seymour; J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 86:187–190. figs. 1–16. 1970.
Saprobic; cockroach wing bait; soil from ditch; Morehead City, NORTH CAROLINA, USA

Rhizophydium jobii Hassett MB#8535161; Mycologia
Saprobic; pine pollen bait; benthic detritus; SALALAH, OMAN.

Rhizophydium karlingii Sparrow 1960 = R. laterale (Braun) Rabenhorst; D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 51:967–975. 1973

Rhizophydium koreanum Hyang B. Lee, S.J. Jeon, T.T.T. Nguyen; Fungal Diversity 96:1–242 (see 219–221). 2019
pond water; Chonnam National University Arboretum, Gwangju, REPUBLIC OF KOREA
Index Fungorum # IF554571; Facesoffungi # FoF05792; GenBank LSU#  MH298649, MH298650

Rhizophydium lagenaria S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30:1–82, fig. 21. 1988
Parasitic; sporangium of Blastocladia on fruit bait; tank sediment; Lucknow U., INDIA

Rhizophydium laterale (Braun) Rabenhorst = R. karlingii Sparrow 1960; D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 51:967–975. 1973

Rhizophydium lenelangeae Sparrow; Canad. J. Bot. 55:1501–1504, figs. 7–15. 1977
Saprobic; pine pollen bait; river bank soil; GUATEMALA

Rhizophydium littoreum Amon; Mycologia 76:132–139, figs. 1–21. 1984
?Saprobic; Bryopsis plumosa; marine, Atlantic coast, USA

Rhizophydium macroporosum Karling; Sydowia 20:74–84, figs. 9–20. 1967
Saprobic; snake skin and bleached corn leaves; soil samples; NEW ZEALAND

Rhizophydium manoense Sparrow; Mycopathol. Mycol. Appl. 25:119–143. figs. 1–7. 1965
Parasitic; diatom (Cocconeis); stream, Oahu, HAWAII, USA

Rhizophydium melosirae Friedman 1952 Ξ Hapalopera melosirae (Friedman) A. Batko; ZH, p. 170. 1975

Rhizophydium mougeotiae Pongratz; Schweiz. Z. Hydrol. 28:104–132, fig. 2 & Pl. 5, 33–36. 1966
Parasitic; Mougeotia gracillima; Plankton; Lake Léman, SWITZERLAND

Rhizophydium nobile Canter; Proc. Linn. Soc. London 179:197–201, 2 Pl, fig. 1. 1968
Parasitic; resting spores of Ceratium hirundinella; lakes; E.L.D., U.K.

Rhizophydium novae-zeylandiensis (Karling) Karling; CI, p. 65. 1977 Ξ Phlyctidium marinum Karling 1967

Rhizophydium obpyriformis (Karling) Karling; CI, p. 64. 1977 Ξ Phlyctidium mycetophagum Karling 1956

Rhizophydium olla (Sparrow) Karling; CI, p. 65. 1977 Ξ Phlyc tidium olla Sparrow 1933

Rhizophydium patellarium Scholz; Arch. Mikrobiol. 29:354–362, fig. 2. 1958
Saprobic; pine pollen bait; soils; northern SPAIN and GERMANY

Rhizophydium pedicellatum Paterson 1956; Emended by T.W. Johnson; Norw. J. Bot. 23:139–151. 1976

Rhizophydium piriformis (Fott) Karling; CI, p. 65. 1977 Ξ Hapalopera piriformis Fott 1942

Rhizophydium planktonicum emend. Canter; J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 62:267–278, fig. 1. 1969
Parasitic; Asterionella formosa (diatom); lakes; E.L.D., U.K. Ξ Rhizophydium planktonicum Canter (in part) 1948

Rhizophydium poculiforme S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30:1–82, fig. 28–30. 1988
Parasitic; Closterium; tank; Lucknow U., INDIA

Rhizophydium polystomum Karling; Sydowia 20:74–84, figs. 26–29. 1967 (Pls. XII–XIV).
Saprobic; bleached corn leaves; soil samples; NEW ZEALAND.

Rhizophydium porosum Sparrow & Lange; Canad. J. Bot. 55:1879–1890, figs. 1–5. 1977
Saprobic; pine pollen bait; Johnson Road Bog, Cheboygan Co., MICHIGAN, USA

Rhizophydium proliferum Knox & Paterson; Mycologia 65:373–387, figs. 6–10. 1973
Saprobic; pine pollen; soil or fresh water? Ross Island, ANTARCTICA

Rhizophydium punctatum Golubeva; Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 25:81–86, fig. 1. 1988
Saprobic; pine pollen; Lake Teletzkoje; Altiaca Province, RUSSIA

Rhizophydium rarotonganensis Karling; Arch. Mikrobiol. 61:112–127, fig. 1 A–L. 1968
Parasitic; Nowakowskiella profusa; soil; Rarotonga, Cook Islands, OCEANIA

Rhizophydium reflexum S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30:1–82, fig. 18. 1988
Parasitic; Sporangium of Blastocladia on Pyrus fruit; tank sediment; Lucknow U., INDIA

Rhizophydium rhizinum S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30:1–82, fig. 17. 1988
Parasitic; sporangium of Blastocladia on Pyrus fruit; tank sediment; Lucknow U., INDIA

Rhizophydium rotundum S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30:1–82, figs. 25–27. 1988
Parasitic; Closterium, Oedogonium, and Zygnema; tank; garden, Lucknow U., INDIA

Rhizophydium scenedesmi (Fott) Karling; CI, p. 65. 1977 Ξ Phlyctidium scenedesmi Fott 1967

Rhizophydium sibyllinum Sparrow; Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 81:2–5, figs. 1–9. 1974
Saprobic; pine pollen; soil; Delphi, GREECE

Rhizophydium signyense Willoughby; Nova Hedwigia 22:469–487, Pl. 2 m–t;4 e,f. 1971
Saprobic; chitin bait; soil; Signy Island, ANARCTICA

Rhizophydium skujai (Skuja) Karling; CI, p. 64. 1977 Ξ Phlyctidium globosum Skuja 1948

Rhizophydium sparrowii S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Indian Phytopathol. 43:564–567, fig. 2. 1990 (1991)
“Saproparasitic”; Ulothrix sp.; ditch; Sultanpur Rd, SE of Lucknow U., INDIA

Rhizophydium sphaerocarpum var. rhizoclonii Huth & Gaertner; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 61:431–434, Pl. 43. 1973
Parasitic; Rhizoclonium hieroglyphicum; brackish Water; Bremerhaven, GERMANY

Rhizophydium sphaerocarpum var. spirogyrae D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 48:1607–1071, figs. 1–6. 1970
Parasitic; moribund Spirogyra; southwestern ONTARIO, CANADA

Rhizophydium sphaerotheca Zopf 1887; Neotype: D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 47:991–997, figs. 1–11. 1969

Rhizophydium spinosum Willoughby; Arch. Mikrobiol. 52:101–131, fig. 1, i–w. 1965
Saprobic; cellophane bait; soil; VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA

Rhizophydium spinosum Karling (homonym); Nova Hedwigia 35:107–116, figs. 1–6, 1981
Saprobic; cellophane & bleached corn leaves; soil samples; SRI LANKA

Rhizophydium spinosum S.N. Dasgupta & R. John (homonym); Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30:1–82, fig. 20. 1988
Parasitic; Blastocladia on fruit bait; tank sediment; Lucknow U., INDIA

Rhizophydium spinulosum (Sparrow) Karling; CI, p. 65. 1977 Ξ Phlyctidium spinulosum Sparrow 1933

Rhizophydium squamosum Golubeva; Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 25:81–86, fig. 2. 1988
Saprobic; pine pollen; Lake Teletzkoje; ALTIACA PROVINCE, RUSSIA

Rhizophydium stellatum S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30:182, fig. 22. 1988
Parasitic; Sporangium of Gonapodya polymorpha; tank sediment; Lucknow U., INDIA

Rhizophydium tenue (Sparrow) Karling; CI, p. 65. 1977. Ξ Phlyctidium tenue Sparrow 1952

Rhizophydium tetragenum Pongratz; Schweiz. Z. Hydrol. 28:104–132, fig. 1 & Pl. 4, 25–28. 1966
Parasitic; Asterionella formosa; plankton; Lake Leman, SWITZERLAND

Rhizophydium tubulatum S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30:1–82, fig. 31–33. 1988
Parasitic; Closterium; tank; Lucknow U., INDIA

Rhizophydium ubiquetum Canter; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 44:163–176, figs. Ia–s, 2 a–k, Pl. 12. 1961
Saprobic; Cosmarium and other desmids; plankton of lakes, E.L.D., U.K.

Rhizophydium undatum O.G. Golubeva; Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 25:81–86, fig. 3. 1988
Saprobic; pine pollen; Lake Teletzkoje; ALTIACA PROVINCE, RUSSIA

Rhizophydium undulatum Sparrow & Lange; Canad. J. Bot. 55:1879–1890, figs. 9–11. 1977
Saprobic; pine pollen bait; Johnson Road Bog, Cheboygan Co., MICHIGAN, USA

Rhizophydium urcelolatum S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30:1–82, fig. 19. 1988
Parasitic; Blastocladia on fruit bait; tank sediment; Lucknow U., INDIA

Rhizophydium venezuelensis Karling; Nova Hedwigia 34:645–668, figs. 1–9. 1981
Saprobic; cellophane, snake skin, hemp; soil sample; VENEZUELA

Rhizophydium venustum Canter; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 46:305–320, fig. 7, a–i. 1963
Parasitic; cysts; Uroglena americana; lakes; E.L.D., U.K. Ξ Zygorhizidium venustum (Canter) Canter 1971

RHYNIOVEXATOR M. Krings & H. Kerp Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 271:104–106. 2019. Fossil

Rhyniovexator penetrans M. Krings & H. Kerp Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 271:104–106. 2019
Fossil, possibly a chytrid; parasite of Anechosoma oblongum, a microfossil in the early Devonian Rhynie and Windyfield chert. SCOTLAND

RODMANOCHYTRIUM M.J. Powell & Letcher [Chytridiales; Chytriomycetaceae] MB#830008; Phytologia 101:175–187. 2019

Rodmanochytrium pyriforme M.J. Powell & Letcher MB#830009; Phytologia 101:175–187. 2019
Saprobic; water and moist soil; chitin bait; Washington County, Alabama, UNITED STATES

Rodmanochytrium sphaericum M.J. Powell & Letcher MB#830010; Phytologia 101:175–187. 2019
aquatic sample; chitin bait; Tuscaloosa, Alabama, UNITED STATES

Rozella Cornu 1972; D.J.S. Barr placed provisionally in Olpidiaceae [incertae cedis]; HP, p. 463. 1990.
A. A. Held: Bot. Review 47:451–515, 1981; Review f Rozella and Rozellopsis.
See James et al. 2006 for basal position of Rozella, outside of the named orders of the Chytridiomycota.
Now in Cryptomycota. See Jones et al. IMA Fungus 2:173–175. 2011; or Rozellomycota D. Corsaro & R. Michel, 2014; or Rozellomycota T. James & Berbee, 2011; or Rozellosporidia Karpov, 2017

Rozella blastocladiae in S.N. Dasgupta; Indian Phytopathol. 35:215. 1982 nomen nudum

Rozella coleochaetis Sparrow; Pap. Michigan Acad. Sci. 50:115–123, figs. A–E, 1964
Parasitic; Coleochaete sp.; Smith’s Bog, Cheboygan Co., MICHIGAN, USA

Rozella diplophlyctidis Karling; Nova Hedwigia 45:529–535, figs. 1–6. 1987
Parasitic; Diplophlyctis intestina; Moribund Nitella flexilis; Ross Biological Reserve

Rozella itersoniliae D.J.S. Barr & Bandoni; Mycologia 71:1261–1264, figs. 1–4. 1979
Parasitic; Itersonilia perplexante (Hyphomycete); Taraxacum leaf over agar

Rozella longicollis Karling; Sydowia 19:213–226, Pl. 46, figs. 21–29. 1965
Parasitic; Pythium (Oomycete); soil sample from NEW ZEALAND

Rozella longisporangia Willoughby and Rigg; Nova Hedwigia 37:369–383, fig. 1 A–F. 1983
Parasitic; Pythium (Oomycete); field soil with neutral pH; MAJORCA

Rozella multimorpha Letcher & Longcore; MB#821536. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 65:180–190. 2018
Parasitic; Pythium host; small pond, Lyle E. Littlefield Garden, University of Maine Campus, Orono, MAINE, USA

Rozella parva Canter; J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 62:267–278, fig. 3. 1969
Parasitic; Zygorhizidium affluens; lakes; E.L.D., U.K.

Rozella rhizoclosmatii Letcher and Longcore; MB#817338. Fungal Ecology (in press) 2016
Parasitic; Rhizoclosmatium; fen around Perch Pond, Old Town, Maine, USA

RUMINOMYCES Y.W. Ho [Neocallimastigales, Neocallimastigomycota]; Mycotaxon 38:397–405. 1990
Anaeromyces Breton et al. 1990 (described first)

Ruminomyces elegans Y.W. Ho; Mycotaxon 38:397–405, figs. 1–3. 1990
Saprobic; oat chaff; rumen; Hereford steer, Armindale, AUSTRALIA
Ξ Anaeromyces elegans (Y.W. Ho) Y.W. Ho 1993