Achlyogeton [doubtful member of Chytridiomycetes] See W.H. Blackwell and M.J. Powell. Mycotaxon 64:91–99. 1997
ALGOCHYTROPS Doweld [Lobulomycetales] MB#550472. Index Fungorum 123, 1, 2014
Algochytrops polysiphoniae (Cohn) Doweld. MB#550471. Index Fungorum 123, 1, 2014
≡Chytridium polysiphoniae Cohn
ALGOMYCES S. Van den Wyngaert, K. Rojas & K. Seto [Lobulomycetales; Lobulomycetaceae] MB#825142. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 65:870–881. 2018
Algomyces stechlinensis S. Van den Wyngaert, K. Rojas & K. Seto MB#825143. Journal of Eukaryotic Microobiology 65:870–881. 2018
Parasite; Eudorina elegans; Lake Stechlin; GERMANY
ALLOCHYTRIDIUM Salkin [Cladochytriales]; Amer. J. Bot. 57:649–658. 1970 = Karlingia; Karling; Nova Hedwigia 28:209–229. 1976
Allochytridium recognized by Barr & Désaulniers; see Mycologia 78:439–448. 1986. See Mozley-Standridge et al. 113:498–507. 2009
Allochytridium expandens Salkin; Amer. J. Bot. 57:649–658, figs. 2–49. 1970
Saprobic; onion skin; roadside puddle; Solano Co., CALIFORNIA, USA
= Karlingia expandens (Salkin) Karling; Nova Hedwigia 28:209–229. 1976 (This combination is not generally accepted.)
Allochytridium luteum D.J.S. Barr & Désaulniers; Mycologia 79:193–199, figs. 1–26. 1987
Saprobic; boiled grass; beach sand close to water level; ONTARIO, CANADA
ALOGOMYCES D.R. Simmons & Letcher [Lobulomycetales, Lobulomycetaceae] MB# 519672. Mycologia 104:157–163. 2011
Alogomyces tanneri D.R. Simmons & Letcher. MB#519673. Mycologia 104:157–163. 2011
Saprobic; spruce pollen bait; horse manure; Garland (Penobscot County), MAINE, USA.
ALPHAMYCETACEAE Letcher [Rhizophydiales] MB#511771. Mycological Research 112:759–782. 2008
Emended by Letcher et al. Nova Hedwigia 94:9–29. 2012
ALPHAMYCES Letcher [Rhizophydiales, Alphamycetaceae] MB# 511785. Mycological Research 112:759–782. 2008. Emended by Letcher et. al. Nova Hedwigia 94:9–29. 2012
Alphamyces chaetifer (Sparrow) Letcher. MB#511786. Mycological Research 112:759–782. Figs 2N–Q, 5D. 2008. ≡Rhizophydium chaetiferum Sparrow 1937
Amphicypellus Ingold 1944 = Chytriomyces Karling 1945. Dogma, I.J., Jr., Philipp. J. Biol. 5:121–142 (p. 136) 1976. Dogma lists Chytriomyces as nomen conservandum.
Amphicypellus elegans Ingold 1944 = Chytriomyces elegans (Ingold) I.J. Dogma; Philipp. J. Biol. 5:121–142 (p. 136). 1976
ANGULOMYCETACEAE Letcher [Rhizophydiales] MB#511774. Mycological Research 112:759–782. 2008
ANGULOMYCES Letcher [Rhizophydiales, Angulomycetaceae] MB#511779. Mycological Research 112:759–782. 2008Angulomyces argentinensis Letcher. MB#511787. Mycological Research 112:759–782. 2008
Saprobic; pollen bait; aquatic; Paichí stream at the Paraná River floodplain, ARGENTINA
AQUAMYCETACEAE Letcher [Rhizophydiales] MB#511773. Mycological Research 112:759–782. 2008
AQUAMYCES Letcher [Rhizophydiales, Aquamycetaceae] MB#511778. Mycological Research 112:759–782. 2008
Aquamyces chlorogonii (Serbinow) Letcher MB#511784.
≡Phlyctidium chlorogonii Serbinow 1907; ≡Rhizophydium chlorogonii (Serbinow ) Jacz. 1931; Letcher et al. declared Figs 3A–D and Fig 5F as epitype; Mycological Research 112:759–782. 2008
ARIZONAPHLYCTIDACEAE Letcher [Rhizophlyctidales] MB#511796. Mycolgical Research 112:1031–1048. 2008
ARIZONAPHLYCTIS Letcher [Rhizophlyctidales, Arizonaphlyctidaceae] MB#511799. Mycolgical Research 112:1031–1048. 2008
Arizonaphlyctis lemmonensis Letcher MB#511802. Mycolgical Research 112:1031–1048. 2008
Saprobic; cellulose substrate; soil from dried streambed; Mount Lemmon, ARIZONA, USA
ARKAYA Longcore & D. R. Simmons [Polychytriales] MB#561586. Mycologia 104:276–294. 2011
Arkaya lepida Longcore & D. R. Simmons MB#561589. Mycologia 104:276–294. 2011
Saprobic; purified shrimp chitin bait; Stillwater River, Orono, MAINE, USA.
Arkaya serpentina (Dogma) Longcore & D. R. Simmons MB#561590. Mycologia 104:276–294. 2011
≡Rhizophlyctis serpentina Dogma, Nova Hedwigia 25:58. 1974
ARNAUDOVIA Valkanov; Arch. Protistenk., 106:553–564. 1963 (no Latin diagnosis) = Polyphagus; Karling: CI, p. 174. 1977
Arnaudovia hyponeustonica Valkanov (no Latin diagnosis); Arch. Protistenk., 106:553–564, Pls. 40–43. 1963. = Polyphagus hyponeustonica (Valkanov) Karling 1977
Parasitic; Phacotus, Trachelomonas, Strombomonas spp.; ditch; Longoza, BULGARIA
ASTEROPHLYCTACEAE Doweld [Chytridiales] Index Fungorum 91:1 (2014), emend Letcher & M.J. Powell in Fungal Biology 122:1109–1123. 2018
Asterophlyctis irregularis Karling; Sydowia, 20:96–108, figs. 1–16. 1967 = Septosperma irregularis (Karling) I.J. Dogma 1974.
Saprobic; chitin bait; water containing Characeae; Lake Ohau, NEW ZEALAND. Rejected as a species of Asterophlyctis.
Asterophlyctis michiganensis Letcher & M.J. Powell MB#826903. Fungal Biology 122:1109–1123. 2018
Saprobic; chitin bait, Douglas Lake, Cheboygan County, MICHIGAN, USA. Ex-type strain = JEL186
Asterophlyctis sarcoptoides H.E. Petersen 1903. = Diplophlyctis sarcoptoides (H.E. Petersen) I.J. Dogma; Nova Hedwigia, 25:121–141. 1974. I reject Dogma’s change of this species to the genus Diplophlyctis as do Letcher and Powell, who emend (MB#195453) the species; Fungal Biology 122:1109–1123. 2018. A. sarcoptoides, as represented by JEL186, is in the Chytriomycetaceae (Vélez et al. Mycologia 103:118–130. 2011) but Letcher and Powell have placed JEL186 in a new species and have named strain WJD209 as the epitype strain.
AVACHYTRIUM Vélez & Letcher [Chytridiales, Chytriomycetaceae] MB#801481. Mycologia 105:1251–1265. 2013
Avachytrium platense Vélez & Letcher. MB#801482. Mycologia 105:1251–1265. 2013
Saprobic; pollen bait; water from Iberá Lake; Corrientes Province, ARGENTINA
BARROMYCES M.J. Powell & Letcher [Spizellomycetaceae] MB#822235. Powell, M.J., Letcher, P.M. and Chen, S-F. Nova Hedwigia 107:205–228. 2018
Barromyces tenuis (D.J.S. Barr) M.J. Powell & Letcher MB#822236. Powell, M.J., Letcher, P.M. and Chen, S-F. Nova Hedwigia 107:205–228. 2018
Ξ Gaertneriomyces tenuis D.J.S. Barr, Canad. J. Bot. 62:1171–1201. 1984
BATRACHOCHYTRIACEAE Doweld [Rhizophydiales, Chytridiomycetaceae] IF550329. Doweld, A.B. Index Fungorum no. 44: 29/12/2013.
BATRACHOCHYTRIUM Longcore, Pessier & D.K. Nichols [Rhizophydiales]; Mycologia 91:219–227. 1999
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis Longcore, Pessier & D.K. Nichols; Mycologia 91:219–227, figs. 2–30. 1999
Pathogenic; keratinized amphibian epidermis; type culture from Dendrobates azureus; National Zoological Park, Washington, DC., USA. First pure culture (JEL197) isolated October 13, 1997
Batrachochytrium salimandrivorans Martel, Blooi, Bossuyt & Pasmans MB#803904. PNAS, US 110:15325–15329. 2013
Pathogenic; epidermal cells; type from Salamandra salamandra; THE NETHERLANDS
BETAMYCES Letcher [Rhizophydiales, Alphamycetaceae] Nova Hedwigia 94:9–29. 2012
Betamyces americaemeridionalis Letcher MB#561197. Nova Hedwigia 94:9–29, figs. 6–9, 15, 25–31. 2012.
Saprobic; pollen; vegetated roadside pond; Paraná River Flood Plain; Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
Blyttiomyces Bartsch emended by I.J. Dogma; Kalikasan, Philipp. J. Biol., 8:237–266. 1979
includes key to species. This is probably a polyphyletic genus. See phylogenetic position of B. helicus in Mycologia 98:860–871. 2006
Blyttiomyces aureus Booth; Syesis, 2:141–161, figs. 15–22, 58–61. 1969
= B. laevis 1952; T.W. Johnson: Norw. J. Bot. 24:83–88. 1977
Saprobic; pine pollen; occasionally saline soil; Saturna Island, BRITISH COLOMBIA, CANADA
Blyttiomyces conicus T.W. Johnson; Norw. J. Bot., 24:83–88, figs. 1–24. 1977
Saprobic; pine pollen; water & Sphagnum; stream, Lysekloster, NORWAY
Blyttiomyces exuviae in S.N. Dasgupta; Indian Phytopathol., 35:215. 1982 nomen nudum
Blyttiomyces gregarum in S.N. Dasgupta; Indian Phytopathol., 35:215. 1982 nomen nudum
Blyttiomyces harderi Sparrow & I.J. Dogma; Arch. Mikrobiol., 89:177–204, fig. 3, A–I. 1973
Parasitic; Rhizophlyctis rosea; soil; Santo Domingo, DOMNICAN REPUBLIC
Blyttiomyces laevis Sparrow 1952 = Blyttiomyces aureus Booth 1969; T.W. Johnson: Norw. J. bot., 24:83–88. 1977
Blyttiomyces lenis S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. INDIA, 30:1–82, fig. 42. 1988
Parasitic; zygospore of Spirogyra; ditch, Sultanpur Road, SE of Lucknow U., INDIA
Blyttiomyces rhizophlyctidis I.J. Dogma; Mycologia, 61:1149–1158, figs. 1–21. 1969
Parasitic; Rhizophlyctis rosea; soil sample from Petersburg, VIRGINIA, USA
Blyttiomyces spinosus S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. INDIA, 30:1–82, figs. 38–41. 1988
?Saprobic; Spirogyra; aquatic habitat, Lucknow, INDIA
Blyttiomyces vaucheriae (Rieth) I.J. Dogma; Mycologia, 61:1149–1158. 1969 = Phlyctochytrium vaucheriae Rieth 1956
Blyttiomyces verrucosus I.J. Dogma; Kalikasan, Phillipp. J. Biol., 8:237–266, figs. 1–17. 1979
Saprobic; pine pollen; ciultivated soils; Sipocot, Camarines Sur, LUZON, PHILIPPINES
BOOTHIOMYCES Letcher [Rhizophydiales, Terramycetaceae]; P.M. Letcher et al. Mycological Research 110:898–915, 2006
Boothiomyces angulosis (Karling) Jerônimo, D.R. Simmons, T.Y. James & Pires-Zottarelli comb. nov. Jerônimo et al. Nova Hedwigia 109:399–412. 2019. ≡ Rhizophydium angulosum Karling 1968. Lectotype = Fig. 1 M–X, Arch. Mikrobiol. 61:115, 1968. epitype = Figs. 1–11 of strain CCIBt4261 in Nova Hedwigia 109:405. 2019
Boothiomyces elyense (Sparrow) Jerônimo, D.R. Simmons, T.Y. James & Pires-Zottarelli comb. nov. Jerônimo et al. Nova Hedwigia 109:399–412. 2019. ≡ Rhizophydium elyense Sparrow 1957. Lectotype = Fig. 21-M, Trans. Brit. Mycol. 40:525. 1957. Epitype = Figs. 12–16 of strain GHJ30, Nova Hedwigia 109:405. 2019
Boothiomyces macroporosum (Karling) Letcher; P.M. Letcher et al. Mycological Research 110:898–915, 2006
≡Rhizophydium macroporosum Karling, Sydowia 20:76, Plates XII, XIII, figs 9–20 (1967)
Letcher et al. designated epitype; Mycol Res. 110:907 figs 3 E–G, 910 fig. 6. 2006
Epitype saprobic on pollen; forest soil, from wet sclerophyll forest, Wilburforce, NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA
BOREALOPHLYCTIDACEAE Letcher [Rhizophlyctidales] MB#511799. Mycological Research 112:1031–1048. 2008
BOREALOPHLYCTIS [Rhizophlyctidales, Borealophlyctidaceae] MB#511800. Mycological Research 112:1031–1048. 2008
Borealophlyctis nickersoniae W.J. Davis, Letcher & M.J. Powell, MB# 812261. Mycologia 108:744–752. 2016. Saprobic; Soil from a blueberry stand with red and jack pines; Englehart, Larder Lake Road, ONTARIO, CANADA
Borealophlyctis paxensis Letcher MB#511803. Mycological Research 112:1031–1048. 2008
Saprobic; pollen bait; aspen-spruce forest soil. Peace River District, BRITISH COLOMBIA, CANADA
BREVICALCAR Letcher & M.J. Powell [Spizellomycetaceae, Spizellomycetales] MB#822132. Nova Hedwigia 107:105–129. 2018.
Brevicalcar kilaueaense Letcher & M.J. Powell MB#822133. Nova Hedwigia 107:105–129. 2018. Saprobic (pollen bait) detritus; Kalapana, Kaimu-Chain of Craters Road, HAWAII, UNITED STATES
BULBOSOMYCES Letcher & Longcore MB#822134 [Spizellomycetaceae, Spizellomycetales] Nova Hedwigia 107:105–129. 2018
Bulbosomyces maxikinetosomus Letcher & Longcore MB#822136; Nova Hedwigia 107:105–129. 2018. Saprobic; soil from paddock; pollen bait; University of Maine, Orono, MAINE, USA
CANTERIA Karling; Arch. Mikrobiol., 76:126–131. 1971 based on Phlyctidium apophysatum Canter 1947
Canteria apophysata (Canter) Karling; Arch. Mikrobiol., 76:126–131. 1971 = Phlyctidium apophysatum Canter 1947
Catenaria auxiliaris (Kühn) Tribe; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc., 69:367–376. 1977
Parasitic; Heterodera (nematodes); soil; ENGLAND, UNITED KINGDOM; ? Tarichium auxiliare Kühn pro parte 1881
Catenaria indica Singh & Pavgi; Mycologia, 62:587–590, figs. 1–6. 1970
Saprobic; keratin bait; soil; Varanasi, U.P., INDIA
Catenaria ramosa W. Martin; Mycologia, 70:461–467, figs. 3–6. 1978
Parasitic; midge eggs (Dicrotendipes modestus); Streams; VIRGINIA, USA
Catenaria spinosa W. Martin; Mycologia, 67:264–272, figs. 1–15. 1975
Parasitic; chironomid eggs; small stream; VIRGINIA, USA
Catenaria uncinata W. Martin; Mycologia, 70:461–467, figs. 1,2,7,8. 1978
Parasitic; midge eggs (Glyptotendipes lobiferus); lakes and ponds, VIRGINIA, USA
Catenaria vermicola Birchfield; Mycopathol. Mycol. Appl. 13:331–338, figs. 1–3. 1960
Parasitic; plant parasitic nematodes (Xiphinema chambersi); soil; Shreveport, LOUISIANA, USA
Catenaria verrucosa Karling; Sydowia, 20:144–150, figs. 1–2. 1967
Saprobic; snake skin bait; soil sample; NEW ZEALAND
Catenochytridium hemicysti Knox In D.J.S. Barr et al., Mycologia, 79:587–594, figs. 1–25. 1987
Saprobic; cellophane, algae, pollen; Riopel’s Pond, Mt. Lake Biological Station, VIRGINIA, USA
≡Chytridium hemicysta Knox; PhD dissertation, 1970; VPI, Virginia; not validly published
Catenochytridium marinum (Kobayasi & Ookubo) Karling; CI, p. 166. 1977 = C. carolineanum f. marinum Kobayasi & Ookubo 1953
Catenochytridium oahuense Sparrow. MB#327533. Mycopathol. Mycol. Appl., 25:119–143, figs. 67–70, 1965
Saprobic; cellophane bait; soil; Oahu, HAWAII, USA
CAULOCHYTRIACEAE Subramanium; Curr. Sci., 43:722–723. 1974 Emended by L. Olive: Amer. J. Bot., 67:568–574. 1980. Placed in Spizellomycetales by D.J.S. Barr: HP, p. 463. 1990
CAULOCHYTRIUM Voos & Olive; Mycologia, 60:730–733, 1968
Caulochytrium gloeosporii Voos & Olive Mycologia, 60:730–733, figs. 1–5. 1968; also see Voos: Amer. J. Bot., 56:898–909. 1969. Parasitic; Gloeosporium sp. on dead leguminous pods; near Miami, FLORIDA, USA
Caulochytrium protostelioides Olive; Amer. J. Bot., 67:568–574, figs. 1–24. 1980
Parasitic; Cladosporium sp. on dead flowers; St. Vincent, BRITISH WEST INDIES
Caulochytrium protosteloides var. vulgaris Olive; Mycologia, 75:923–926, figs. 1–10. 1983
Parasitic; mycelia and perithecia of Sordaria fimicola; horse dung; Highlands, NORTH CAROLINA, USA
CHYTRIDIACEAE Emend. D.J.S. Barr: Canad. J. Bot., 58:2380–2394. 1980. Emend. P.M. Letcher et al. Canad. J. Bot., 83:1561–1573. Emend. by Vélez et al. MB#80593. Mycologia 103:118–130
Chytridiales Emend. D.J.S. Barr: Canad. J. Bot., 58:2380–2394. 1980
Emend. Letcher & Powell, Mycol. Res. 110:907 (2006)
Emend. S.E. Mozley-Standridge et al. Mycological Research 113:498–507
CHYTRIOMYCETACEAE Letcher [Chytridiales] MB#512387 in Vélez, C.G., P.M. Letcher, S. Schultz, M.J. Powell & P.F. Churchill.Mycologia 103:118–130. 2011. Type species of genera known to be in the ultrastructurally and molecularly defined family include: Asterophlyctis sarcoptoides, Cytriomyces hyalinus, Obelidium mucronatum, Physocladia obscura, Rhizoclosmatium globosum, Rhopalophlyctis sarcoptoides and Phlyctorhiza endogena. Other species in the family include Podochytrium dentatum, Chytriomyces appendiculatus, Chytriomyces spinosus and Entophlyctis luteolus.
CHYTRIDIOMYCETES Caval.–Sm., Biol. Rev. 73:246. 1998
CHYTRIDIOMYCOTA M.J. Powell in Hibbett et al. Mycological Research 111:513. 2007.
For phylogeny, see: T.Y. James et al., Canad. J. Bot. 78:336–350. 2000., T.Y. James et al. Nature 443:818–822. 2006
and T.Y. James et al. Mycologia 98:860–871. 2006
Chytridium Braun (in part) = Diplochytridium Karling 1971. Arch. Mikrobiol., 76:126–131. 1971. Karling emended genus but W.H. Blackwell et al. 2002 disagree. See: Mycotaxon 83:183–190
See F.K. Sparrow: Taxon, 22:583–586. 1973 for figs. and location of type slide of C. olla A. Braun.
C. olla, the first described chytridiomycete and type of Chytridium. Emended by Vélez et al.. MB#153717. Mycologia 103:118–130
Chytridium adpressum S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. INDIA, 30:1–82, fig. 55. 1988
Saprobic ?; vegetative cell of Spirogyra; ditch, Sultanpur Road, SE of Lucknow U., INDIA
Chytridium aggregatum Karling 1938 = Diplochytridium aggregatum (Karling) Karling; Arch. Mikrobiol., 76:126–131. 1971. W.H. Blackwell et al. 2002 disagree. See: Mycotaxon 83:183–190
Chytridium apophysatum in S.N. Dasgupta; Indian Phytopathol, 35:215. 1982; ? nomen nudum
Chytridium brevipes Braun 1856 = Diplochytridium brevipes (Braun) Karling; Arch. Mikrobiol., 76:126–131. 1971
W.H. Blackwell et al. 2002 disagree. See: Mycotaxon 83:183–190
Chytridium cejpii Fott 1950 = Diplochytridium cejpii (Fott) Karling; Arch. Mikrobiol., 76:126–131. 1971
W.H. Blackwell et al. 2002 disagree. See: Mycotaxon 83:183–190
Chytridium chlorobotryis Fott 1952 = Diplochytridium chlorobotryis (Fott) Karling; Arch. Mikrobiol., 76:126–131. 1971. W.H. Blackwell et al. 2002 disagree. See: Mycotaxon 83:183–190
Chytridium citriforme Sparrow 1952 = (Sparrow) Karling; Arch. Mikrobiol., 76:126–131. 1971
W.H. Blackwell et al. 2002 disagree. See: Mycotaxon 83:183–190
Chytridium closterii S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. INDIA, 30:1–82, fig. 66. 1988
Saprobic ?; Closterium; tank; Lucknow U, INDIA
Chytridium codicola Zeller 1918 = Diplochytridium codicola (Zeller) Karling; Arch. Mikrobiol., 76:126–131. 1971
W.H. Blackwell et al. 2002 disagree. See: Mycotaxon 83:183–190
Chytridium coleochaetes Nowakowski 1876 not Rhizophydium coleochaetes (Nowak.) Fischer. Canter;
Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc., 43:14–18. 1960
Chytridium confervae (Wille) Minden = Chytriomyces confervae (Wille) A. Batko; ZH, p. 210. 1975
Chytridium corniculatum Kobayasi & Konno; Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., 14:1–18, fig. 6, 1971
Saprobic; pine pollen; sand in fresh water; Angmagssalik, GREENLAND
Chytridium cresentum in S.N. Dasgupta; INDIAn Phytopathol., 35:215. 1982; ? nomen nudum
Chytridium deltanum Masters; Canad. J. Bot., 49:471–481, figs. 2–4. 1971
Parasitic; Oocystis spp.; phytoplankton; Lake Manitoba, CANADA
Chytridium fusiforme S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. INDIA, 30:1–82, fig. 57. 1988
Saprobic; vegetative cell of Spirogyra; ditch, Sultanpur Road, SE of Lucknow U., INDIA
Chytridium gibbosum Scherffel 1902 ≡ Diplochytridium gibbosum (Scherffel) Karling; Arch. Mikrobiol., 76:126–131. 1971. = Chytridium schenkii (Dangeard 1886) Scherffel; Johnson: Nova Hedwigia, 23:187–199. 1972
W.H. Blackwell et al. 2002 disagree. See: Mycotaxon 83:183–190
Chytridium hemicysta Knox; 1970 PhD dissertation, VPI, Blacksburg, VIRGINIA; not validly published
≡Catenochytridium hemicysti Knox 1987
Chytridium horariumforme S.N. Dasgupta & R. John Bull. Bot. Surv. INDIA, 30:1–82, fig. 51. 1988
Parasitic; oospore of Spirogyra; ditch, Sultanpur Road, SE of Lucknow U., INDIA
Chytridium hyperparasiticum Kobayasi & Konno; Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., 14:1–18, fig. 2 B. 1971
Parasitic; sporangium of Rhizophlyctis rosea; soil in water, Angmagssalik, GREENLAND
Chytridium inflatum Sparrow 1933≡ Diplochytridium inflatum (Sparrow) Karling; Arch. Mikrobiol., 76:126–131. 1971. W.H. Blackwell et al. 2002 disagree. See: Mycotaxon 83:183–190
Chytridium isthmiophilum Canter; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc., 43:660–664, fig. 1. 1960
Parasitic; Staurodesmus curvatus (desmid); plankton, lakes; E.L.D., UNITED KINGDOM
≡ Diplochytridium isthmiophilum (Canter) Karling; Arch. Mikrobiol., 76:126–131. 1971
Chytridium kolianum Domján 1936 ≡ Diplochytridium kolianum (Domjan) Karling; Arch. Mikrobiol., 76:126–131. 1971. W.H. Blackwell et al. 2002 disagree. See: Mycotaxon 83:183–190
Chytridium lagenaria Schenk 1858 (pro parte) ≡ Diplochytridium lagenarium (Schenk) Karling; Arch. Mikrobiol., 76:126–131. 1971. W.H. Blackwell et al. 2002 disagree. See: Mycotaxon 83:183–190
Chytridium latipodium in S.N. Dasgupta; INDIAn Phytopathol., 35:215. 1982; ? nomen nudum
Chytridium mallomonadis Fott; Preslia, 29:278–319, fig. 11:1–4. 1957
Parasitic; Mallomonadis tonsuratae resting spores; pond; Prague, central BOHEMIA
≡ Diplochytridium mallomonadis (Fott) Karling; Arch. Mikrobiol., 76:126–131. 1971
W.H. Blackwell et al. 2002 disagree. See: Mycotaxon 83:183–190
Chytridium marylandicum Paterson; Mycologia, 54:694–703, figs. 1–7, 17 & 18. 1962
Saprobic; matrix of Botryococcus; Blue Pond; Muirkirk, MARYLAND, USA
Chytridium mucronatum Sparrow & M. Barr 1955
≡ Diplochytridium mucronatum (Sparrow & M. Barr) Karling; Arch. Mikrobiol., 76:126–131. 1971
W.H. Blackwell et al. 2002 disagree. See: Mycotaxon 83:183–190.
Chytridium neopapillatum Kobayasi & Konno Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., 14:1–18, fig. 7 A, 1971
Saprobic; pine pollen; sand in water, Angmagssalik, Greenland
Chytridium oedogonii Couch 1938 ≡ Diplochytridium oedogonii (Couch) Karling; Arch. Mikrobiol., 76:126–131. 1971. W.H. Blackwell et al. 2002 disagree. See: Mycotaxon 83:183–190.
Chytridium olla A. Braun [Chytridiales, Chytridiceae sensu Vélez et al.] MB#153717. Mycologia 103:118–130. 2011. Velez et al (2011) designated figures in Braun’s 1855 publication as lectotype, stating that the type no longer existed. F.K. Sparrow , however, had earlier located and photographed the species from a packet labeled “Chytridium olla A. Br. Oedogonium Landsboroughii, Freiburg in B. legit. A. Braun” in the Institute de Botanique at Strasbourg. See: F.K. Sparrow “The type of Chytridium olla A. Braun”. Taxon 22:583–586. 1973. I believe that the Velez et al. lectotype should, instead, be considered an epitype.
Chytridium ottariense Roane; Mycologia, 65:531–538, figs. 3–14. 1973
Saprobic; Volvox, chitin, snake skin; impoundment; Pulaski County, VIRGINIA, USA
Chytridium parasiticum Willoughby 1956 ≡ Chytriomyces willoughbyi (Willoughby) Karling; Mycopath. Mycol. Appl., 36:165–178. 1968
Chytridium pilosum Kobayasi & Konno; Jap. Bot., 45:325–337, Fig. 2 A–K, 1970
Saprobic; cellophane bait; soil from evergreen forest; Tsushima Island, JAPAN
Chytridium polysiphoniae Cohn. [probable Lobulomycetales]; Küpper et. al., Cryptogamie, Algol. 27:165–184. 2006
≡Algochytrops polysiphoniae Doweld. MB#550471. Index Fungorum 123, 1, 2014.
Chytridium proliferum Karling; Sydowia, 20:119–128, figs. 16–28. 1967
Saprobic; pollen, corn leaves, snake skin; acidic soil; NEW ZEALAND
Chytridium reniforme S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India, 30:1–82, fig. 54. 1988
Saprobic ?; Spirogyra; ditch, Sultanpur Road, SE of Lucknow U., INDIA
Chytridium schenkii (Dangeard 1886) Scherffel (emended)
= Chytridium gibbosum Scherffel 1902; T.W. Johnson; Nova Hedwigia, 23:187–199. 1972;
≡ Diplochytridium schenkii (Dangeard) Karling; Arch. Mikrobiol., 76:126–131. 1971
Chytridium schenkii var. dumontii I.J. Dogma; Philipp. Agric., 57:49–54, figs. 1–21. 1973
Saprobic; cellophane, lens paper, onion skin; moist soil; COLUMBIA, S.A.
Chytridium scherffelii (Scherffel) Sparrow 1936 ≡ Diplochytridium scherffelii (Sparrow) Karling; Arch. Mikrobiol., 76:126–131. 1971. W.H. Blackwell et al. 2002 disagree. See: Mycotaxon 83:183–190
Chytridium sexuale Koch 1951 ≡ Diplochytridium sexuale (Koch) Karling; Arch. Mikrobiol., 76:126–131. 1971
W.H. Blackwell et al. 2002 disagree. See: Mycotaxon 83:183–190
Chytridium sparrowii S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. INDIA, 30:1–82, fig. 56. 1988
Saprobic ?; Spirogyra; ditch, Sultanpur Road, SE of Lucknow U., INDIA
Chytridium stellatum (Petersen) Koch 1951 ≡ Diplochytridium stellatum (Petersen) Karling; Arch. Mikrobiol., 76:126–131. 1971. W.H. Blackwell et al. 2002 disagree. See: Mycotaxon 83:183–190
Chytridium telmatoskenae Fott; Preslia 29:278–319, fig. 11:5–10. 1957
Parasitic; Telmatoskene mucosa; pond; Volary, central BOHEMIA
Chytridium turbinatum Kobayashi & Ookubo 1954 ≡ Diplochytridium turbinatum (Kobayashi & Ookubo) Karling Arch. Mikrobiol., 76:126–131. 1971. W.H. Blackwell et al. 2002 disagree. See: Mycotaxon 83:183–190
Chytriomyces Karling 1945 includes Amphicypellus Ingold 1944; I.J. Dogma: Philipp. J. Biol. 5:121–142 (p. 136). 1976. Dogma lists Chytriomyces as “nomen conservandum”; however Chytriomyces is not on the conserved list in the Tokyo Code. For a taxonomic summary of the genus and designation of C. hyalinus as lectotype, see: P.M. Letcher and M.J. Powell, 2002. A taxonomic summary of Chytriomyces (Chytridiomycota). Mycotaxon 84:447–487. (includes key to species of Chytriomyces)
Chytriomyces angularis Longcore; Mycologia 84:442–451, figs. 1–28. 1992
Saprobic; pollen, snake skin; lakes, Sphagnum; MAINE, USA. ≡Lobulomyces angularis D.R. Simmons [Lobulomycetaceaae, Lobulomycetales] Mycological Research 113:450–460, 2009
Chytriomyces annulatus I.J. Dogma; Nova Hedwigia 18:349–365, figs. 1–18. 1969
Saprobic; pollen, snake skin; leaf litter and forest soils; USA. ≡Irineochytrium annulatum (Dogma) Letcher, Longcore and M.J. Powell [Chytridiaceae]. Mycologia 106:1188–1198. 2014; epitype declared
Chytriomyces confervae (Wille) A. Batko; ZH, p. 210. 1975 ≡ Chytridium confervae (Wille) Minden 1915
Chytriomyces cosmarii Karling; Sydowia 20:119–128, figs. 1–7. 1967
Parasitic; Cosmarium spp.; soil; hillside sheep paddock, Taita, NEW ZEALAND
Chytriomyces elegans (Ingold) I.J. Dogma; Philipp. J. Biol. 5:121–142 (p. 136). 1976
≡Amphicypellus elegans Ingold 1944
Chytriomyces gilgaiensis Willoughby; Arch. Mikrobiol. 52:101–131, fig. 6 a–l. 1965
Parasitic; Nowakowskiella crassa; soil; gilgai depression, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA
Chytriomyces heliozoicola Canter; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 49:633–638, fig. 1. 1966
Parasitic; Raphidiocystis lemani in plankton of lakes; E.L.D., UNITED KINGDOM.
Chytriomyces hyalinus Karling emended by Bostick; J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 84:94–99. 1968
Chytriomyces hyalinus var. granulatus Karling; Sydowia 20:119–128, figs. 8–15. 1967
Saprobic; corn leaves, chitin, and snake skin; soil; widespread in NEW ZEALAND
Chytriomyces laevis Karling; Nova Hedwigia 44:137–139, figs. 1–18. 1987
Parasitic; Pythium; soil, stream bank; PANAMA
Chytriomyces macro-operculatus Karling; Nova Hedwigia, 34:645–668, figs. 24–38, 1981
Saprobic; cellophane & corn cotyledons; sandy organic soil; Isla Orquidia, VENEZUELA
Chytriomyces macro-operculatus var. hirsutus Karling Nova Hedwigia 34:645–668, figs. 39–45. 1981
Saprobic; cellophane; sandy organic soil; Isla Orquidia, VENEZUELA
Chytriomyces mammilifer Persiel; Arch. Mikrobiol. 36:283–305, figs. 9, 10. 1960
Saprobic; pine pollen; soil from altitude of 4 K; ECUADOR
Chytriomyces mortierellae Persiel; Arch. Mikrobiol. 36:283–305, figs. 6,7. 1960
Parasitic; Mortierella; soil sample; summit of Piz Buin, AUSTRIA
Chytriomyces multi-operculatus Sparrow & I.J. Dogma Arch. Mikrobiol. 89:177–204, fig. 5. 1973
Saprobic; pine pollen; shallow, black soil; DOMICHIGANNICAN REPUBLIC
Chytriomyces nagatoroensis Konno Sci. Rep. Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku Sect. B 14:227–292, Pl. 4, fig. X. 1972
Parasitic-weak; Spirogyra sp.; water?; Nagatoro (Saitama Prefecture), JAPAN
Chytriomyces poculatus Willoughby & Townley Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc., 44:177–184, fig. 3, Pl. 14. 1961
Saprobic; snake skin; soil; E.L.D., UNITED KINGDOM
≡ Lobulomyces poculatus (Willoughby & Townley) D.R.Simmons [Lobulomycetaceae, Lobulomycetales] Mycological Research 113:450–460, 2009
Chytriomyces reticulatus Persiel; Arch. Microbiol. 36:283–305, fig. 8. 1960
Parasitic; Pythium proliferum; soil; flower pot; Gottingen, GERMANY
Chytriomyces reticulosporus I.J. Dogma; Philipp. J. Biol. 12:385–408, figs. 10–21. 1983
Parasitic; Phlyctochytrium punctatum; cultivated soils; Luzon, PHILIPPINES
Chytriomyces rhizidiomycetis I.J. Dogma Philipp. J. Biol. 12:385–408, figs. 1–9. 1983
Parasitic; Rhizidiomyces bivellatus; cultivated soils; PHILIPPINES & JAPAN
Chytriomyces rotoruaensis Karling; Arch. Microbiol. 70:266–287, figs. 1 P–Y, 2 A–S. 1970
Saprobic; purified shrimp chitin; mud; cooled thermal pool, Rotorua, NEW ZEALAND
Chytriomyces suburceolatus (Willoughby) Willoughby; Nova Hedwigia 7:133–150. 1964. ? Chytridium suburceolatum Willoughby 1956
Chytriomyces vallesiacus Persiel; Arch. Mikrobiol. 36:283–305, fig. 11. 1960
Saprobic; pine pollen; soil; “Felsband am Rimpfischhorn im Wallis,” AUSTRIA
Chytriomyces verrucosus Karling; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 87:326–336, figs. 19A–19K. 1960
Parasitic; Karlingia rosea; soil; Lafayette, INDIANA, USA
Chytriomyces willoughbyi (Willoughby) Karling; Mycopathol. Mycol. Appl. 36:165–178. 1968
≡Chytridium parasiticum Willoughby 1956
CLADOCHYTRIALES S.E. Mozley-Standridge in Mozley-Standridge et al. Mycological Research 113:498– 507. 2009
Contains: Allochytridium, Catenochytridium, Cladochytrium, Cylindrochytrium, ?Diplophlyctis, Nephrochytrium,
Nowakowskiella, Septochytrium
CLADOCHYTRIACEAE J. Schrot., Nat. Pflanzenfam. 1:80 (182) sensu Mozley-Standridge et al. Mycological Research 113:498–507. 2009
Cladochytrium aureum Karling 1949 = C. replicatum Karling 1931. Karling: Sydowia 20:129–136. 1967
Cladochytrium granulatum (Karling) Sparrow 1960 ≡ Nowakowskiella granulata Karling; Sydowia, Beiheft VI, p. 66. 1966
Cladochytrium indicum Singh & Pavgi; Hydrobiologia 37:565–568, figs. 1–7. 1971
Saprobic; snake skin bait; soil; Deoria, U.P., INDIA
Cladochytrium novoguineense Kobayasi & Konno Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., 14:373–386, fig. 3, C–I. 1971
Saprobic; cellophane and onion skin; soil; Papua, NEW GUINEA & SOLOMON ISLANDS
Cladochytrium replicatum Karling 1931 = C. aureum Karling 1949; Karling:Sydowia 20:129–136. 1967
Cladochytrium salsuginosum A. Batko & S.K.M. Hassan Acta Mycol. 22:189–192, figs. 1–9. 1986 (1988)
Saprobic; onion skin bait; brackish water near Frombork, northern POLAND
CLYDEA D.R. Simmons [Lobulomycetales, Lobulomycetaceae] Mycological Research 113:450–460. 2009Clydea vesicula Simmons MB#512110. Mycological Research 113:450–460, figs. 3,4. 2009
Saprobic on pollen bait, soil and duff from Eucalyptus grove, Goleta, CALIFORNIA, USA
COLLIMYCES K. Seto & Y. Degawa, MB#823273 [Collimycetaceae]. Protist 169:507–520. 2018
Collimyces mutans K. Seto & Y. Degawa, MB#823274. Protist 169:507–520. 2018
Parasitic on Microglena (green alga); pond, Kashiwa Bireji Mizube Park (Omuro, Kashiwa, CHIBA, JAPAN)
Collimycetaceae K. Seto & Y. Degawa MB#823272 [Rhizophydiales] Protist 169:507–520. 2018
CORALLOIDIOMYCES Letcher [Rhizophydiales]; Mycologia 100:35–324. 2008
Coralloidiomyces digitatus Letcher, Mycologia 100:35–324. 2008 Type = Figs. 2A–Q, 3A–D,5A–F.
Saprobic; pollen bait; shallow water of lake; Lake Muster, CHUBUT, ARGENTINA
CULTORAQUATICUS trewini Strullu-Derrien MB#815878 and MB#815878. [Chytridiomycota] PLOS1 11 (12): e0167301. doi:10; 1371/journal.pone.0167301. 2016. Fossil; Early Devonian, Rhynie Chert; SCOTLAND
CYCLOPSOMYCES K. Seto & Y. Degawa MB#810512 [Chytridiomycota, Lobulomycetales] MB#810512 ; Mycologia 107:633–640. 2015
Cyclopsomyces plurioperculatus K. Seto & Y. Degawa MB#810513. Mycologia 107:633–640. 2015. Holotype Figs. 1–15. Saprobic; pine pollen bait; soil from broadleaf forest; Sugadiara Montane Research Center, Nagano, JAPAN
Cylindrochytrium endobioticum Willoughby Nova Hedwigia 7:133–150, Pls. 17, 18 a–d, 23. 1964
Saprobic; cellophane and grass leaf baits; soil; Bogle Crag Wood, Lancashire, UNITED KINGDOM
Cylindrochytrium johnstonii B. Karling, Torrey Botanical Club 68 383, figs. 1–16. 1941.
Emended and confirmed to be in the Cladochytriales. R. A. Steiger et al. Mycotaxon 118:293–302, fig. 1. 2011
Saprobic; onion skin bait; algae and plant detritus; MICHIGAN, USA
Dangeardia appendiculata (Zopf) Batko; Acta Mycol., 6:407–435. 1970; Key to Dangeardia
? Scherffeliomyces appendiculatus (Zopf) Sparrow 1936
Dangeardia echinulata A. Batko; Acta Mycol., 6:407–435, figs. 6–20. 1970.
Parasitic; Vitreochlamys (Sphaerellopsis) aulata; pool near Vistula River, Warsaw, POLAND
Dangeardia molesta (Canter) A. Batko; ZH, p. 179. 1975 ? Entophlyctis molesta Canter 1965.
Dangeardia sporapiculata Geitler; Sydowia, 16:324–330, figs. 1–2. 1963.
Parasitic; Chlamydomonas palmaloid stage; lake near Lunz; AUSTRIA
Dangeardia sporapiculata var. minor Geitler (? no type); Oesterr. Bot. Z., 112:603–609, 1965.
Parasitic; Heleochloridis pallidae; soil: Schladming, AUSTRIA
DANGEARDIANA Valkanov [Chytridiales]; Arch. Mikrobiol., 48:239–246. 1964 (no Latin diagnosis) A. Batko:
Acta Mycol., 6:407–435, 1970 (validation of genus + key to related forms). Karling doubts need to separate from Dangeardia;
CI, p. 100. 1977
Dangeardiana apiculata (Braun) A. Batko; Acta Mycol., 6:407–435. 1970
? Entophlyctis apiculata (Braun) Fischer (1892); also see Karling: CI p. 100. 1977
Dangeardiana eudorinae Valkanov (no Latin diagnosis) Arch. Mikrobiol., 48:239–246, figs. 1–12. 1964.
Parasitic; oospores of Eudorina elegans; water; Sofia, Bulgaria
? Dangeardiana eudorinae Valkanov ex A. Batko; Acta Mycol., 6:407–435. 1970
Dangeardiana leptorrhiza (Johns) A. Batko; Acta Mycol., 6:407–435. 1970 Scherffeliomyces leptorrhizus Johns 1956
Dangeardiana sporapiculata (Geitler) A. Batko; Acta Mycol., 6:407–435. 1970.
? Dangeardia sporapiculata Geitler 1963
DELPHINACHYTRIUM Vélez & Letcher [Chytridiales; insertae sedis] MB#MB801577. Mycologia 105:1251–1265. 2013
Delfinachytrium mesopotamicum Vélez & Letcher MB#MB801578. Mycologia 105:1251–1265. 2013
Saprobic; pollen bait; aquatic; marsh in Entre Rios Province, ARGENTINA
DENDROCHYTRIDIUM Letcher, Longcore & M.J. Powell [Chytridiales, Chytridiaceae] MB#803847. Mycologia 106:145–153. 2014
Dendrochytridium crassum Letcher, Longcore & M.J. Powell. MB#803848. Mycologia 106:145–153. 2014
Saprobic or parasitic; pollen bait and Dictyuchus encysted zoospores; aerial tree detritus; Australian Tropical Research Centre, QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA
DICTYOMORPHA Mullins; Amer. J. Bot., 48:377–387. 1961
?Pringsheimiella Couch 1939 (homonym)
Dictyomorpha dioica Couch ex Mullins; Amer. J. Bot., 48:377–387, figs. 1–37. 1961
Parasitic; Oomycetes; Mirror Lake, Highlands, NC, USA ? Pringsheimiella dioica Couch 1939
Dictyomorpha dioica var. pythiensis N. Sarkar & R. Dayal Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. India, Sect. B, 58:403–406 figs. 1–10. 1988
Parasitic; Pythium aphanidermatum; Kurukshetra Pond, Varanasi, U.P., INDIA
DINOCHYTRIUM Lesham, Letcher & M. J. Powell [Chytridiaceae, Chytridiales] MB#813312. Mycologia 108:731–743. 2016
Parasitic; isolated from living Peridinium gatunense; Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galilee), ISRAEL
DINOMYCETACEAE Karpov & Guillou [Rhizophydiales] MB#807620. Protist, 165:230–244. 2014
DINOMYCES Karpov & Guillou [ Dinomycetaceae, Rhizophydiales] MB#807621. Protist, 165:230–244. 2014
Dinomyces arenysensis Karpov & Guillou. MB#807621. Protist, 165:230–244. 2014
Parasitic; dinophytes especially Alexandrium spp.; marine, Arenys de Mar harbour, Mediterranean Sea, SPAIN
DIPLOCHYTRIDIUM Karling [Chytridiales]; Arch. Mikrobiol., 76:126–131. 1971. Segregate of Chytridium Braun. But see: W.H. Blackwell et al. 2002. Regarding the the separation of Diplochytridium spp. from Chytridium sensu lato, see: Mycotaxon 83:183–190.
Diplophlyctis asteroidea I.J. Dogma + key to chitinophilic Diplophlyctis spp.Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc., 67:255–264, figs.1–3. 1976. Saprophytic; chitin; acid bogs; northern MICHIGAN, USA. I retain Asterophlyctis Petersen for chitinophilic species.
Diplophlyctis buttermerensis (Will.) Dogma; Arch. Mikrobiol., 66:203–219, 1969 ? Nephrochytrium buttermerense Willoughby 1962. A. Batko retains N. buttermerense; ZH, p. 220. 1975
Diplophlyctis chitinophila Willoughby; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc., 45:121–136, fig. 5. 1962.
Saprophytic; chitin; submerged mud; lakes, E.L.D., U.K. Probably a species of Asterophlyctis.
Diplophlyctis complicata (Willoughby) Dogma; Nova Hedwigia, 25:143–159. 1974 ? Nephrochytrium complicatum Willoughby 1961
Diplophlyctis nephrochytrioides Karling; Sydowia, 20:109–118, figs. 36–67. 1967
Saprophytic?; Nitella, moribund internodes; Lake Ohau; CANTERBURY PROVINCE, N.Z.
Diplophlyctis sarcoptoides (Petersen) I.J. Dogma; Nova Hedwigia, 25:121–141, 1974. Dogma (loc.cit.) designated figs. 1–38 on Pls. I–IV as neotype. ? Asterophlyctis sarcoptoides Petersen 1903. I retain Asteroplyctis as a genus for A. sarcoptoides [Chytridiaceae]. Also see: Letcher et al. Fungal Biology 122:1109–1123. 2018.
Diplophlyctis sexualis Haskins 1950 ? Nephrochytrium sexuale (Haskins) A Batko; ZH, p. 220. 1975
Diplophlyctis versiformis I.J. Dogma; Philipp. J. Biol., 5:121–142, figs. 1–25. 1976
Saprophytic; shrimp chitin; Bryant’s Bog, Smith’s Bog; MICHIGAN, USA, should probably be in Asterophlyctis Petersen
Endochytrium cystarum I.J. Dogma; Arch. Mikrobiol., 66:203–219, figs. 26–39. 1969.
Saprophytic; lens paper and cellophane bait; forest soil and leaf litter; MICHIGAN, USA
Endochytrium multiguttulatum I.J. Dogma; Dogma unsure of genus placement. Arch. Mikrobiol., 66:203–219, figs. 1–25. 1969.
Saprophytic; lens paper, cellophane, onion; bogs; Cheboygan Co., MICHIGAN, USA
Entophlyctis Fischer 1892; D.J.S. Barr emended and placed in Spizellomycetales; Canad. J. Bot., 58:2380–2394. 1980. Longcore et al. rejected emendment and described Powellomyces for Entophlyctis (sensu Barr, 1980); Canad. J. Bot., 73:1385–1390. 1995. Entophlyctis (sensu Fischer) is in Chytridiales, see Longcore; Mycologia, 87:25–33. 1995, but type species not isolated.
Entophlyctis apiculata (Braun) Fischer 1892 ? Dangeardiana apiculata (Braun) A. Batko; Acta Mycol., 6:407–435. 1970
Entophlyctis bulligera (Zopf) Fischer (1884) = Entophlyctis confervae-glomeratae (Cienkowski) Sparrow (1857); D.J.S. Barr: Canad. J. Bot., 49:2215–2222. 1971
Entophlyctis bulligera var. brevis S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India, 30:1–82, fig. 44. 1988.
Saprophytic ?; vegetative Spirogyra; ditch, Sultanpur Road, SE of Lucknow U., INDIA
Entophlyctis caudiformis S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India, 30:1–82, fig. 47. 1988.
Saprophytic ?; Closterium; tank; Lucknow U., INDIA
Entophlyctis confervae-glomeratae (Cienkowski 1857) Sparrow; D.J.S. Barr (Canad. J. Bot., 49:2215–2222. 1971) considers the following synonyms: = E. bulligera (Zopf) Fischer; = E. vaucheriae; (Fisch) Fischer, = E. helioformis (Dangeard) Ramsbottom; = E. rhizina (Schenk) Minden; Powell & Koch do not consider E. bulligera a synonym; Canad. J. Bot., 55:1668–1685. 1977
Entophlyctis crenata Karling; Sydowia, 20:109–118, figs. 1–12. 1967.
Saprophytic; Vallisneria sp.; small brook; WELLINGTON PROVINCE, N.Z.
Entophlyctis filamentosa in S.N. Dasgupta; Indian Phytopathol. 35:215. 1982; ? nomen nudum
Entophlyctis helioformis (Dangeard) Ramsbottom 1886; = Entophlyctis confervae-glomeratae (Cienkowski) Sparrow; D.J.S. Barr: Canad. J. Bot., 49:2215–2222. 1971
Entophlyctis lobata Willoughby & Townley; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc., 44:177–184. figs. 1–2, Pl. 13, 1961.
Saprophytic; shrimp chitin bait; littoral of Derwentwater, E.L.D., U.K.
Entophlyctis luteolus Longcore [Chytridiaceae]; Mycologia, 87:25–33, figs. 1–20. 1995.
Saprophytic; onion skin and Utricularia; bogs and acid lake; Maine, USA
Entophlyctis mammilliformis S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India, 30:1–82, fig. 46. 1988.
Saprophytic ?; oospores of Spirogyra; pond; Mohanlalganj, east of Lucknow U., India
Entophlyctis molesta Canter; J. Roy. Microscop. Soc. London, 84:549–557, figs. 1–4. 1965
?Parasitic; Stylosphaeridium stipitatum; phytoplankton; English lakes, U.K. ? Dangeardia molesta (Canter) A. Batko 1975
Entophlyctis obscura Sparrow & I.J. Dogma; Arch. Mikrobiol., 89:177–204, fig. 2. A–S. 1973;
Saprophytic; pine pollen bait; soil; DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
Entophlyctis reticulospora P. Cook; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc., 49:545–550, Pls. 28–29. 1966;
Parasitic; Closterium moniliferum et al.; swampy area; Cheboygan Co., MICHIGAN, USA
Entophlyctis rhizina (Schenk) Minden 1858 = Entophlyctis confervae-glomeratae (Cienkowski) Sparrow; D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot., 49:2215–2222. 1971
Entophlyctis sphaerioides S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India, 30:1–82, fig. 48. 1988.
Saprophytic ?; reproductive body of Spirogyra; ditch, Sultanpur Road, SE of Lucknow U., INDIA
Entophlyctis texana Karling 1941; See Sydowia, 20:109–118. 1967 for 1st published figs. In habit and morphology this species strongly resembles an “orange Endochytrium” that I have found in moribund cells of the aquatic plant Eriocaulon (the habit of Karling’s species) in Maine, New York and Michigan.
Entophlyctis variabilis (Karling) Cejp; Omagiu lui Traian Savulescu, 129–138. 1959.
? Phlyctorhiza variabilis Karling 1947; ?Catenophlyctis variabilis (Karl.) Karling 1965
Entophlyctis variabilis Powell & Koch [non E. variabilis (Karling) Cejp 1959] (homonym) Canad. J. Bot., 55:1668–1685, figs. 1–36. 1977. Saprophytic; pollen and Paspalum leaf; soils; NC, USA. ? Powellomyces variabilis Powell & Koch ex Longcore et al. 1995; ? Geranomyces variabilis (Longcore et al.) D.R.Simmons. Mycologia 103:1411–1420. 2011
Entophlyctis vaucheriae (Fisch) Fischer 1884 = Entophlyctis confervae-glomeratae (Cienkowski) Sparrow 1857. D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot., 49:2215–2222. 1971
Entophlyctis willoughbyi Bradley; Amer. J. Bot., 54:577–582, figs. 1–7, 9. 1967 (fossil) In fossil plant parts; Eocene Green River Formation, Wyoming, USA. I do not recognize fossil species placed into genera with extant members. Some genera in different orders of the Chytridiomycota can be distinguished from each other only with difficulty when alive; it is impossible to say to what order, and thus to what genus a fossilized organism belongs.
FAYOCHYTRIOMYCES WJ Davis, Letcher, Longcore, and MJ Powell [Chytridiomycota, Chytriomycetaceae] MB#810999. Mycologia 107:432–439. 2015
Fayochytriomyces spinosus (Fay) WJ Davis, Letcher, Longcore, and MJ Powell MB#811000. Mycologia 107:432–439. 2015.Epitype declared as UACCC WJD186 plus Figs 2 & 3 and 28S rDNA sequence KM281875 in GenBank. ≡ Chytriomyces spinosus Fay (1947).
FIMICOLOCHYTRIUM D. R. Simmons &Longcore [Spizellomycetales, Powellomycetaceae] MB#564196. Mycologia 104:1229–1243. 2012
Fimicolochytrium alabamae D. R. Simmons & Longcore. MB#564198. Mycologia 104:1229–1243. 2012
Saprobic; pollen; pollen bait with horse manure; ALABAMA, USA
Fimicolochytrium jonesii D. R. Simmons & Longcore. MB#564197. Mycologia 104:1229–1243. 2012
Saprobic; pollen; pollen bait with horse manure; MICHIIGAN and MAINE, USA
GAERTNERIOMYCES D.J.S. Barr [Spizellomycetales, Spizellomycetaceae] Canad. J. Bot. 58:2380–2394. 1980
Gaertneriomyces californicus (D.J.S. Barr) M.J. Powell & Letcher. MB#822238. Powell, M.J., Letcher, P.M. and Chen, S-F. Nova Hedwigia 107:205–228. 2018 Ξ Phlyctochytrium californicum D.J.S. Barr, Canad. J. Bot. 47:991–997 + 8 plates
Gaertneriomyces palmatus M.J. Powell & Letcher MB#822234; Powell, M.J., Letcher, P.M. and Chen, S-F. Nova Hedwigia 107:205–228. 2018
Saprobic; pollen; fresh horse manure; Penobscot County, MAINE, USAGaertneriomyces semiglobifer (Uebelmesser) D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 58:2380–2394, 1980
Ξ Phlyctochytrium semiglobiferum Uebelmesser 1956; = P.californicum D.J.S. Barr, 1969
Gaertneriomyces spectabilis Uebelm. ex S.F. Chen, C.Y. Chien, & M.J. Powell, comb. nov. MB#822237; Powell, M.J., Letcher, P.M. and Chen, S-F. Nova Hedwigia 107:205–228. 2018; Ξ Gaertneriomyces spectabile Uebelmesser 1956, nom. invalid. =Gaertneriomyces spectabile S.F. Chen & C.Y. Chien 2000, nom. invalid
Gaertneriomyces tenuis D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 62:1171–1201, figs. 129–137. 1984; Saprobic; pollen; soil; near Port William Dyke, NOVA SCOTIA, CANADA
Ξ Barromyces tenuis (D.J.S. Barr) M.J. Powell & Letcher MB#822236. Powell, M.J., Letcher, P.M. and Chen, S-F. Nova Hedwigia 107:205–228. 2018
GALLINIPES Letcher & M.J. Powell [ Spizellomycetales, Spizellomycetaceae] MB#822136; Nova Hedwigia 107:105–129. 2018
Gallinipes alaskaensis Letcher & M.J. Powell MB#822139; Nova Hedwigia 107:105–129. 2018
Saprobic; pollen; glacial till, Wasilla, ALASKA, USA
Gallinipes danensis Letcher & M.J. Powell MB#822138; Nova Hedwigia 107:105–129. 2018
Saprobic; pollen; soil from south bank of Dan river, NORTH CAROLINA, USAGallinipes pseudodichotomus (D.J.S. Barr) Letcher & M.J. Powell MB#822137. Nova Hedwigia 107:105–129. 2018
Ξ Spizellomyces pseudodichotomus D.J.S. Barr, Canad. J. Bot. 62:1171–1201, 1984
GAMMAMYCES Letcher [Rhizophydiales, Alphamycetaceae] Nova Hedwigia 94:9–29. 2012
Gammamyces ourimbahensis Letcher MB#561199.Nova Hedwigia 94:9–29, figs. 10–13, 16, 30–34. 2012
Saprobic; pollen; subtropical rainforest; Palm Grove forest, Ourimbah, NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA
GERANOMYCES D.R. Simmons [Spizellomycetales, Powellomycetaceae] MB#519610. Mycologia 103:1411– 1420. 2011
Geranomyces hawaiiensis D.R. Simmons &Longcore. MB#564200. Mycologia 104:1229–1243. 2012
Saprobic; pollen bait added soil from volcanic rim; Mount Kilauea, HAWAII, USA
Geranomyces michiganensis D.R. Simmons &Longcore. MB#564199. Mycologia 104:1229–1243. 2012
Saprobic; pollen bait added to pasture soil or horse manure, Alpena County, MICHIGAN, USA
Geranomyces tanneri D.R. Simmons &Longcore . MB#564201. Mycologia 104:1229–1243. 2012
Saprobic; pollen bait added to horse manure, Penobscot County, MAINE, USA
Geranomyces variabilis (Longcore, D.J.S. Barr & Désaulniers)D.R. Simmons. MB#519611.Mycologia 103:1411– 1420. 2011. ≡ Powellomyces variabilis Longcore et al, Can. J. Bot. 73:1390, (1995)
≡ Entophlyctis variabilis sensu Powell and Koch, Can. J. Bot. 55:1672, (1977)
non E. variabilis (Karling) Cejp, Omagiu lui Traian Savulescu cu prilejul implinirii a 70 de ani:131, (1959)
GLOBOMYCETACEAE Letcher [Rhizophydiales] MB#511775. Letcher et al. Mycological Research, 112:759–782. 2008
GLOBOMYCES Letcher [Rhizophydiales, Globomycetaceae] MB#511780. Mycological Research, 112:759–782. 2008
Globomyces pollinis-pini (A. Braun) Letcher MB#511788.
Ξ Chytridium pollinis-pini A. Braun 1855, Ξ Rhizophydium pollinis-pini (A. Braun) Zopf 1887, = Chytridium vagans A. Braun 1856, = Phlyctidium vagans (A. Braun) Rabenh. 1868
GORGONOMYCETACEAE Letcher [Rhizophydiales] MB#511768; Letcher et al. Mycological Research, 112:759–782. 2008
GORGONOMYCES Letcher [Rhizophydiales, Gorgonomycetaceae] Mycological Research, 112:759–782. 2008
Gorgonomyces haynaldii (Schaarschm.) Letcher Ξ Phlyctidium haynaldii Schaarschm.
Ξ Rhizophydium haynaldii (Schaarschm.) A. Fisch. Epitype declared by Letcher in Letcher et al., Mycol. Res. 112:764, figs 2E–I, 768, fig 5B, 2008
GROMOCHYTRIACEAE Karpov & Aleoshin [Gromochytriales] MB#805306. Karpov et al. Persoonia 32:115–126, 2014
GROMOCHYTRIALES Karpov & Aleoshin MB#805305. Karpov et al. Persoonia 32:115–126, 2014
GROMOCHYTRIUM Karpov & Aleoshin [Gromochytriales; Gromochytriaceae] MB#805307. Karpov et al. Persoonia 32:115–126, 2014
Gromochytrium mamkaevae Karpov & Aleoshin MB#805308. Karpov et al. Persoonia 32:115–126, 2014
Parasite; Tribonema gayanum; ditch near Kirovsk, Leningrad Region, RUSSIA
HALOMYCETACEAE Letcher & M.J. Powell [Chytridiomycota, Rhizophydiales] MB#811430. Letcher et al. Mycologia 107:808–830
HALOMYCES Letcher & M.J. Powell [Halomycetaceae] MB#811430. Letcher et al. Mycologia 107:808–830
Halomyces littoreus (Amon) Letcher & M.J. Powell comb. nov.
MB#811464 Ξ Rhizophydium littoreum Amon Mycologia 76:132–139. 1984. Letcher et al. Mycologia 107:808–830
Hapalopera Fott 1942; rejected by Karling; CI, Pp. 64, 65. 1977; accepted by A. Batko; ZH, Pp. 169–170. 1975
Hapalopera achnanthis (Friedmann) A. Batko; ZH, p. 170. 1975 Ξ Rhizophydium achnanthis Friedmann 1952
Hapalopera difficilis (Canter) A. Batko; ZH, p. 169. 1975 Ξ Rhizophydium difficile Canter 1954
Hapalopera fragilariae (Canter) A. Batko; ZH, p. 170. 1975 Ξ Rhizophydium fragilariae Canter 1950
Hapalopera melosirae (Friedmann) A. Batko; ZH, p. 170. 1975 Ξ Rhizophydium melosirae Friedmann 1952
Hapalopera piriformis Fott; A. Batko; ZH, p. 170. 1975
Ξ Rhizophydium piriformis (Fott) Karling; CI. p. 65. 1977
KAPPAMYCES P.M. Letcher and M.J. Powell [Rhizophydiales, Kappamycetaceae], 2005. Nova Hedwigia 80:115–133
KAPPAMYCETACEAE Letcher [Rhizophydiales] Mycological Research 110:898–915, 2006
Kappamyces laurelensis Letcher & M.J. Powell Nova Hedwigia 80:115–133. 2005
saprobic; pollen; moss-covered soil from along stream; Cloudland Canyon State Park, Chickamauga, GEORGIA, USA.
Kappamyces microporosus A.L. Jesus & C.L.A. Pires-Zottarelli. MB#835250. Nova Hedwigia 110:293–305. 2020
Soil samples, on pollen grains, São Paulo State, Peruíbe, Mosaico de Unidades de Conservação Juréia Itatins, 24 Aug. 2016, BRAZIL
Karlingia Johanson 1944; Sparrow 1960 placed exooperculate spp. in Karlingiomyces. Karlingiomyces not accepted by Karling; Sydowia, Beiheft VI., p. 58. 1966. Karlingia is nomenclaturally superfluous, see: W.H. Blackwell and M.J. Powell, 1999. Mycotaxon 70:213–217
Karlingia aurantiaca Karling; Nova Hedwigia 27:747–771, figs. 22–31. 1976
Saprobic; corn leaves; soil; Blantyre, MALAWI
Karlingia exo-operculata Karling; Nova Hedwigia 28:209–229, figs. 1–16. 1976
Saprobic; cellophane bait; soil; Orlando, FLORIDA, USA
Karlingia expandens (Salkin) Karling; Nova Hedwigia 28:209–229. 1976
Ξ Allochytridium expandens Salkin 1970; A. expandens preferred.
Karlingia granulata Karling not Karlingiomyces granulatus (Karling) Sparrow 1960; I.J. Dogma; Nova Hedwigia 25:91–105. 1974
Karlingia lacustris Hassan; Nova Hedwigia, 37:435–440, figs. 1–7. 1983
Saprobic; onion skin bait; Mikolajki Lake; northeast POLAND
Karlingia lobata var. microspora Karling; Nova Hedwigia 40:329–340, Pl. 1, figs. 1–18. 1984
Saprobic; bleached corn cotyledons; soil; LaGuajira, COLOMBIA (South America)
Karlingia polonica Hassan; Nova Hedwigia 38:727–740, figs.1–17, Pl. 1. 1983
Saprobic; onionskin; water, Mlociny Park, POLAND
Karlingia spinosa Karling not Rhizophlyctis spinosa (Karling) Sparrow 1960; I.J. Dogma; Nova Hedwigia 25:91–105. 1974
KARLINGIELLA Jerônimo, Jesus & Pires-Zottarelli [Cladochytriales, Cladochytriaceae] Mycologia 111:506–516. 2019
Karlingiella elongata (Karling) Jerônimo, Jesus & Pires-Zottarelli Mycologia 111:506–516. 2019
Ξ Nowakowskiella elongata Karling 1944
Karlingiomyces Sparrow 1960; rejected by Karling; Sydowia, Beiheft VI. p. 58. 1966
Accepted by I.J. Dogma; Nova Hedwigia 24:393–411. 1973. See genus synopsis and key in Blackwell et al. 2004. Mycotaxon 89:259—276. See position in Polychytriales in Longcore & Simmons Mycologia 104:276–294. 2012
Karlingiomyces asterocystis (Karling) Sparrow 1960 [Polychytriales] MB#287356. Epitype culture = JEL527 Mycologia 104:276–294. 2012
Karlingiomyces laevis Konno; Sci. Rep. Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku Sect. B 14:227–292, Pl. 8, E–H. 1972
Saprobic; cellophane bait; forest soil; Susono-machi (Shizuoka Prefecture), JAPAN
KOCHIOMYCES D.J.S. Barr [Spizellomycetales, Spizellomycetaceae]; Canad. J. Bot. 58:2380–2394. 1980
Kochiomyces dichotomus (Umphlett) D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 58:2380–2394. 1980
Ξ Phlyctochytrium dichotomum Umphlett 1967
KRISPIROMYCES Taylor, Hass & Remey, Mycologia 84:901–910. 1992 Fossil; compared to PhlyctochytriumKrispiromyces discoides Taylor, Hass & Remy, Mycologia, 84:901–910, figs. 21–24, 27. 1992;
Fossil consistently associated with Palaeonitella cells; Lower Devonian, Rhynie, Aberdeenshire, SCOTLAND, U.K.
LACUSTROMYCES Longcore [Polychytriales] Canad. J. Bot. 71:414–425. 1993
Lacustromyces hiemalis Longcore; Canad. J. Bot. 71:414–425, figs. 1–42. 1993
Saprobic; chitin; lakes, MAINE, USA
LOBULOMYCETALES D.R. Simmons [Chytridiomycota] Mycological Research 113:450–460. 2009
LOBULOMYCETACEAE D.R. Simmons [Lobulomycetales] Mycological Research 113:50–460. 2009
LOBULOMYCES D.R. Simmons; [Lobulomyctales, Lobulomycetaceae] Mycological Research 113:450–460. 2009
Lobulomyces angularis (Longcore) D.R. Simmons; Mycological Research 113:450–460. 2009
ΞChytriomyces angularis Longcore Mycologia 84:442–451. 1992
Lobulomyces poculatus (Willoughby & Townley) D.R. Simmons. Mycological Research 113:450–460.
ΞChytriomyces poculatus Willoughby & Townley) Transactions of the British Mycological Society 44:183. 1961
LYONOMYCES Taylor, Hass & Remy; Mycologia, 84:901–910. 1992
Fossil; compared to Rhizophydium.
Lyonomyces pyriformis Taylor, Hass & Remy; Mycologia, 84:901–910, figs. 16–20. 1992
fossil, on outer surface of Paranitella walls; Lower Devonian; Rhynie, Aberdeenshire, SCOTLAND
Macrochytrium botrydiella in S.N. Dasgupta; Indian Phytopathol., 35:215. 1982; Nom. nudum
Macrochytrium botrydioides var. minutum S.N. Dasgupta & R. John (no Latin diagnosis); Bull. Bot. Surv. India, 30:1–82, fig. 67. 1988
Saprobic; submerged pears as bait; tank; Lucknow U., INDIA
MAUNACHYTRIUM D.R. Simmons [Lobulomycetales, Lobulomycetaceae]; Mycological Research 113:450–460. 2009
Maunachytrium keaense D.R. Simmons Mycological Research 113:450–460. 2009.
Saprobic, pollen bait, soil, Mauna kea, HAWAII
MESOCHYTRIACEAE Karpov & Aleoshin [Chytridiomycetes, Mesochytriales] MB#805304. Persoonia 32:115–126. 2014
MESOCHYTRIALES Karpov & Aleoshin [Chytridiomycetes] MB#805303. Persoonia 32:115–126. 2014
MESOCHYTRIUM Gromov, B. V., Mamkaeva, K.A., and Pljusch, A.V. Nova Hedwigia 71:151–160. 2000; in Mesochytriaceae, Mesochytriales, see Persoonia 32:115–126. 2014
Mesochytrium penetrans Gromov, B. V., Mamkaeva, K.A., and Pljusch, A.V. Nova Hedwigia 71:151–160. 2000;
Parasitic; Chlorococcum minutum; small lake, Karelia; RUSSIA
emend Karpov Persoonia 32:115–126. 2014
Micromyces furcata Rieth; Kulturpflanze, Beiheft 3:286–295, Pl. 2 A–H. 1962
Parasitic; Spirogyra longata; Stechlinsee region; GERMANY
Micromyces grandis Miller 1955 Ξ Synchytrium grandis (Miller) Karling; “Synchytrium“, Academic Press, NY. p. 124. 1964
MICROMYCOPSIDACEAE Subramanium; Curr. Sci. 43:722–723. 1974. Family not included by D.J.S. Barr; HP, p. 463, 1990.
MILLEROMYCES Taylor, Hass & Remy; Mycologia 84:901–910, 1992
Fossil genus compared to Endochytrium.
Milleromyces rhyniensis Taylor, Hass & Remy; Mycologia 84:901–910, figs. 2–15. 1992
Fossil associated with Palaeonitella cells; Lower Devonian; Rhynie, Aberdeenshire, SCOTLAND, UK.
“Miller’s dentate” = named as Odontochytrium milleri Ve´lez and Letcher, MB#801484. Mycologia 105:1251–1265. 2013
Mitochytridium regale S.K.M. Hassan; Acta Mycol. 18:155–160, figs.1–4, Pl. I. (1982) 1986
Saprobic; snake skin bait; pond; Lazienki Royal Garden, Warsaw, POLAND
NEOKARLINGIA Longcore & D. R. Simmons [Polychytriales]. MB#561586. Mycologia 104:276–294. 2011
Neokarlingia chitinophila (Karling) Longcore & D. R. Simmons. MB#561587. Mycologia 104:276–294. 2011
≡Karlingia chitinophila Karling, Mycologia 41:506, Figs. 1–8. 1949
≡Rhizophlyctis chitinophila (Karling) Sparrow, Aquatic Phycomycetes p. 444. 1960
Nephrochytrium bipes Hassan; Nova Hedwigia 38:727–740, figs. 18–28, Pl. 2. 1983
Saprobic; onion skin; pond; near Warsaw, POLAND
Nephrochytrium buttermerense Willoughby; Nova Hedwigia 3:439–444, Pls. 114–116. 1961
Saprobic; cellophane bait; submerged mud; Buttermere, E.L.D., U.K.
Ξ Diplophlyctis buttermerense (Willoughby) I.J. Dogma 1969. Not D. butermerense (Willoughby) I.J. Dogma; A. Batko; ZH, p. 220. 1975
Nephrochytrium complicatum Willoughby; Nova Hedwigia 3:439–444, Pls. 112, 113. 1961;
Saprobic; chitin bait; submerged lake mud; Ennerdale, E.L.D., U.K.
Ξ Diplophlyctis complicata (Willoughby) I.J. Dogma 1974; combination also made by A. Batko; ZH, p.186. 1975
Nephrochytrium sexuale (Haskins) A. Batko; ZH, p. 220. 1975 Ξ Diplophlyctis sexualis Haskins 1950
Nowakowskiella crassa Karling 1949; = Nowakowskiella elegans (Nowakowski) Schroeter 1893 ; T.W. Johnson. Mycologia 69:34–45. 1977
Nowakowskiella delica Whiffen 1943 = Nowakowskiella elegans (Nowakowski) Schroeter 1893; T.W. Johnson. Mycologia 69:34–45. 1977
Nowakowskiella elegans (Nowak.) Schroeter 1893
= N. crassa Karling 1949, = N. delica Whiffen 1943
= N. endogena Constantineau 1901
= N. profusa Karling 1944; T.W. Johnson: Mycologia 69:34–45. 1977
Nowakowskiella granulata Karling 1944 =? Cladochytrium granulatum (Karling) Sparrow 1960.
Karling did not agree with Sparrow’s 1960 placement in Cladochytrium; Sydowia, Beiheft VI. p. 66. 1966
Nowakowskiella keratinophila S.K.M. Hassan & A. Batko Acta Mycol. 22:193–196, figs. 1–7, 1986 (1988);
Saprobic; snake skin bait; brackish water; Bay Zalew Wislany, POLAND
Nowakowskiella methistemichroma A. Batko & S.K.M. Hassan; +key to Nowakowskiella spp. Sydowia 35:27–36, figs. 1–21. 1982
Saprobic; onion skin bait; water and mud; Kampinos National Park, POLAND
Nowakowskiella moubasherana S.K.M. Hassan Acta Mycol. 19:77–82, figs. 1–18 & Pl. I. 1983;
Saprobic; onion skin bait; Sphagnum bog water; near Warsaw, POLAND
Nowakowskiella multispora Karling; Sydowia 17:314–319, figs.1–8. 1964
Saprobic; corn leaves and cellophane; soil; dry catch basin, Rhamnad Dist., INDIA
Nowakowskiella multispora Karling var. longa Kiran & Dayal; Acta Botanica Indica 20:303–304, figs. 1–8. 1993
Saprobic; pond water; leaf litter, insect wings and cellophane; Ramkatora (Varanasi), U.P. INDIA. No type, no Latin.
Nowakowskiella pitcairnensis Karling; Nova Hedwigia 15:191–201, figs. 1–19. 1968
Saprobic; hemp seed bait; soil; Pitcairn, OCEANIA
Nowakowskiella profusa Karling 1944 = Nowakowskiella elegans (Nowakowski) Schroeter 1893; T.W. Johnson: Mycologia 69:34–45
Nowakowskiella profusa forma constricta Kobayasi & Konno; Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. 14:373–386, fig. 3, A–B. 1971
Saprobic; cellophane; soil; Papua, TERRITORY OF NEW GUINEA AND SOLOMON ISLANDS
Nowakowskiella sculptura Karling; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 44:453–457, figs. 1–24. 1961
Saprobic; cellophane bait; soil; Baton Rouge, LOUISIANA, USA
NOWAKOWSKIELLACEAE Sparrow ex S.E. Mozley-Standridge [Cladochytriales] in Mozley-Standridge et al. Mycological Research 113:498—507
Obelidium megarhizum Willoughby Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 44:586–592, fig. 1, Pl. 37. 1961
Saprobic; termite wings; submerged mud; Malham Tarn, U.K.
ODONTOCHYTRIUM Vélez and Letcher [Chytridiales, Chytriomycetaceae] MB#801483; Mycologia 105:1251–1265. 2013
Odontochytrium milleri Vélez and Letcher MB#801484. Mycologia 105:1251–1265. 2013
Saprobic; widespread on pollen and chitin baits; aquatic; type from TIERRA DEL FUEGO, ARGENTINA
OPERCULOMYCES M.J. Powell, Letcher, & Longcore [Rhizophydiales] MB#519309. Mycologia, 103:854–862. 2011
Operculomyces laminatus M.J. Powell, Letcher & Longcore. MB#519310.Mycologia, 103:854–862. 2011
Saprobic; garden soil baited with keratin; Orono (Penobscot County), MAINE, USA
PALUDOMYCES Letcher & M.J. Powell, gen. nov. [Chytridiomycota, Halomycetaceae] MB#811465. Letcher et al. Mycologia 107:808–830. 2015
Paludomyces mangrovei (Ulken) Letcher & M.J. Powell, comb. nov. MB#811466130.
Ξ Phlyctochytrium mangrovei Ulken, Veroff. Inst. Meeresforsch. Bremerhaven 13:227. 1972.
Letcher et al. Mycologia 107:808–830. 2015
PARANOMYCES Letcher & M.J. Powell [Rhizophydiales, Halomycetaceae] MB#811469 Mycologia, 107:808–830. 2015
Paranamyces uniporus Letcher & M.J. Powell, MB#811470. Mycologia, 107:808–830. 2015. Saprobic; pollen, estuarine mud flat, Delta del Parana´, BUENOS AIRES PROV, ARGENTINA
HOLOTYPE = FIG. 4E in Letcher et al. Mycologia 107:808–830. 2015.
PATERAMYCETACEAE MB#MB 511776. [Rhizophydiales] Mycological Research 112:759–782. 2008
PATERAMYCES Letcher [Rhizophydiale, Pateramycetaceae] Mycological Research 112:759–782. 2008
Pateramyces corrientinensis Letcher Mycological Research 112:759–782. 2008
saprobic, pollen bait, small lake, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, ARGENTINA
PENDULICHYTRIUM K. Seto & Y. Degawa MB#821132 [Chytridiales, Chytriomycetaceae] Mycoscience 2017
Pendulichytrium sphaericum K. Seto & Y. Degawa MB#821171. Mycoscience 2017
Phlyctidium (Braun) Rabenhorst 1868 = Rhizophydium Schenk 1858; Karling: CI, Pp. 64–65. 1977
Phlyctidium anatropum (Braun) Rabenhorst 1856 Ξ Rhizophydium anatropum (Braun) Karling; CI, p. 65. 1977
Phlyctidium apophysatum Canter 1947 emended by H. Canter; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 44:522–528, figs. 1–3 & Pl. 34, figs.1–10. 1961;
Parasitic; Mougeotia; E.L.D., U.K. Ξ Canteria apophysata (Canter) Karling 1971
Phlyctidium brevipes var. marinum Kobayasi & Ookubo 1954
Ξ Rhizophydium brevipes var. marinum (Kobayasi & Ookubo) Karling; CI, p. 65, 1977
Phlyctidium bumilleriae Couch 1932 Ξ Rhizophydium bumilleriae (Couch) Karling; CI, p. 65. 1977
Phlyctidium globosum Skuja 1956 Ξ Rhizophydium skujai (Skuja) Karling; CI, p. 64. 1977
Phlyctidium keratinophilum Ookubo and Kobayasi 1955
Ξ Rhizophydium ellipsoidium (Ookubo & Kobayasi) Karling; CI, p. 64. 1977
Phlyctidium keratinophilum var. savulescui Cejp; Omagiu lui Traian Savulescu (Bucuresti), 129–138, fig. 1. 1959;
Saprobic; human hair; rill; pasture near Rokycany, ROMANIA
Phlyctidium marinum Karling; Sydowia 20:74–84, Pl. XII, figs. 1–8. 1967;
Saprobic; Pinus pollen; beach sand + sea water; Aukland, NEW ZEALAND
Ξ Rhizophydium novae-zelandiensis (Karling) Karling; CI, p. 65. 1977
Phlyctidium mycetophagum Karling 1946 Ξ Rhizophydium obypriformis (Karling) Karling; CI, p. 64. 1977
Phlyctidium olla Sparrow 1933 Ξ Rhizophydium olla (Sparrow) Karling; CI, p. 65. 1977
Phlyctidium scenedesmi Fott; Z. Allg. Mikrobiol. 7:97–102, figs. 1–16. 1967;
Parasitic; Scenedesmus quadricauda in mass culture; water; Trebon, CZECHOSLOVAKIA;
Ξ Rhizophydium scenedesmi (Fott) Karling; CI, p. 65. 1977
Phlyctidium spinulosum Sparrow 1933 Ξ Rhizophydium spinulosum (Sparrow) Karling; CI, p. 65. 1977
Phlyctidium tenue Sparrow 1952 Ξ Rhizophydium tenue (Sparrow) Karling; CI, p. 65. 1977
Phlyctidium tubulatum in S.N. Dasgupta; Indian Phytopathol. 35:215. 1982; ? nomen nudum
Phlyctochytrium acuminatum D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 47:991–997, figs. 71–82. 1969;
Saprobic; pine pollen; soil; southwestern Ontario, Canada; Ξ Spizellomyces acuminatus (D.J.S. Barr) D.J.S. Barr 1984
Phlyctochytrium aestuarii Ulken; Veröff. Inst. Meeresforsch. Bremerhaven 13:205–216, figs. 5 & 6. 1972;
Saprobic; pine pollen; river mud, Weser Estuary; GERMANY
Phlyctochytrium africanum Gaertner 1954 (not validly published)
= Spizellomyces acuminatus (D.J.S. Barr) D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 62:1171–1201. 1984
Phlyctochytrium apophysatum S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30:1–82, fig. 36. 1988;
Saprobic ?; Closterium; tank, garden; Lucknow U., INDIA
Phlyctochytrium arcticum D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot., 48:2279–2283, figs.1–17. 1970
Saprobic; pollen; soil, pH 7.9; Canadian Arctic; Ξ Triparticalcar arcticum D.J.S. Barr 1984
Phlyctochytrium aureliae1945 Ajello = Phlyctochytrium variable 1954; T.W. Johnson; Norw. J. Bot. 22:249–257. 1975
Phlyctochytrium californicum D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 47:991–997, figs. 23–33. 1969
Saprobic; pine pollen; soil; CALIFORNIA, USA. = Gaertneriomyces semiglobiferum (Uebelmesser) Barr 1980. Ξ Gaertneriomyces californicus (D.J.S. Barr) M.J. Powell & Letcher; Nova Hedwigia 2017 (in press)
Phlyctochytrium chandleri Sparrow; Arch. Microbiol. 104:39–49, figs. 6–9. 1975
Saprobic; pollen; soil; oasis, TUNISIA
Phlyctochytrium circulidentatum Koch Mycologia 61:1021–1030, figs. 1–3, 11–17. 1969;
Saprobic; pollen and moribund Closterium; bottom debris; Ravenal Lake, NORTH CAROLINA, USA
Phlyctochytrium cystoferum Willoughby; Arch. Mikrobiol. 52:01–131, fig. 1 a–h. 1965
Saprobic; grass leaf bait; soil from heath; Victoria, AUSTRALIA;
Ξ Polyphlyctis cystofera (Willoughby) A. Batko; ZH, p. 183. 1975
Phlyctochytrium dichotomum Umphlett; Mycologia, 59:1085–1096, figs. 1–41. 1967
Saprobic; sweet gum pollen; soil + sawdust; Chatham Co., NORTH CAROLINA, USA
Ξ Kochiomyces dichotomus (Umphlett) D.J.S. Barr 1980
Phlyctochytrium dissolutum S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30:1–82, fig. 37. 1988;
Saprobic ?; Closterium; tank, garden; Lucknow U., INDIA
Phlyctochytrium furcatum Sparrow; Arch. Mikrobiol. 53:178–180, figs. 1–9. 1966
Saprobic; pine pollen; almost dry bog with Vaccinium; MICHIGAN, USA
Phlyctochytrium hirsutum Karling; Sydowia 20:86–95, figs. 3–10. 1967;
Saprobic; purified shrimp chitin; soil; NEW ZEALAND
Phlyctochytrium incrustans Sparrow & Lange; Canad. J. Bot. 55:1879–1890, figs. 19–22. 1977
Saprobic; pine pollen; bog; Emmet Co., MICHIGAN, USA
Phlyctochytrium indicum Karling; Sydowia 17:285–296, figs. 16–31. 1964;
Saprobic; pine pollen; brackish soil; Rhamnad Dist., Madras, INDIA
Phlyctochytrium irregulare Koch; J. Elisha Mitchell. Sci. Soc. 73:108–122, figs. 13–24. 1957
Saprobic; Liquidambar pollen and Paspalum leaves bait; wet soils; NORTH CAROLINA, USA
Phlyctochytrium kniepii Gaertner 1954 (not validly published)
Ξ Spizellomyces kniepii Gaertner ex D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 62:1171–1201. 1984
Phlyctochytrium lackeyi Sparrow; Mycologia 68:1233–1234, figs. 1–4. 1976
Saprobic; pollen; Punch Bowl; Milford, FLORIDA, USA
Phlyctochytrium macrosporum Sparrow; Mycologia 70:40–149, figs. 1–14. 1978
Parasitic?; live pine pollen; neuston; Newnan’s Lake, FLLORIDA, USA
Phlyctochytrium mangrovii Ulken; Veröff. Inst. Meeresforsch. Bremerhaven 13:217–230, figs. 1,2. 1972
Saprobic; pine pollen and cattle hair; mangrove muds; Cananeia, SAO PAULO, BRAZIL
Phlyctochytrium marilandicum Sparrow; Mycologia 65:1331–1336, figs. 1–11. 1973
Saprobic; pollen; woodland soil; MARYLAND, USA
Phlyctochytrium megastomum Karling; Mycopathol. Mycol. Appl. 36:165–178, figs. 1–17. 1968
Saprobic; bleached corn leaves; soil; Rarotonga, COOK ISLANDS.
= P. irregularis Koch 1957 (Sparrow opinion, unpublished)
Phlyctochytrium mucosum Sparrow & I.J. Dogma; Arch. Mikrobiol. 89:177–204, fig. 1, J–M. 1973
Saprobic; pine pollen bait; soil; DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
Phlyctochytrium multidentatum Umphlett; Mycologia 61:1021–1030, figs.4–10. 1969
Saprobic; sweet gum pollen; “soil & water” Chapel Hill, NORTH CAROLINA, USA
Phlyctochytrium neuhausiae Sparrow; Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 81:2–5, figs. 10–14. 1974
Saprobic; pine pollen; soil; Delphi, GREECE
Phlyctochytrium palustre Gaertner 1954 (not validly published)
? Spizellomyces palustris Gaertner ex D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot.62:1171–1201. 1984
Phlyctochytrium parasitans Sparrow & I.J. Dogma; Arch. Mikrobiol. 89:177–204, fig. 2, T–U. 1973
Parasitic; Achlya flagellata eggs; damp soil; Carretara Duarte, HISPANIOLA
Phlyctochytrium peruvianum Knox (not validly published) PhD thesis, VPI, Blacksburg, VA. 1970
= Spizellomyces punctatus (Koch) D.J.S. Barr 1984
Phlyctochytrium planicorne Atkinson 1909 emended by Umphlett & Holland; Mycologia 52:429–435. 1960
= Rhizophydium digitatum Scherffel 1926; T.W. Johnson: Norw. J. Bot. 22:249–257. 1975
See: P.M. Letcher and M.J. Powell, 2005. Phylogenetic position of Phlyctochytrium planicorne [Chytridiomycota, Chytridiales] based on zoospore ultrastructure and partial nuclear LSU rRNA gene sequence analysis. Nova Hedwigia 80:135–146
Phlyctochytrium plurigibbosum D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 47:991–997, figs. 44–52. 1969
Saprobic; pine pollen; soil; Ottawa, ONTARIO, CANADA
Ξ Spizellomyces plurigibbosus (D.J.S. Barr) D.J.S. Barr 1984
Phlyctochytrium powhatanense Roane; Mycologia 65:531–538, figs. 1–2, 15–20. 1973
Saprobic; rotifer, chitin, snake skin; impoundment; Pulaski Co., VIRGINIA, USA
Phlyctochytrium punctatum Koch; J. Elisha Mitchell. Sci. Soc. 73:108–122, figs. 1–16. 1957
Saprobic; Liquidambar and pine pollen bait; soil; NEW GUINEA; Ξ Spizellomyces punctatus (Koch) Barr 1984
Phlyctochytrium recurvastomum Knox & Paterson; Mycologia 65:373–387, figs. 11–18. 1973
Saprobic; pollen; soil; McMurdo area, ANTARCTICA
Phlyctochytrium rhizopenicillium Knox (not valid pub.) PhD thesis, VPI, Blacksburg, VIRGINIA. 1970
Phlyctochytrium semiglobiferum Uebelmesser 1956
Ξ Gaertneriomyces semiglobiferus (Uebel.) D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 58:2380–2394. 1980
Phlyctochytrium spinosum Sparrow; Mycologia 65:1331–1336, figs. 12–16. 1973;
Saprobic; pollen ?; soil from spring-fed meadow; Hawaii, USA
Phlyctochytrium variable Rieth 1954; = Phlyctochytrium aureliae Ajello 1945; T.W. Johnson; Norw. J. Bot. 22:249–257
Phlyctochytrium vaucheriae Rieth 1956; Ξ Blyttiomyces vaucheriae (Rieth) I.J. Dogma; Mycologia 61:1149–1158. 1969
Phlyctochytrium verruculosum Knox (not valid pub.) PhD thesis, VPI, Blacksburg, VIRGINIA. 1970
= Spizellomyces punctatus (Koch) D.J.S. Barr ; Canad. J. Bot. 58:2380–2394. 1980
Phlyctorhiza variabilis Karling 1947
Ξ Entophlyctis variabilis (Karling) Cejp; Omagiu lui Traian S?vulescu 129–138. 1959
Ξ Catenophlyctis variabilis (Karling) Karling; Amer. J. Bot. 52:133–138. 1965
Podochytrium chitinophilum Willoughby; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 44:586–592, fig. 2, Pl. 38. 1961
Saprobic; termite wings; Wastwater, E.L.D., UNITED KINGDOM
Podochytrium dentatum Longcore; Mycologia 84:183–192, figs. 1–29. 1992;
Saprobic; chitin; lake, circumneutral pH; MAINE, USA
Podochytrium ellerbeckense Willoughby; Nova Hedwigia 5:335–340, Pl. 53 a–w. 1963
Saprobic; waterlily leaf stalks; garden pond; E.L.D., UNITED KINGDOM
POLYPHAGALES Doweld (Chytridiomycetes) Index Fungorum 90:1 (2014); described from literature without molecular support. Molecular support by Karpov et al. М И К О Л О Г И Я И Ф И Т О П А Т О Л О Г И Я 6: В ы п. 6 (2016).
Polyphagus asymmetricus Valkanov (no Latin diagnosis); Arch. Protistenk. 106:565–568, Pl. 44. 1963
Parasitic; Botrydiopsis; hyponeuston, southern BULGARIA
Polyphagus elegans Canter; Nova Hedwigia 5:419–428, Pls. 74–76. 1963
Parasitic; Ulothrix mucosum; plankton; Windermere, E.L.D., UNITED KINGDOM
Polyphagus euglenae Nowakowski, For TEM of zoospores see M.J. Powell; Can. J. Bot. 59:2049–2061. 1981
Polyphagus hyponeustonica (Valkanov) Karling; CI, p. 174. 1977 (sp. not validated)
Ξ Arnaudovia hyponeustonica Valkanov 1963 (no Latin diagnosis)
Polyphagus serpentinus Canter; Nova Hedwigia 5:419–428, Pls. 71–73. 1963
Parasitic; Spondylosium spp.; lakes; E.L.D., UNITED KINGDOM
Polyphagus starrii Johns; Mycologia 56:441–451, figs. 1–6, 1964
Parasitic; Eudorina, Pandorina, et al.; Stonewall Pond, MASSACHUSETTS, USA
POLYPHLYCTIS Karling [Chytridiales]. Sydowia 20:86–95. 1967
Polyphlyctis cystofera (Willoughby) A. Batko; ZH, p. 183. 1975; Ξ Phlyctochytrium cystoferum Willoughby 1965
Polyphlyctis unispina (Paterson) Karling; Sydowia, 20:86–95. 1967 Ξ Phlyctochytrium unispinum Paterson 1956
Polyphlyctis willoughbyi Letcher [Chytridiales, Chytridiaceae] MB#825370; Fungal Biology 122:1171-1183. 2018
Saprobic, onionskin bait, Clyde River mud, Conjola, Morton National Park, New South Wales, AUSTRALIA
POWELLOMYCES Longcore, D.J.S. Barr & Désaulniers [Spizellomycetales]; Canad. J. Bot. 73:1385–1390. 1995
Powellomyces hirtus Longcore, D.J.S. Barr & Désaulniers; Canad J. Bot. 73:1385–1390, figs. 1–18. 1995
Saprobic; pollen bait; soil; ONTARIO, CANADA
Powellomyces variabilis Powell & Koch ex Longcore, D.J.S. Barr & N. Désaulniers; Canad. J. Bot. 73:1385–1390. 1995;
Ξ Entophlyctis variabilis sensu Powell & Koch 1977;
Ξ Geranomyces variabilis (Longcore et al.) D.R. Simmons [Spizellomycetales, Powellomycetaceae] in Mycologia 103:1411–1420. 2011 ; not E. variabilis (Karling) Cejp 1959
Pringsheimiella dioica Couch 1939 (homonym and no Latin diagnosis)
Ξ Dictyomorpha dioica Couch ex Mullins; Amer. J. Bot. 48:377–387. 1961
PROTRUDOMYCETACEAE Letcher [Rhizophydiales]. Mycological Research 112:759–782. 2008
PROTRUDOMYCES Letcher [Rhizophydiales, Protrudomycetaceae] Mycological Research 112:759–782. 2008
Protrudomyces laterale (A. Braun) Letcher. Mycological Research 112:759–782. 2008
Ξ Chtridium laterale A. Braun 1855. Ξ Rhizophydium laterale (A.Braun) Rabenh. 1868
= Rhizophydium karlingii Sparrow 1960. Letcher (2008) Epitype=GenBank LSU rDNA sequence EF585628, ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 rDNA sequence EF585668, Culture (ARG 071) in ATCC and CBS
PSEUDOPILEUM Canter [Chytridiales]; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 46:305–320. 1963
Pseudopileum unum Canter; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 46:305–320, fig. 3. 1963
Parasitic; cysts of Mallomonas sp.; plankton of Elterwater; E.L.D., UNITED KINGDOM
QUAERITORHIZA Longcore, D.R. Simmons & T.Y. James [Quaeritorhizaceae] MB#833680. Mycologia DOI: 10.1080/00275514.2020.1730136. 2020
QUAERITORHIZACEAE Longcore, D.R. Simmons & T.Y. James [order not yet determined] MB#833714. Mycologia DOI: 10.1080/00275514.2020.1730136. 2020
Quaeritorhiza haematococci Longcore, D.R. Simmons & T.Y. James MB#833715. Mycologia DOI: 10.1080/00275514.2020.1730136. 2020
Rhizidium endosporangiatum Karling; Mycopathol. Mycol. Appl. 36:165–178, figs. 18–37. 1968
Saprobic; bleached corn leaves & pollen; soil sample; Pitcairn & Niue, OCEANIA
Rhizidium megastomum Sparrow; Mycopathol. Mycol. Appl. 25:119–143, figs. 19–23. 1965
Saprobic; snake skin; soil, Oahu, HAWAII, USA 5. 1982; ? nomen nudum
Rhizidium phycophilum Picard Mycologia 101:696–706. 2009; MB#13127
Saprobic, pollen, chitin (associated with coccoid green alga in culture); soil sample under Antarctic beech, ferns and mosses;
Rhizidium renifore Karling. Arch. Mikrobiol. 70:266–287, fig. 1 A–O. 1970;
Saprobic; purified shrimp and lobster chitin; soil sample; AUCKLAND PROVINCE, NEW ZEALAND
Rhizidium tomiyamanum Konno; J. Jap. Bot. 44:315–317. figs. A–H. 1969
Saprobic; Porphyra, pine pollen bait; marine; ? JAPAN
Rhizoclosmatium aurantiacum Sparrow 1937. See: Powell et al. (2019) Phytologia 101 (2) for designation of lectotype
Rhizoclosmatium globosum H. E. Petersen 1903 (type species)
See: Powell et al. (2019) Phytologia 101 (2) for designation of lectotype , epitype and designation of JEL347 in CZEUM to support the lectotype.
Rhizoclosmatium hyalinum Karling; Sydowia 20:96–108, figs. 48–59. 1967
Saprobic; exuviae and chitin bait; water in outdoor tub; U. of Otago, NEW ZEALAND
Rhizoclosmatium sparsum M.J. Powell and Letcher; MB#829907; Phytologia 101:139–163. 2019
Saprobic; chitin bait; aquatic sample; The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, ALABAMA, USA
Rhizoclosmatium persicum Letcher, Longcore & M.J. Powell; MB#829910. Phytologia 101:139–163. 2019
Saprobic; cellulose; aquatic sample; Lake Nicol spillway; Tuscaloosa County; ALABAMA, USA
Rhizoclosmatium pessaminum Letcher, Longcore & M.J. Powell; MB#829911. Phytologia 101:139–163. 2019
Saprobic; chitin; Perch Pond, Penobscot County, MAINE, USA
Rhizoclosmatium umbonatum Letcher, Longcore & M.J. Powell; MB#829908. Phytologia 101:139–163. 2019
Saprobic; chitin and cellulose; acidic lake; Mud Pond, Old Town, Hancock County, MAINE, USA
Rhizoclosmatium umbonatum var. sphaericum Letcher, Longcore & M.J. Powell; MB#829909. Phytologia 101:139–163. 2019
RHIZOPHLYCTIDALES Letcher [Chytridiomycota]; P.M. Letcher et al. Mycological Research 112:1031–1048
RHIZOPHLYCTIDACEAE Letcher [Rhizophlyctidiales] P.M. Letcher et al. Mycological Research, 112:1031–1048
Also see this publication for epitype of Rhizophlyctis rosea, the type species.
Rhizophlyctis A. Fischer 1892 sensu Sparrow 1960; I.J. Dogma designated R. mastigotrichis (Nowakowski) Fischer as lectotype; Nova Hedwigia 24:393–411.1973; but lectotype predated by designation of R. rosea (De Bary & Woronin) Fischer in Clements & Shear; The Genera of Fungi, p. 235. 1931. See W.H. Blackwell and M.J. Powell 1999. The nomenclatural propriety of Rhizophlyctis rosea. Mycotaxon 70:213–217. Letcher et al designated an epitype for R. rosea; See: Mycol. Res. 112:1035, figs 2A–I, 1039 6A and 1040 7A–D (2008) from observations of culture BR 186,
Rhizophlyctis aurantiaca I.J. Dogma; Nova Hedwigia 25:51–89, Pls. I–III. 1974
Saprobic; chitin; soil; Annapolis, MARYLAND, USA
Rhizophlyctis boninensis Kobayasi & Konno; Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. 12:725–733, fig. 3 L–Q. 1969
Saprobic; ? cellophane; soil; Chichijima, BONIN ISLANDS
Rhizophlyctis bonseyi Sparrow; Mycopathol. Mycol. Appl. 25:119–143, figs. 29–54. 1965
Saprobic; chitin; soil, margin of reservoir, Maui, HAWAII, USA
Rhizophlyctis columellae S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Indian Phytopathol. 43:564–567, fig. 1. 1990 (1991)
Parasitic; zygospore of Spirogyra sp.; tank; Lucknow U., INDIA
Rhizophlyctis costatus Konno; Sci. Rep. Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku Sect. B. 14:227–292, Pl. 8, A–D. 1972
Saprobic; cicada wings; forest soil; Ohdaigahara (Nara Prefecture), JAPAN
Rhizophlyctis fuscus Karling; Mycopathol. Mycol. Appl. 23:215–222, figs. 12–21. 1964
Saprobic; human & snake skin, corn leaf; soil; Madras, INDIA
Rhizophlyctis harderi Uebelm. Archiv fur Mikrobiologie 25:324. 1956. nom. inval.; lacked Latin description
= Uebelmesseromyces harderi M.J. Powell & Letcher MB#810749. Mycologia 107:419–431. 2015
Rhizophlyctis hirsutus Karling; Mycopathol. Mycol. Appl. 23:215–222, figs. 22–26. 1964
Saprobic; skin, corn leaves, hemp seed; soil; dry rice paddy, Madras, INDIA
Rhizophlyctis lovettii Karling; Mycopathol. Mycol. Appl. 23:215–222, figs. 1–11. 1964
Saprobic; human fibrin film; soil; Madras, INDIA
Rhizophlyctis oceanis Karling; Amer. J. Bot. 56:211–221 figs. 1–108. 1969
Saprobic; purified shrimp chitin; soil; Pitcairn et al. Islands, OCEANIA
Rhizophlyctis oceanis var. floridaensis Karling; Nova Hedwigia 28:209–229, figs. 17–28. 1976;
Saprobic; chitin; soil; flower garden, FLORIDA, USA
Rhizophlyctis petersenii var. appendiculata Karling; Sydowia 20:96–108, figs. 60–67. 1967
Saprobic; corn leaves and chitin; soil and water; NEW ZEALAND.
Rhizophlyctis reynoldsii I.J. Dogma; Nova Hedwigia 25:51–89, Pl. VII., figs. 1–19. 1974
Saprobic; chitin; leaf litter, Rangoon, BURMA
Rhizophlyctis rosea (de Bary & Woronin) A. Fisch., Rabenh. epitype P.M. Letcher et al. Mycological Research 112:1030–1048. 2008
Rhizophlyctis serpentina I.J. Dogma; Nova Hedwigia 25:51–89, Pl. IV–VI, Figs. 1–45. 1974
Saprobic; chitin bait; soil & leaf litter; widespread, CAMEROON
Rhizophlyctis sp. Canter & Ingold; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 82:739–742, figs. 1–26. 1984
Parasitic; Dacrymyces stillatus conidia; Downs, S. Oxfordshire, U.K.
Rhizophlyctis tropicalis Sparrow & I.J. Dogma; Arch. Mikrobiol. 89:77–204, fig. 4, A–M. 1973
Saprobic; lens paper and onion skin baits; soil; DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
Rhizophlyctis variabilis Karling; Sydowia 20:96–108, figs. 68–81. 1967
Saprobic; bleached corn leaves; soil; NEW ZEALAND
Rhizophlyctis variabilis var. burmaensis I.J. Dogma; Nova Hedwigia, 25:51–89, Pl. VIII, figs. 1–20. 1974
Saprobic; chitin; soil & leaf litter; BURMA
Rhizophlyctis willoughbyi Konno; Sci. Rept. Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku Sect. B. 14:227–292. Pl. 7, A–D. 1972
Saprobic; bee wings, cicada wings, and snake skin; soils; widespread, JAPAN
Rhizophydium Schenk; all Phlyctidium spp. into Rhizophydium; Karling; CI, p. 64. 1977
RHIZOPHYDIALES Letcher [Chytridiomycota, Chytridiomycetes]; P.M. Letcher et al. Mycological Research 110:898–915, 2006
RHIZOPHYDIACEAE Letcher [Chytridiomycetes, Rhizophydiales]; P.M. Letcher et al. Mycological Research 110:898–915, 2006
Rhizophydium achnanthis Friedmann 1952 Ξ Hapalopera achnanthis (Friedmann) A. Batko; ZH, p. 170. 1975
Rhizophydium algavorum Gromov, B.V., A.V. Pljusch and K.A. Mamkaeva, Protistology 1:62—65. 1999
Parasitic; Chlorococum minutum; pond; St. Petersburg, RUSSSIA
Rhizophydium anatropum (Braun) Karling; CI, p. 65. 1977 Ξ Phlyctidium anatropum Braun 1856
Rhizophydium androdioctes Canter; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 56:115–120, figs. 1–19. 1971
Parasitic; Dictyosphaerium pulchellum (Green alga); Loch Leven, Kinross, SCOTLAND
Rhizophydium angulosum Karling; Arch. Mikrobiol. 61:112–127, fig. 1, M–X. 1968
Saprobic; pollen and bleached corn leaves; many soil collections from OCEANIA
≡ Boothiomyces angulosus (Karling) Jerônimo, D.R. Simmons, T.Y. James & Pires-Zottarelli . Nova Hedwigia 109:399–412. 2019
Rhizophydium annulatum Sparrow; Canad. J. Bot. 55:1501–1504, figs.1–6. 1977
Saprobic; pine pollen; Punch Bowl; Melrose, FLORIDA, USA
Rhizophydium aphanomycis Karling; Nova Hedwigia 27:747–771, figs. 12–21. 1976
Parasitic; Aphanomyces sp.; soil; Ngorongora Crater, TANZANIA
Rhizophydium aureum Konno; Sci. Rep. Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku Sect. B. 14:227–293, Pl.3, figs. A–D. 1972
Saprobic; snake skin, bee wings, & cicada wings; soil; Tsu-shima; Bonin Island, JAPAN
Rhizophydium biporosum (Couch) D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 51:967–975. 1973
Ξ Phlyctochytrium biporosum Couch 1932
= Phlyctidium bumilleriae Couch 1932
Rhizophydium blastocladianum S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30:1–82, fig. 16. 1988
Parasitic; Blastocladia on apple; tank sediment; Lucknow U., INDIA
Rhizophydium blyttiomycerum S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30:1–82, fig. 24. 1988
Parasitic; Blyttiomyces spinosus & zygospore of Spirogyra; ditch; Sultanpur Road, SE of Lucknow U., INDIA
Rhizophydium brevipes var. marinum (Kobayasi & Ookubo) Karling; 1977. p. 65
Ξ Phlyctidium brevipes marinum Kobayasi & Ookubo 1954
Rhizophydium brooksianum Longcore [Rhizophydiales; Rhizophydiaceae] Mycologia 96:162–171. 2004
Saprobic; pine pollen; soil; Penobscot Co., MAINE, USA.
Rhizophydium bumilleriae (Couch) Karling; CI, p. 65. 1977 Ξ Phlyctidium bumilleriae Couch 1932;
See Rhizophydium biporosum (Couch) Barr 1973
Rhizophydium capillaceum D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 47:991–997, figs. 12–22 on Pls. I–VIII. 1969
Saprobic; pine pollen; soil: Ottawa, ONTARIO, CANADA
Rhizophydium clavatum Karling; Sydowia 20:74–84, figs. 21–24. 1967
Saprobic; chitin bait; soil sample; NEW ZEALAND
Rhizophydium clavatum S.N. Dasgupta & R. John (homonym); Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30:1–82, fig. 34. 1988
Parasitic; Closterium; tank; Lucknow U., INDIA
Rhizophydium coleochaetes (Nowakowski) Fischer 1892 Ξ Chytridium coleochaetes Nowakowski 1876;
H. Canter places sp. in Chytridium; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 43:14–18. 1960
Rhizophydium collapsum Karling; Sydowia 17:285–296, figs. 1–15. 1964
Saprobic; pine pollen; brackish soil; Rhamnad Dist., INDIA
Rhizophydium conchiforme S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30:1–82, fig. 35. 1988
Saprobic ?; Spirogyra; ditch, Sultanpur Road, SE of Lucknow U., INDIA
Rhizophydium condylosum Karling; Arch. Mikrobiol. 61:112–127, fig. 2, A–X. 1968
Saprobic; human hair and snake skin; soil from Cook Island, FIJI & PITCAIRN
Rhizophydium contractophilum Canter; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 42:185–192, figs. 1–4. 1959
Parasitic; Eudorina elegans and Eudorina sp.; Lake Windermere, E.L.D., U.K.
Rhizophydium coralloidum Karling; Mycologia 68:1245–1248, figs. 1–9. 1976
Parasitic; Karlingia rosea; soil; Canaveral, FLORIDA, USA
Rhizophydium dentatum suggested as name for Miller’s (1968) “Dentate; but not validly published; W.C. Zattau: Master’s Thesis Clemson U. 1978. But molecular data (James et al. 2006) suggest that “Miller’s Dentate” (JEL103) is in the Chytridiaceae (Chytridiales)’; named as Odontochytrium milleri Ve´lez and Letcher MB#801484. Mycologia 105:1251–1265. 2013
Rhizophydium difficile Canter 1954 Ξ Hapalopera difficilis (Canter) A. Batko; ZH, p. 169. 1975
Rhizophydium digitatum Scherffel 1926 = Phlyctochytrium planicorne Atkinson 1909: T.W. Johnson; Norw. J. Bot. 22:249–257. 1975
Rhizophydium dubium Kiran & Dayal (invalid; type not designated); Indian Phytopathol. 44 30–34, Pl. 1. 1991.
Saprobic; rotting leaves of Eichornia; pond; Agricultural Farm, Varanasi, INDIA
Rhizophydium echinocystoides Sparrow; J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 84: 62–68, figs. 15–18. 1968.
Saprobic; pine pollen; Sphagnum bog; Humbolt Co, CALIFORNIA, USA
Rhizophydium elyensis Sparrow 1957 ≡ Boothiomyces (Sparrow) Jerônimo, D.R. Simmons, T.Y. James & Pires-Zottarelli . Nova Hedwigia 109:399–412. 2019
Rhizophydium ellipsoidium (Ookubo & Kobayasi) Karling; CI, p. 64. 1977 Ξ Phlyctidium keratinophilum Ookubo & Kobayasi 1955
Rhizophydium fragilariae Canter 1950 Ξ Hapalopera fragilariae (Canter) A. Batko; ZH, p. 170. 1975
Rhizophydium fugax Canter; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 51:699–705, Pl. 57 & fig. 1. 1968.
Parasitic; Cryptomonas spp.; plankton of lakes; E.L.D., U.K.
Rhizophydium gonapodyanum S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30:1–82, fig. 23. 1988.
Parasitic; sporangium of Gonapodya polymorpha; tank sediment; Lucknow U., INDIA
Rhizophydium hispidulosum Seymour; J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 86:187–190. figs. 1–16. 1970.
Saprobic; cockroach wing bait; soil from ditch; Morehead City, NORTH CAROLINA, USA
Rhizophydium jobii Hassett MB#8535161; Mycologia
Saprobic; pine pollen bait; benthic detritus; SALALAH, OMAN.
Rhizophydium karlingii Sparrow 1960 = R. laterale (Braun) Rabenhorst; D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 51:967–975. 1973
Rhizophydium koreanum Hyang B. Lee, S.J. Jeon, T.T.T. Nguyen; Fungal Diversity 96:1–242 (see 219–221). 2019
pond water; Chonnam National University Arboretum, Gwangju, REPUBLIC OF KOREA
Index Fungorum # IF554571; Facesoffungi # FoF05792; GenBank LSU# MH298649, MH298650
Rhizophydium lagenaria S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30:1–82, fig. 21. 1988
Parasitic; sporangium of Blastocladia on fruit bait; tank sediment; Lucknow U., INDIA
Rhizophydium laterale (Braun) Rabenhorst = R. karlingii Sparrow 1960; D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 51:967–975. 1973
Rhizophydium lenelangeae Sparrow; Canad. J. Bot. 55:1501–1504, figs. 7–15. 1977
Saprobic; pine pollen bait; river bank soil; GUATEMALA
Rhizophydium littoreum Amon; Mycologia 76:132–139, figs. 1–21. 1984
?Saprobic; Bryopsis plumosa; marine, Atlantic coast, USA
Rhizophydium macroporosum Karling; Sydowia 20:74–84, figs. 9–20. 1967
Saprobic; snake skin and bleached corn leaves; soil samples; NEW ZEALAND
Rhizophydium manoense Sparrow; Mycopathol. Mycol. Appl. 25:119–143. figs. 1–7. 1965
Parasitic; diatom (Cocconeis); stream, Oahu, HAWAII, USA
Rhizophydium melosirae Friedman 1952 Ξ Hapalopera melosirae (Friedman) A. Batko; ZH, p. 170. 1975
Rhizophydium mougeotiae Pongratz; Schweiz. Z. Hydrol. 28:104–132, fig. 2 & Pl. 5, 33–36. 1966
Parasitic; Mougeotia gracillima; Plankton; Lake Léman, SWITZERLAND
Rhizophydium nobile Canter; Proc. Linn. Soc. London 179:197–201, 2 Pl, fig. 1. 1968
Parasitic; resting spores of Ceratium hirundinella; lakes; E.L.D., U.K.
Rhizophydium novae-zeylandiensis (Karling) Karling; CI, p. 65. 1977 Ξ Phlyctidium marinum Karling 1967
Rhizophydium obpyriformis (Karling) Karling; CI, p. 64. 1977 Ξ Phlyctidium mycetophagum Karling 1956
Rhizophydium olla (Sparrow) Karling; CI, p. 65. 1977 Ξ Phlyc tidium olla Sparrow 1933
Rhizophydium patellarium Scholz; Arch. Mikrobiol. 29:354–362, fig. 2. 1958
Saprobic; pine pollen bait; soils; northern SPAIN and GERMANY
Rhizophydium pedicellatum Paterson 1956; Emended by T.W. Johnson; Norw. J. Bot. 23:139–151. 1976
Rhizophydium piriformis (Fott) Karling; CI, p. 65. 1977 Ξ Hapalopera piriformis Fott 1942
Rhizophydium planktonicum emend. Canter; J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 62:267–278, fig. 1. 1969
Parasitic; Asterionella formosa (diatom); lakes; E.L.D., U.K. Ξ Rhizophydium planktonicum Canter (in part) 1948
Rhizophydium poculiforme S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30:1–82, fig. 28–30. 1988
Parasitic; Closterium; tank; Lucknow U., INDIA
Rhizophydium polystomum Karling; Sydowia 20:74–84, figs. 26–29. 1967 (Pls. XII–XIV).
Saprobic; bleached corn leaves; soil samples; NEW ZEALAND.
Rhizophydium porosum Sparrow & Lange; Canad. J. Bot. 55:1879–1890, figs. 1–5. 1977
Saprobic; pine pollen bait; Johnson Road Bog, Cheboygan Co., MICHIGAN, USA
Rhizophydium proliferum Knox & Paterson; Mycologia 65:373–387, figs. 6–10. 1973
Saprobic; pine pollen; soil or fresh water? Ross Island, ANTARCTICA
Rhizophydium punctatum Golubeva; Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 25:81–86, fig. 1. 1988
Saprobic; pine pollen; Lake Teletzkoje; Altiaca Province, RUSSIA
Rhizophydium rarotonganensis Karling; Arch. Mikrobiol. 61:112–127, fig. 1 A–L. 1968
Parasitic; Nowakowskiella profusa; soil; Rarotonga, Cook Islands, OCEANIA
Rhizophydium reflexum S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30:1–82, fig. 18. 1988
Parasitic; Sporangium of Blastocladia on Pyrus fruit; tank sediment; Lucknow U., INDIA
Rhizophydium rhizinum S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30:1–82, fig. 17. 1988
Parasitic; sporangium of Blastocladia on Pyrus fruit; tank sediment; Lucknow U., INDIA
Rhizophydium rotundum S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30:1–82, figs. 25–27. 1988
Parasitic; Closterium, Oedogonium, and Zygnema; tank; garden, Lucknow U., INDIA
Rhizophydium scenedesmi (Fott) Karling; CI, p. 65. 1977 Ξ Phlyctidium scenedesmi Fott 1967
Rhizophydium sibyllinum Sparrow; Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 81:2–5, figs. 1–9. 1974
Saprobic; pine pollen; soil; Delphi, GREECE
Rhizophydium signyense Willoughby; Nova Hedwigia 22:469–487, Pl. 2 m–t;4 e,f. 1971
Saprobic; chitin bait; soil; Signy Island, ANARCTICA
Rhizophydium skujai (Skuja) Karling; CI, p. 64. 1977 Ξ Phlyctidium globosum Skuja 1948
Rhizophydium sparrowii S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Indian Phytopathol. 43:564–567, fig. 2. 1990 (1991)
“Saproparasitic”; Ulothrix sp.; ditch; Sultanpur Rd, SE of Lucknow U., INDIA
Rhizophydium sphaerocarpum var. rhizoclonii Huth & Gaertner; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 61:431–434, Pl. 43. 1973
Parasitic; Rhizoclonium hieroglyphicum; brackish Water; Bremerhaven, GERMANY
Rhizophydium sphaerocarpum var. spirogyrae D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 48:1607–1071, figs. 1–6. 1970
Parasitic; moribund Spirogyra; southwestern ONTARIO, CANADA
Rhizophydium sphaerotheca Zopf 1887; Neotype: D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 47:991–997, figs. 1–11. 1969
Rhizophydium spinosum Willoughby; Arch. Mikrobiol. 52:101–131, fig. 1, i–w. 1965
Saprobic; cellophane bait; soil; VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA
Rhizophydium spinosum Karling (homonym); Nova Hedwigia 35:107–116, figs. 1–6, 1981
Saprobic; cellophane & bleached corn leaves; soil samples; SRI LANKA
Rhizophydium spinosum S.N. Dasgupta & R. John (homonym); Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30:1–82, fig. 20. 1988
Parasitic; Blastocladia on fruit bait; tank sediment; Lucknow U., INDIA
Rhizophydium spinulosum (Sparrow) Karling; CI, p. 65. 1977 Ξ Phlyctidium spinulosum Sparrow 1933
Rhizophydium squamosum Golubeva; Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 25:81–86, fig. 2. 1988
Saprobic; pine pollen; Lake Teletzkoje; ALTIACA PROVINCE, RUSSIA
Rhizophydium stellatum S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30:182, fig. 22. 1988
Parasitic; Sporangium of Gonapodya polymorpha; tank sediment; Lucknow U., INDIA
Rhizophydium tenue (Sparrow) Karling; CI, p. 65. 1977. Ξ Phlyctidium tenue Sparrow 1952
Rhizophydium tetragenum Pongratz; Schweiz. Z. Hydrol. 28:104–132, fig. 1 & Pl. 4, 25–28. 1966
Parasitic; Asterionella formosa; plankton; Lake Leman, SWITZERLAND
Rhizophydium tubulatum S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30:1–82, fig. 31–33. 1988
Parasitic; Closterium; tank; Lucknow U., INDIA
Rhizophydium ubiquetum Canter; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 44:163–176, figs. Ia–s, 2 a–k, Pl. 12. 1961
Saprobic; Cosmarium and other desmids; plankton of lakes, E.L.D., U.K.
Rhizophydium undatum O.G. Golubeva; Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 25:81–86, fig. 3. 1988
Saprobic; pine pollen; Lake Teletzkoje; ALTIACA PROVINCE, RUSSIA
Rhizophydium undulatum Sparrow & Lange; Canad. J. Bot. 55:1879–1890, figs. 9–11. 1977
Saprobic; pine pollen bait; Johnson Road Bog, Cheboygan Co., MICHIGAN, USA
Rhizophydium urcelolatum S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30:1–82, fig. 19. 1988
Parasitic; Blastocladia on fruit bait; tank sediment; Lucknow U., INDIA
Rhizophydium venezuelensis Karling; Nova Hedwigia 34:645–668, figs. 1–9. 1981
Saprobic; cellophane, snake skin, hemp; soil sample; VENEZUELA
Rhizophydium venustum Canter; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 46:305–320, fig. 7, a–i. 1963
Parasitic; cysts; Uroglena americana; lakes; E.L.D., U.K. Ξ Zygorhizidium venustum (Canter) Canter 1971
RODMANOCHYTRIUM M.J. Powell & Letcher [Chytridiales; Chytriomycetaceae] MB#830008; Phytologia 101:175–187. 2019
Rodmanochytrium pyriforme M.J. Powell & Letcher MB#830009; Phytologia 101:175–187. 2019
Saprobic; water and moist soil; chitin bait; Washington County, Alabama, UNITED STATES
Rodmanochytrium sphaericum M.J. Powell & Letcher MB#830010; Phytologia 101:175–187. 2019
aquatic sample; chitin bait; Tuscaloosa, Alabama, UNITED STATES
Scherffeliomyces appendiculatus (Zopf) Sparrow 1936 Ξ Dangeardia appendiculata (Zopf) Batko; Acta Mycol. 6:407–435. 1970
Scherffeliomyces leptorrhizus Johns 1956 Ξ Dangeardiana leptorrhiza (Johns) A. Batko; Acta Mycol. 6:407–435. 1970
SCHERFFELIOMYCOPSIS Geitler [Chytridiales]; Oesterr. Bot. Z. 109:205–275. 1962
Scherffeliomycopsis coleochaetis Geitler; Oesterr. Bot. Z. 109:250–275, figs. 1–8. 1962
Parasitic ?; Coleochaete soluta et irregula; littoral; Lunzer Untersee, lower AUSTRIA
SEPTOCHYTRIACEAE S.E. Mozley-Standridge [Cladochytriales] MB#512008. Mycological Research 113:498–507. 2009. Type: Septochytrium variable Berdan 1939
Septochytrium willoughbyi I.J. Dogma; Nova Hedwigia 24:367–377, figs. 1–22. 1973
Saprophytic; lens paper, onion skin & cellophane; soil; virgin forest, Rondonia, BRAZIL
SEPTOSPERMA Whiffen ex Seymour [Chytridiales]; Mycologia 63:83–93, 1971
Ξ Septosperma Whiffen 1942 (no Latin diagnosis); See Blackwell & Powell for nomenclatural review; Mycotaxon 42:43–52. 1991
Septosperma anomalum (Couch) Whiffen ex Seymour; Mycologia 63:83–93, 1971
Ξ Septosperma anomala (Couch) Whiffen 1942. (genus not valid when combination made)
Septosperma irregulare (Karling) I.J. Dogma; Nova Hedwigia 25:121–141. 1974
Ξ Asterophlyctis irregularis Karling 1967
Septosperma multiforma Canter; species described before genus validated; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 46:305–320, figs. 4–7. 1963
Parasitic; developing cysts of algae; lakes; E.L.D., U.K.;
Ξ Septosperma multiforma Canter ex Milanez; Rickia 6:63–70. 1974
Septosperma rhizophidii Whiffen ex R.L. Seymour; Mycologia 63:83–93, 1971
Ξ Septosperma rhizophidii Whiffen 1942 nomen nudum;
Emended by W. Blackwell and M. Powell; Mycotaxon 42:43–52. 1991
Septosperma spinosa Willoughby; species described before genus validated; Arch. Mikrobiol. 52:101–131, fig. 5 a–h, 1965
Parasitic; Rhizophydium coronum; heath; VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA; Ξ Septosperma spinosa Willoughby ex Milanez; Rickia 6:63–70. 1974
Solutoparies Whiffen 1942. W.H. Blackwell and M.J. Powell, 1998. Nomenclatural validation of (Solutoparies, Chytridiomycetes). Mycotaxon 67:463—467
SPARROWIA Willoughby [Chytridiales]; Nova Hedwigia, 5:335–340. 1963
Emended by I.J. Dogma; Nova Hedwigia 19:503–509. 1970
Sparrowia parasitica Willoughby; Nova Hedwigia 5:335–340. Pl. 52. 1963
Parasitic; oogonia of a watermold; soil; north of Thirlmere, E.L.D., U.K.
Sparrowia subcruciformis I.J. Dogma; Nova Hedwigia, 19:503–509, figs. 1–16. 1970
Parasitic; various chytrids; forest soil, leaf litter; Cross Village, MICHIGAN, USA
SPARROWMYCES in S.N. Dasgupta; Indian Phytopathol. 35:206. 1982; ? nomen nudum
Sparrowmyces sparrowii in S.N. Dasgupta; Indian Phytopathol. 35:206. 1982; ? nomen nudum
Sphaerita dinobryi Canter; J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 84:56–61, fig. 1, & Pl. 1,2. 1968
Parasitic; Dinobryon sertularia; lakes; E.L.D., U.K.
SPIZELLOMYCES D.J.S. Barr [Spizellomycetales, Spizellomycetaceae]; Canad. J. Bot. 58:2380–2394. 1980 (= Phlyctochytrium in part)
Spizellomyces acuminatus (D.J.S. Barr) D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 62:1171–1201. 1984
Ξ Phlyctochytrium acuminatum Barr 1969; = P. africanum Gaertner 1954
Spizellomyces dolichospermus D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 62:1171–1201, figs. 92–100. 1984
Saprobic; pollen?; soils; widespread
Spizellomyces kniepii Gaertner ex D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 62:1171–1201. 1984
Saprobic; fly legs; grows on pollen; soil; REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA
Ξ Phlyctochytrium kniepii Gaertner 1954 (not valid)
Spizellomyces lactosolyticus D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 62:1171–1201, figs. 101–109. 1984
Saprobic; pollen; soils; CANADA
Spizellomyces palustris Gaertner ex D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 62:1171–1201. 1984
Saprobic; pollen; ditch, Holsburg Moor, GERMANY; CANADA Ξ Phlyctochytrium palustre Gaertner, 1954 (not valid)
Spizellomyces plurigibbosus (D.J.S. Barr) D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 62:1171–1201. 1984
Ξ Phlyctochytrium plurigibbosum D. Barr 1969
Spizellomyces pseudodichotomus D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 62:1171–1201, figs. 110–120. 1984
Saprobic; pollen; soils; CANADA, U.K., and MEXICO
ΞGallinipes pseudodichotomus (D.J.S. Barr) Letcher & M.J. Powell MB#822137
Spizellomyces punctatus(Koch) D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 58:2380–2394. 1980
Ξ Phlyctochytrium punctatum Koch 1957; = Phlyctochytrium verruculosum Knox 1971; = P. peruvianum Knox 1971; D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot., 62:1171–1201, figs. 110–120. 1984
SPIZELLOMYCETACEAE D.J.S. Barr [Spizellomycetales]; Canad. J. Bot. 58:2380–2394. 1980
See D.J.S. Barr: 1984; Canad. J. Bot. 62:1171–1201; + key to genera
SPIZELLOMYCETALES D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot., 58:2380–2394. 1980 = Chytridiales sensu Sparrow (in part);
Emended; D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 61:295–307. 1983. Caulochytrium and Olpidium now are not included in this order, but considered incertae sedis. See: D.S. Hibbett et al. Mycological Research 111:509–547. 2007; The Rhizophlyctis rosea clade is now the Rhizophlyctidales Letcher and Rozella is in the Cryptomycota M.D.M. Jones & T.A. Richards, MB#563383.
Sporophlyctidium neustonicum Sparrow; Mycologia 70:140–149, figs. 15–25. 1978
Parasitic; living pine pollen; neuston; Newnan’s Lake, FLORIDA, USA
Staurastromyces oculus S. Van den Wyngaert, K. Seto & K. Rojas. MB#819823. Protist 168:392–407. 2017
Parasite of Staurastrum sp. (Desmidiaceae) Lake Stechlin, GERMANY
STAURASTROMYCES S. Van den Wyngaert, K. Seto & K. Rojas-Jimenez. MB#819822. [Rhizophydiales, Staurastromycetaceae] Protist 168:392–407. 2017
STAURASTROMYCETACEAE S. Van den Wyngaert, K. Seto & K. Rojas. MB#819821. [Rhizophydiales] Protist 168:392–407. 2017
Synchytrium plant parasites not included in this bibliography; see Karling, J.S. 1964. Synchytrium. Academic Press, New York.
Synchytrium microbalum Longcore, DR Simmons & Letcher; MB#817291. Fungal Biology 120:1156–1164. 2016
Saprobic, nutrient agar; small acidic lake; Hancock County, Maine, USA
SYNCHYTRIALES emend Doweld AB, 2014. Index Fungorum no 92, 2014; MB#550404. Emended by Longcore, DR Simmons and Letcher to be the least inclusive clade of the Chytridiomycetes that includes Synchytrium taraxaci and Synchytrium species included in James et al. (2006; as the Synchytrium clade)
SYNCHYTRIACEAE emend J Schr€ot., in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., Teil. I (Leipzig) 1:71, 1892; MB#81448. Emended by Longcore, DR Simmons and Letcher to be the least inclusive clade of the Chytridiomycetes that includes Synchytrium taraxaci and the Synchytrium species included in James et al. (2006; as the Synchytrium clade).
TERRAMYCETACEAE Letcher [Rhizophydiales] P.M. Letcher et al. Mycological Research 110:898–915, 2006
TERRAMYCES Letcher [Rhizophydiales; Terramycetaceae]; Mycological Research 110:898–915, 2006
Terramyces subangulosum (A. Braun) Letcher Ξ Chytridium subangulosum A. Braun, Abhandl. Berlin Akad.: 44 (1855). Type: Braun pl.3, figs 27–31 (1855-holotype) Epitype from culture of PL 003, Letcher et al. Mycol. Res. 110:907, figs. 3A–D, 909 fig 5 (2006); Epitype saprobic, pollen bait; forest soil, Goshen Wildlife Management Area, Lexington, VIRGINIA, USA.
THOREAUOMYCES D.R. Simmons and Longcore [Spizellomycetales, Powellomycetaceae] MB#564194. Mycologia 104:1229–1243. 2012
Thoreauomyces humboldtii D.R. Simmons and Longcore. MB#564195. Mycologia 104:1229–1243. 2012
Saprobic; pollen bait; spruce forest soil; Humboldt Field Research Institute, Steuben, MAINE, USA
TRIPARTICALCAR D.J.S. Barr [Spizellomycetales]; Canad. J. Bot. 58:2380–2394. 1980
= Phlyctochytrium in part
Triparticalcar arcticum (D.J.S. Barr) D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 58:2380–2394. 1980;
Ξ Phlyctochytrium arcticum D.J.S. Barr 1970
Ubelmesseromycetaceae M.J. Powell & Letcher [Chytridiomycota, Rhizophydiales]; MB#810747. Mycologia 107:419–431. 2015
UEBELMESSEROMYCES M.J. Powell & Letcher [Rhizophydiales, Ubelmesseromycetaceae] MB#810748. Mycologia 107:419–431. 2015
Uebelmesseromyces harderi M.J. Powell & Letcher MB#810749. Mycologia 107:419–431. 2015. GenBank: AY349087 (nuc 28S rDNA D1-D3 domains); GenBank DQ485595 (nuc rDNA including 5.8S and ITS)
Saprobic; pine pollen, winter, James Island, British Columbia, CANADA
ULKENOMYCES Letcher & M.J. Powell [Rhizophydiales, Halomycetaceae] MB#811467. Letcher et al. Mycologia 107:808–830. 2015
Ulkenomyces aestuarii (Ulken) Letcher & M.J. Powell, comb. nov. MB#811468.
=Rhizophydium aestuarii (Ulken) Amon, Mycologia 76:138. 1984
(FIG. 5p) from Ulken 1972 declared as neotype by Letcher et al. Mycologia 107:808–830. 2015
URCEOMYCES Letcher [Globomycetaceae, Rhizophydiales] MB# 511781. Mycological Research 112:759–782. 2008.
Urceomyces sphaerocarpum (Zopf) Letcher [Rhizophydiales, Globomycetaceae] MB#511789. Mycological Research 112:759–782. 2008.
Ξ Rhizidium sphaerocarpum Zopf 1884, Ξ Rhizophydium sphaerocarpum (Zopf) A. Fisch. 1892. Letcher et al. declared epitype sequence information from culture ARG 048.
WHEELEROPHLYCTIS Letcher & M.J. Powell [Chytridiales, Asterophlyctaceae] MB#826904. Fungal Biology 122:1109–1123. 2018
Type = W. interior
Wheelerophlyctis interiexterior Letcher & M.J. Powell MB#826906. Fungal Biology 122:1109–1123. 2018
Saprobic; chitin bait; fen at edge of Perch Pond, Penobscot County, MAINE, USA. Ex-type strain = JEL857
Wheelerophlyctis interior Letcher & M.J. Powell MB#826905. Fungal Biology 122:1109–1123. 2018. Ex-type strain = MP058
Saprobic, chitin bait, aquatic sample, Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge, ALABAMA, USA; JEL524 from Maine, USA is also in W. interior
ZOPFOCHYTRIUM M.J. Powell, Longcore & Letcher [Chytridiales, Chytridiaceae] MB#825642. Fungal Biology 122:1041–1049. 2018
Zopfochytrium polystomum (Zopf) M.J. Powell, Longcore & Letcher, comb. nov. MB#825643. Fungal Biology 122:1041–1049. 2018. ≡Cladochytrium polystomum Zopf Nova Acta Akad Leop.-Carol. 47:234. 1884
ZYGOPHLYCTIDALES K. Seto [Chytridiomycetes] MB#831579. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 5:17–38. 2020 (posted in 2019)
ZYGOPHLYCTIDACEAE K. Seto [Zygophlyctidales] MB#831580. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 5:17–38. 2020 (posted in 2019)
Zygophlyctis Doweld, Index Fungorum 114:1. 2014. IF550450
Zygophlyctis asterionellae K. Seto, MB#831581. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 5:17–38. 2020 (posted in 2019)
parasite of Asterionella formosa (diatom); Lake Biwaike, Shimotakai, Nagano, JAPAN
Zygophlyctis melosirae (Canter) K. Seto comb. nov. MB#831582. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 5:17–38. 2020 (posted in 2019)
Zygophlyctis planktonica Doweld, Index Fungorum 114:1. 2014. Based on Canter’s description of Zygorhizidium planktonicum Canter, which was invalidly published.
ZYGORHIZIDIALES K. Seto [Chytridiomycetes] MB#831578. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 5:17–38. 2020 (posted in 2019)
Zygorhizidiaceae Doweld [Zygorhizidiales] Index Fungorum 102:1. 2014.
Zygorhizidium affluensCanter; J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 62:267–278, fig. 2. 1969 Parasitic; Asterionella formosa; plankton of lakes; E.L.D., U.K.;
Ξ Rhizophydium planktonicum Canter (in part) 1948
Zygorhizidium asterionellae Pongratz; Schweiz. Z. Hydrol. 28:104–132, Pl. 3, 19–24. 1966
Parasitic; Asterionella formosa; plankton; Lake Léman, SWITZERLAND
Species not validly published. See comment by Seto in Fungal Systematics and Evolution 5:17–38. 2020 (posted in 2019)
Zygorhizidium chlorophycidis Canter; Nova Hedwigia 5:1–6, Pls. 1–2. 1963
Parasitic; colonial planktonic greens; lakes; E.L.D., U.K.
Zygorhizidium cystogenum Canter; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 46:305–320, figs. 1,2. 1963
Parasitic; Dinobryon spp., Uroglena sp.; lakes; E.L.D., U.K.
Zygorhizidium melosirae Canter 1950; Canter emended; J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 60:85–96. 1967
ΞZygophlyctis melosirae (Canter) K. Seto comb. nov. MB#831582. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 5:17–38. 2020 (posted in 2019)
lectotype designated
Zygorhizidium planktonicum Canter 1953 and 1957; invalid; see Doweld, Index Fungorum 114:1. 2014
Zygorhizidium planktonicum forma asterionellae Canter, Jaworski, & Beakes; Nova Hedwigia 55:437–455. 1992
Parasitic; Asterionella; lakes; E.L.D., U.K.
Zygorhizidium planktonicum forma synedrae Canter; Nova Hedwigia 55:437–455. 1992
Parasitic; Synedra; lakes, E.L.D., U.K.
Zygorhizidium vaucheriae Rieth; Biol. Zentralbl. 86 433–448, figs. 1–2, Pls. 1, 2. 1967
Parasitic; Vaucheria; ditch; Gatersleben, Germany & Tadzhik, S.S.R.
Zygorhizidium venustum (Canter) Canter; Nova Hedwigia 21:577–592. 1971
Ξ Rhizophydium venustum Canter 1963