Allomyces [Blastocladiomycota, Blastocladiales] for review see L. Olson in Opera Bot. 73:1–96. 1984
Allomyces (subgenus) Karling; Mycopath. Mycol. Appl. 49:169–122. 1973
Allomyces attomyces in S.N. Dasgupta; Indian Phytopathol. 35:215. 1982; nomen nudum
Allomyces catenoides Sparrow; Mycologia 56:460–461. 1964 (Latin description). For figs. see: Sparrow & Morrison; Pap. Michigan Acad. Sci. 46:175–181, 2 pls. 1961
Saprobic; hemp seed; aquarium with tropical fish.
Allomyces reticulatus Emerson & Robertson; Amer. J. Bot. 61:303–317, figs. 14–21. 1974. Contains key to genera of Blastocladiaceae.
Saprobic; house fly bait; cracked dry soil from drainage ditch; CALIFORNIA, USA
Blastocladia arborata S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Indian Phytopathol., 41:521–547, figs. 1–3. 1988
Saprobic; styles of submerged flowers of Caryopteris; tanks; Lucknow U., INDIA
Blastocladia caduca S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Indian Phytopathol., 41:521–547, figs. 36–38. 1988
Saprobic; styles of submerged flowers of Cretavea; tanks; Lucknow U., INDIA
Blastocladia coronata S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Indian Phytopathol., 41:521–547, figs. 39–43. 1988
Saprobic; fruit of Eugenia jambolana bait; tanks; Lucknow U., INDIA
Blastocladia cristata in S.N. Dasgupta; Indian Phytopathol. 35:215. 1982. nomen nudum
Blastocladia didyma S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Indian Phytopathol., 41:521–547, fig. 29. 1988
Saprobic; fruit of bait; tanks; Lucknow U., INDIA
Blastocladia elegans S.N. Physalis peruviana Dasgupta & R. John; Indian Phytopathol., 41:521–547, figs. 21–22. 1988
Saprobic; mango fruit bait; tanks; Lucknow U., Lucknow, INDIA
Blastocladia excelsa S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Indian Phytopathol., 41:521–547, fig. 33–35. 1988
Saprobic; ripe guava fruit bait; tanks; Lucknow U., INDIA
Blastocladia filamentosa S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Indian Phytopathol., 41:521–547, figs. 27, 28. 1988
Saprobic; Eugenia jambolana fruit bait; tanks; Lucknow U., INDIA
Blastocladia fruticosa S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Indian Phytopathol., 41:521–547, figs. 4, 5. 1988
Saprobic; Eugenia jambolana fruit bait; tanks; Lucknow U., INDIA
Blastocladia fusiformis S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Indian Phytopathol., 41:521–547, figs. 30–32. 1988
Saprobic; stamens and pistils of Crataeva religiosa; tanks; Lucknow U., INDIA
Blastocladia globosa var. minutissima C. Manoharachary et al.; Bibl. Mycol., 91:457–462, fig. 1D. 1983
Saprobic; unripe mango fruit bait; Temple pond; Vikarabad, A.P., INDIA
Blastocladia heterosporangia S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Indian Phytopathol., 41:521–547, figs. 44–45. 1988
Saprobic; submerged grape as bait; River Gomti, Lucknow, INDIA
Blastocladia mammilata S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Indian Phytopathol., 41:521–547, figs. 15–17. 1988
Saprobic; submerged Pyrus fruit bait; tanks; Lucknow U., INDIA
Blastocladia picaria in S.N. Dasgupta; Indian Phytopathol. 35:215. 1982 nomen nudum
Blastocladia pileota S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Indian Phytopathol., 41:521–547, figs. 9–11. 1988
Saprobic; submerged Pyrus fruit bait; tanks; garden, Lucknow U., INDIA
Blastocladia pusilla S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Indian Phytopathol., 41:521–547, figs. 6–8. 1988
Saprobic; mango fruit bait; tanks; Lucknow U., INDIA
Blastocladia sessilis S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Indian Phytopathol., 41:521–547, figs. 23–24. 1988
Saprobic; jamun and guava bait; tanks; Lucknow U., INDIA
Blastocladia spiciformis S.N. Dasgupta & R. John. MB#253482; Indian Phytopathol., 41:521–547, figs. 12–14. 1988
Saprobic; guava bait; tanks; Lucknow U., INDIA
Blastocladiella; Karling established subgenera Blastocladiella, Eucladiella & Cystocladiella;
Mycopath. Mycol. App. 49:169–172. 1973
Blastocladiella anabaenae Canter & Willoughby; Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc., Ser. 3, 83:365–372, Pls. 159–162. 1964
Parasitic; Anabaena flos-aquae & A. circinalis; Lake Windermere plankton; E.L.D., UNITED KINGDOM.
Blastocladiella britannica Horenstein and Cantino; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc., 44:185–198, Pl. 15. 1961
For figs. see: Willoughby; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc., 42:287–291. 1959
Saprobic; grass, snakeskin, hemp seed; periodically inundated soil; E.L.D., UNITED KINGDOM.
Blastocladiella colombiensis Karling; Nova Hedwigia, 40:329–340, Pls. II & III, figs. 4–34. 1984
Saprobic; snake skin, insects, rarely hempseed; dry soil; La Guajira, COLOMBIA
Blastocladiella nova-zeylandiae Karling; Sydowia, 20:144–150, figs. 4–29. 1967
Saprobic; bleached corn leaves and snakeskin; soil; NEW ZEALAND.
BLASTOCLADIOMYCETES T. James [Blastocladiomycota]; Mycologia, 98:860–871. 2006
BLASTOCLADIOMYCOTA T. James; Mycologia, 98:860–871. 2006
Blastocladiopsis elegans Robertson; Canad. J. Bot., 54:611–615, figs. 1–7. 1976
= Ramocladia reticulata Sorgel 1952 (nomen nudum).
Saprobic; fly; soil; Virginia Beach, VIRGINIA, USA
CATENOPHLYCTIS Karling [Blastocladiomycota, Blastocladiales]; Amer. J. Bot., 52:133–138. 1965
Catenophlyctis peltata (Sparrow) Karling; Nova Hedwigia, 15:191–201. 1968. ? Phlyctorhiza peltata Sparrow 1950
Catenophlyctis variabilis (Karling) Karling; Amer. J. Bot., 52:133–138. 1965 = Phlyctorhiza variabilis Karling 1947. = Entophlyctis variabilis (Karling) Cejp; Omagiu lui Traian Savulescu 1959:129–138. 1959
Catenophlyctis variabilis var. olduvaiensis Karling Nova Hedwigia, 27:747–771, figs. 48–63. 1976
Saprobic; snake skin and corn leaves; soil; Olduvai Gorge, TANZANIA
Coelomomycetaceae [Blastocladiales]; new spp. of this genus are not not included in this list.
See “The genus Coelomomyces, Eds. J.N. Couch & C.E. Bland, Academic Press, Inc., New York. 1985
Coelomycidium [Blastocladiales] placed in Blastocladiales; D.J.S. Barr HP, p. 463. 1990
Cystocladiella Karling (subgenus of Blastocladiella); Mycopath. Mycol. Appl. 49:169–172. 1973
MICROALLOMYCES Emerson & Robertson [Blastocladiomycota; Blastocladiales] Amer. J. Bot., 61:303–317. 1974
Microallomyces dendroideus Emerson & Robertson; Amer. J. Bot. 61:303–317, figs. 1–13. 1974
Saprobic; house fly bait; damp soil from dried pond, COSTA RICA
Physodermataceae Transferred from Chytridiales to Blastocladiales; Lange & Olson: Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 74:449–457. 1980
POLYCARYUM Stempell [Blastocladiomycota, Blastocladiales] Zoologische. Abteilung fu¨ r Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 15:591–596 plus Tafel 31. 1902
Polycaryum branchipodianum Stempell, 1902. Zoologische. Abteilung fu¨ r Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere, 15:591–596 plus Tafel, 31. 1902. Parasite; fairy shrimp (Branchipus grubei; Branchiopoda, Anostraca). Johnson et al. in Freshwater Biology 51:634–648. 2006 designated Figs 1–8 [Stempell, 1902 Zoologische Jahrbucher. Abteilung fu¨ r Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 15: Tafel (Plate) 31, Figs 1–8] lectotype for P. branchipodianum and placed it in the Blastocladiales. P. branchipodianum is the type species for genus Polycaryum.
Polycaryum laeve Stempell 1903; Archives for Protistenkunde 2:349–363; 1903.Johnson et Freshwater Biology51:634–648 designated Stempell’s figures [1903, Archiv fu¨ r Protistenkunde, 2: Tafel (Plate) IX, Figs 1–27] as lectotype and a collection from Allequash Lake WISCONSIN, USA 26 June 2003 as epitype (New York Botanical Garden as 00705250).
SOROCHYTRIACEAE Dewel [Blastocladiomycota, Blastocladiales]; Canad. J. Bot. 63:1525–1534. 1985
SOROCHYTRIUM Dewel [Sorochytriaceae]; Canad. J. Bot. 63:1525–1534. 1985Sorochytrium milnesiophthora Dewel; Canad. J. Bot. 63:1525–1534, figs. 1–36. 1985
Parasitic; tardigrade (Milnesium tardigradum) on moss; bridge & wall; VIRGINIA, USA
Urophlyctaceae Hadar placed into Spizellomycetales ; Compt. Rend. Hebd. Séances Acad. Sci., Ser. 3 294:329–333. 1982. (TEM unclear; position not confirmed by molecular data. Urophlyctis is in the Blastocladiales. See: Porter, T. M., et al. Fungal Biology 115:381–92. 2011