GAERTNERIOMYCES D.J.S. Barr [Spizellomycetales, Spizellomycetaceae] Canad. J. Bot. 58:2380–2394. 1980
Gaertneriomyces californicus (D.J.S. Barr) M.J. Powell & Letcher. MB#822238. Powell, M.J., Letcher, P.M. and Chen, S-F. Nova Hedwigia 107:205–228. 2018 Ξ Phlyctochytrium californicum D.J.S. Barr, Canad. J. Bot. 47:991–997 + 8 plates
Gaertneriomyces palmatus M.J. Powell & Letcher MB#822234; Powell, M.J., Letcher, P.M. and Chen, S-F. Nova Hedwigia 107:205–228. 2018
Saprobic; pollen; fresh horse manure; Penobscot County, MAINE, USA
Gaertneriomyces semiglobifer (Uebelmesser) D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 58:2380–2394, 1980
Ξ Phlyctochytrium semiglobiferum Uebelmesser 1956; = P. californicum D.J.S. Barr, 1969
Gaertneriomyces spectabilis Uebelm. ex S.F. Chen, C.Y. Chien, & M.J. Powell, comb. nov. MB#822237; Powell, M.J., Letcher, P.M. and Chen, S-F. Nova Hedwigia 107:205–228. 2018; Ξ Gaertneriomyces spectabile Uebelmesser 1956, nom. invalid. =Gaertneriomyces spectabile S.F. Chen & C.Y. Chien 2000, nom. invalid
Gaertneriomyces tenuis D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 62:1171–1201, figs. 129–137. 1984; Saprobic; pollen; soil; near Port William Dyke, NOVA SCOTIA, CANADA
Ξ Barromyces tenuis (D.J.S. Barr) M.J. Powell & Letcher MB#822236. Powell, M.J., Letcher, P.M. and Chen, S-F. Nova Hedwigia 107:205–228. 2018
GALLINIPES Letcher & M.J. Powell [ Spizellomycetales, Spizellomycetaceae] MB#822136; Nova Hedwigia 107:105–129. 2018
Gallinipes alaskaensis Letcher & M.J. Powell MB#822139; Nova Hedwigia 107:105–129. 2018
Saprobic; pollen; glacial till, Wasilla, ALASKA, USA
Gallinipes danensis Letcher & M.J. Powell MB#822138; Nova Hedwigia 107:105–129. 2018
Saprobic; pollen; soil from south bank of Dan river, NORTH CAROLINA, USA
Gallinipes pseudodichotomus (D.J.S. Barr) Letcher & M.J. Powell MB#822137. Nova Hedwigia 107:105–129. 2018
Ξ Spizellomyces pseudodichotomus D.J.S. Barr, Canad. J. Bot. 62:1171–1201, 1984
GAMMAMYCES Letcher [Rhizophydiales, Alphamycetaceae] Nova Hedwigia 94:9–29. 2012
Gammamyces ourimbahensis Letcher MB#561199.Nova Hedwigia 94:9–29, figs. 10–13, 16, 30–34. 2012
Saprobic; pollen; subtropical rainforest; Palm Grove forest, Ourimbah, NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA
GERANOMYCES D.R. Simmons [Spizellomycetales, Powellomycetaceae] MB#519610. Mycologia 103:1411– 1420. 2011
Geranomyces hawaiiensis D.R. Simmons &Longcore. MB#564200. Mycologia 104:1229–1243. 2012
Saprobic; pollen bait added soil from volcanic rim; Mount Kilauea, HAWAII, USA
Geranomyces michiganensis D.R. Simmons &Longcore. MB#564199. Mycologia 104:1229–1243. 2012
Saprobic; pollen bait added to pasture soil or horse manure, Alpena County, MICHIGAN, USA
Geranomyces tanneri D.R. Simmons &Longcore . MB#564201. Mycologia 104:1229–1243. 2012
Saprobic; pollen bait added to horse manure, Penobscot County, MAINE, USA
Geranomyces variabilis (Longcore, D.J.S. Barr & Désaulniers)D.R. Simmons. MB#519611.Mycologia 103:1411– 1420. 2011. ≡ Powellomyces variabilis Longcore et al, Can. J. Bot. 73:1390, (1995)
≡ Entophlyctis variabilis sensu Powell and Koch, Can. J. Bot. 55:1672, (1977)
non E. variabilis (Karling) Cejp, Omagiu lui Traian Savulescu cu prilejul implinirii a 70 de ani:131, (1959)
GHAZALLOMYCES Hanafy, Vikram B. Lanjekar, Prashant K. Dhakephalkar, T.M. Callaghan, Dagar, G.W. Griff., Elshahed & N.H. Youssef [Neocallimastigomytcota] MB#830733. Mycologia 2020
Ghazallomyces constrictus Hanafy, Vikram B. Lanjekar, Prashant K. Dhakephalkar, T.M. Callaghan, Dagar, G.W. Griff., Elshahed & N.H. Youssef [Neocallimastigomytcota] MB#830734. Mycologia 2020.
Feces of axis deer (Axix axis); TEXAS, USA
GLOBOMYCETACEAE Letcher [Rhizophydiales] MB#511775. Letcher et al. Mycological Research, 112:759–782. 2008
GLOBOMYCES Letcher [Rhizophydiales, Globomycetaceae] MB#511780. Mycological Research, 112:759–782. 2008
Globomyces pollinis-pini (A. Braun) Letcher MB#511788.
Ξ Chytridium pollinis-pini A. Braun 1855, Ξ Rhizophydium pollinis-pini (A. Braun) Zopf 1887, = Chytridium vagans A. Braun 1856, = Phlyctidium vagans (A. Braun) Rabenh. 1868
Gonopodya terrestris S.N. Dasgupta et al. (probably not a Gonopodya) Indian Phytopathol., 43:218–222, Figs. 1–8. 1990
Saprobic; leaves of Eugenia jambolana; moist soil; garden, Lucknow U., INDIA
GORGONOMYCETACEAE Letcher [Rhizophydiales] MB#511768; Letcher et al. Mycological Research, 112:759–782. 2008
GORGONOMYCES Letcher [Rhizophydiales, Gorgonomycetaceae] Mycological Research, 112:759–782. 2008
Gorgonomyces haynaldii (Schaarschm.) Letcher Ξ Phlyctidium haynaldii Schaarschm.
Ξ Rhizophydium haynaldii (Schaarschm.) A. Fisch. Epitype declared by Letcher in Letcher et al., Mycol. Res. 112:764, figs 2E–I, 768, fig 5B, 2008
GROMOCHYTRIACEAE Karpov & Aleoshin [Gromochytriales] MB#805306. Karpov et al. Persoonia 32:115–126, 2014
GROMOCHYTRIALES Karpov & Aleoshin MB#805305. Karpov et al. Persoonia 32:115–126, 2014
GROMOCHYTRIUM Karpov & Aleoshin [Gromochytriales; Gromochytriaceae] MB#805307. Karpov et al. Persoonia 32:115–126, 2014
Gromochytrium mamkaevae Karpov & Aleoshin MB#805308. Karpov et al. Persoonia 32:115–126, 2014
Parasite; Tribonema gayanum; ditch near Kirovsk, Leningrad Region, RUSSIA
HALOMYCETACEAE Letcher & M.J. Powell [Chytridiomycota, Rhizophydiales] MB#811430. Letcher et al. Mycologia 107:808–830
HALOMYCES Letcher & M.J. Powell [Halomycetaceae] MB#811430. Letcher et al. Mycologia 107:808–830
Halomyces littoreus (Amon) Letcher & M.J. Powell comb. nov.
MB#811464 Ξ Rhizophydium littoreum Amon Mycologia 76:132–139. 1984. Letcher et al. Mycologia 107:808–830
Hapalopera Fott 1942; rejected by Karling; CI, Pp. 64, 65. 1977; accepted by A. Batko; ZH, Pp. 169–170. 1975
Hapalopera achnanthis (Friedmann) A. Batko; ZH, p. 170. 1975 Ξ Rhizophydium achnanthis Friedmann 1952
Hapalopera difficilis (Canter) A. Batko; ZH, p. 169. 1975 Ξ Rhizophydium difficile Canter 1954
Hapalopera fragilariae (Canter) A. Batko; ZH, p. 170. 1975 Ξ Rhizophydium fragilariae Canter 1950
Hapalopera melosirae (Friedmann) A. Batko; ZH, p. 170. 1975 Ξ Rhizophydium melosirae Friedmann 1952
Hapalopera piriformis Fott; A. Batko; ZH, p. 170. 1975
Ξ Rhizophydium piriformis (Fott) Karling; CI. p. 65. 1977
HARPOCHYTRIACEAE Wille [Monoblepharidales] Petermann’s Geog. Mitt. Ergänzungsband 28:370–371. 1900;
Emended by Emerson & Whisler; Arch. Mikrobiol., 61:195–211. 1968; Placed in Chytridiales by D.J.S. Barr; HP, p.463. 1990; Placed in Monoblepharidales by Paquin et al. Current Genetics 31:380–395. 1997
HARPOCHYTRIALES Emerson & Whisler; Arch. Mikrobiol. 61:195–211. 1968. Order discarded by D.J.S. Barr; HP, p.463. 1990
HARPOCHYTRIUM Lagerheim; Hedwigia, 29:142–145. 1890;
Placed in Harpochytriales by Emerson & Whisler; Arch. Mikrobiol., 61:195–211. 1968.
From Harpochytriales to Chytridiales; Barr; HP, p.463. 1990.
Placed in Monoblepharidales, Harpochytriaceae by Paquin et al. Current Genetics 31:380–395. 1997
Harpochytrium adpressum Scherffel; Arch. Protistenk. 54:510–528, Pl. 28, figs.17, 18. 1926
Saprobic; Spirogyra jugalis; water near igloo
Harpochytrium apiculatum Pascher (paper not seen) see: Pascher, A. Heterokonten, Lief. 5 in Rabenhorst’s Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland II. Leipzig. 1938
Harpochytrium botryococci Jane; J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 53:28–40, figs. 14–18. 1946
Saprobic; In mucilage of Botryococcus; water; Llyn Bychan, Caernarvonshire, U.K.
Harpochytrium hedenii Wille; Petermann’s Geogr. Mitt. Ergänzungsband 28:370–371. 1900
Saprobic; Zygnema, Oedogonium, Spirogyra;
= Rhabdium acutum Dangeard; = Fulminaria hedenii Wille
Harpochytrium hyalothecae Lagerheim; Hedwigia 29:142–145, figs. 1–4. 1890
On Hyalotheca dissiliens; “Lassby backar”; Upsala, SWEDEN
Harpochytrium intermedium Atkinson; Ann. Mycol., 1:479–502, Pl. 10, fig. 22, 23. 1903;
Saprobic; Confervae; marsh near Ithaca, NEW YORK, USA.
Jane considers a nomen nudum; J. Linn. Soc., Bot., 53:28–40. 1946
Harpochytrium monae Jane; J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 53:28–40, figs. 19–22. 1946
Saprobic; Zygnema; temporary pool; Llandegfan Common, Anglesey, U.K.
Harpochytrium natrophilum Hortobágyi (an alga); Bot. Közlem., 48:217–223, Pl 1, figs. 1–10. 1960
Harpochytrium ornithocephalum Clémençon; Rev. Algol., N.S. 9:33–37, figs. 12–20 (Pl. 5). 1969;
Saprobic; on Spirogyra; fishpond; Botanical garden, Bern, SWITZERLAND
Harpochytrium tenuissimum Korschikoff; Arch. Protistenk. 74:249–258, figs. 21–22. 1931
Saprobic; Oedogonium sp.; Latzino-Moores; Zwenigorod, GERMANY
Emended by Jane; J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 53:28–40. 1946
Harpochytrium viride Scherffel (an alga) Arch. Protistenk. 54:510–528, figs. 19–20. 1926
On Microspora filaments
HOMOLAPHLYCTIS Longcore, Letcher & T.Y. James. [Rhizophydiales] MB#561579. Mycotaxon 118:433–440. 2011
Homolaphlyctis polyrhiza Longcore, Letcher & T.Y. James. MB#561580. Mycotaxon 118:433–440. 2011
Saprobic; onionskin bait; acidic lake; Hancock County, MAINE, USA.