ALLOCHYTRIDIUM Salkin [Cladochytriales]; Amer. J. Bot. 57:649–658. 1970 = Karlingia; Karling; Nova Hedwigia 28:209–229. 1976
Allochytridium recognized by Barr & Désaulniers; see Mycologia 78:439–448. 1986. See Mozley-Standridge et al. 113:498–507. 2009
Allochytridium expandens Salkin; Amer. J. Bot. 57:649–658, figs. 2–49. 1970
Saprobic; onion skin; roadside puddle; Solano Co., CALIFORNIA, USA
= Karlingia expandens (Salkin) Karling; Nova Hedwigia 28:209–229. 1976 (This combination is not generally accepted.)
Allochytridium luteum D.J.S. Barr & Désaulniers; Mycologia 79:193–199, figs. 1–26. 1987
Saprobic; boiled grass; beach sand close to water level; ONTARIO, CANADA
Catenochytridium hemicysti Knox In D.J.S. Barr et al., Mycologia, 79:587–594, figs. 1–25. 1987
Saprobic; cellophane, algae, pollen; Riopel’s Pond, Mt. Lake Biological Station, VIRGINIA, USA
≡Chytridium hemicysta Knox; PhD dissertation, 1970; VPI, Virginia; not validly published
Catenochytridium marinum (Kobayasi & Ookubo) Karling; CI, p. 166. 1977 = C. carolineanum f. marinum Kobayasi & Ookubo 1953
Catenochytridium oahuense Sparrow. MB#327533. Mycopathol. Mycol. Appl., 25:119–143, figs. 67–70, 1965
Saprobic; cellophane bait; soil; Oahu, HAWAII, USA
CLADOCHYTRIALES S.E. Mozley-Standridge in Mozley-Standridge et al. Mycological Research 113:498– 507. 2009
Contains: Allochytridium, Catenochytridium, Cladochytrium, Cylindrochytrium, ?Diplophlyctis, Nephrochytrium,
Nowakowskiella, Septochytrium
CLADOCHYTRIACEAE J. Schrot., Nat. Pflanzenfam. 1:80 (182) sensu Mozley-Standridge et al. Mycological Research 113:498–507. 2009
Cladochytrium aureum Karling 1949 = C. replicatum Karling 1931. Karling: Sydowia 20:129–136. 1967
Cladochytrium granulatum (Karling) Sparrow 1960 ≡ Nowakowskiella granulata Karling; Sydowia, Beiheft VI, p. 66. 1966
Cladochytrium indicum Singh & Pavgi; Hydrobiologia 37:565–568, figs. 1–7. 1971
Saprobic; snake skin bait; soil; Deoria, U.P., INDIA
Cladochytrium novoguineense Kobayasi & Konno Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., 14:373–386, fig. 3, C–I. 1971
Saprobic; cellophane and onion skin; soil; Papua, NEW GUINEA & SOLOMON ISLANDS
Cladochytrium replicatum Karling 1931 = C. aureum Karling 1949; Karling:Sydowia 20:129–136. 1967
Cladochytrium salsuginosum A. Batko & S.K.M. Hassan Acta Mycol. 22:189–192, figs. 1–9. 1986 (1988)
Saprobic; onion skin bait; brackish water near Frombork, northern POLAND
Cylindrochytrium endobioticum Willoughby Nova Hedwigia 7:133–150, Pls. 17, 18 a–d, 23. 1964
Saprobic; cellophane and grass leaf baits; soil; Bogle Crag Wood, Lancashire, UNITED KINGDOM
Cylindrochytrium johnstonii B. Karling, Torrey Botanical Club 68 383, figs. 1–16. 1941.
Emended and confirmed to be in the Cladochytriales. R. A. Steiger et al. Mycotaxon 118:293–302, fig. 1. 2011
Saprobic; onion skin bait; algae and plant detritus; MICHIGAN, USA
Endochytrium cystarum I.J. Dogma; Arch. Mikrobiol., 66:203–219, figs. 26–39. 1969.
Saprophytic; lens paper and cellophane bait; forest soil and leaf litter; MICHIGAN, USA
Endochytrium multiguttulatum I.J. Dogma; Dogma unsure of genus placement. Arch. Mikrobiol., 66:203–219, figs. 1–25. 1969.
Saprophytic; lens paper, cellophane, onion; bogs; Cheboygan Co., MICHIGAN, USA
KARLINGIELLA Jerônimo, Jesus & Pires-Zottarelli [Cladochytriales, Cladochytriaceae] Mycologia 111:506–516. 2019
Karlingiella elongata (Karling) Jerônimo, Jesus & Pires-Zottarelli Mycologia 111:506–516. 2019
Ξ Nowakowskiella elongata Karling 1944
Nephrochytrium bipes Hassan; Nova Hedwigia 38:727–740, figs. 18–28, Pl. 2. 1983
Saprobic; onion skin; pond; near Warsaw, POLAND
Nephrochytrium buttermerense Willoughby; Nova Hedwigia 3:439–444, Pls. 114–116. 1961
Saprobic; cellophane bait; submerged mud; Buttermere, E.L.D., U.K.
Ξ Diplophlyctis buttermerense (Willoughby) I.J. Dogma 1969. Not D. butermerense (Willoughby) I.J. Dogma; A. Batko; ZH, p. 220. 1975
Nephrochytrium complicatum Willoughby; Nova Hedwigia 3:439–444, Pls. 112, 113. 1961;
Saprobic; chitin bait; submerged lake mud; Ennerdale, E.L.D., U.K.
Ξ Diplophlyctis complicata (Willoughby) I.J. Dogma 1974; combination also made by A. Batko; ZH, p.186. 1975
Nephrochytrium sexuale (Haskins) A. Batko; ZH, p. 220. 1975 Ξ Diplophlyctis sexualis Haskins 1950
Nowakowskiella crassa Karling 1949; = Nowakowskiella elegans (Nowakowski) Schroeter 1893 ; T.W. Johnson. Mycologia 69:34–45. 1977
Nowakowskiella delica Whiffen 1943 = Nowakowskiella elegans (Nowakowski) Schroeter 1893; T.W. Johnson. Mycologia 69:34–45. 1977
Nowakowskiella elegans (Nowak.) Schroeter 1893
= N. crassa Karling 1949, = N. delica Whiffen 1943
= N. endogena Constantineau 1901
= N. profusa Karling 1944; T.W. Johnson: Mycologia 69:34–45. 1977
Nowakowskiella granulata Karling 1944 =? Cladochytrium granulatum (Karling) Sparrow 1960.
Karling did not agree with Sparrow’s 1960 placement in Cladochytrium; Sydowia, Beiheft VI. p. 66. 1966
Nowakowskiella keratinophila S.K.M. Hassan & A. Batko Acta Mycol. 22:193–196, figs. 1–7, 1986 (1988);
Saprobic; snake skin bait; brackish water; Bay Zalew Wislany, POLAND
Nowakowskiella methistemichroma A. Batko & S.K.M. Hassan; +key to Nowakowskiella spp. Sydowia 35:27–36, figs. 1–21. 1982
Saprobic; onion skin bait; water and mud; Kampinos National Park, POLAND
Nowakowskiella moubasherana S.K.M. Hassan Acta Mycol. 19:77–82, figs. 1–18 & Pl. I. 1983;
Saprobic; onion skin bait; Sphagnum bog water; near Warsaw, POLAND
Nowakowskiella multispora Karling; Sydowia 17:314–319, figs.1–8. 1964
Saprobic; corn leaves and cellophane; soil; dry catch basin, Rhamnad Dist., INDIA
Nowakowskiella multispora Karling var. longa Kiran & Dayal; Acta Botanica Indica 20:303–304, figs. 1–8. 1993
Saprobic; pond water; leaf litter, insect wings and cellophane; Ramkatora (Varanasi), U.P. INDIA. No type, no Latin.
Nowakowskiella pitcairnensis Karling; Nova Hedwigia 15:191–201, figs. 1–19. 1968
Saprobic; hemp seed bait; soil; Pitcairn, OCEANIA
Nowakowskiella profusa Karling 1944 = Nowakowskiella elegans (Nowakowski) Schroeter 1893; T.W. Johnson: Mycologia 69:34–45
Nowakowskiella profusa forma constricta Kobayasi & Konno; Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. 14:373–386, fig. 3, A–B. 1971
Saprobic; cellophane; soil; Papua, TERRITORY OF NEW GUINEA AND SOLOMON ISLANDS
Nowakowskiella sculptura Karling; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 44:453–457, figs. 1–24. 1961
Saprobic; cellophane bait; soil; Baton Rouge, LOUISIANA, USA
NOWAKOWSKIELLACEAE Sparrow ex S.E. Mozley-Standridge [Cladochytriales] in Mozley-Standridge et al. Mycological Research 113:498—507
SEPTOCHYTRIACEAE S.E. Mozley-Standridge [Cladochytriales] MB#512008. Mycological Research 113:498–507. 2009. Type: Septochytrium variable Berdan 1939
Septochytrium willoughbyi I.J. Dogma; Nova Hedwigia 24:367–377, figs. 1–22. 1973
Saprophytic; lens paper, onion skin & cellophane; soil; virgin forest, Rondonia, BRAZIL