Endochytrium cystarum I.J. Dogma; Arch. Mikrobiol., 66:203–219, figs. 26–39. 1969.
Saprophytic; lens paper and cellophane bait; forest soil and leaf litter; MICHIGAN, USA
Endochytrium multiguttulatum I.J. Dogma; Dogma unsure of genus placement. Arch. Mikrobiol., 66:203–219, figs. 1–25. 1969.
Saprophytic; lens paper, cellophane, onion; bogs; Cheboygan Co., MICHIGAN, USA
Entophlyctis Fischer 1892; D.J.S. Barr emended and placed in Spizellomycetales; Canad. J. Bot., 58:2380–2394. 1980. Longcore et al. rejected emendment and described Powellomyces for Entophlyctis (sensu Barr, 1980); Canad. J. Bot., 73:1385–1390. 1995. Entophlyctis (sensu Fischer) is in Chytridiales, see Longcore; Mycologia, 87:25–33. 1995, but type species not isolated.
Entophlyctis apiculata (Braun) Fischer 1892 ? Dangeardiana apiculata (Braun) A. Batko; Acta Mycol., 6:407–435. 1970
Entophlyctis bulligera (Zopf) Fischer (1884) = Entophlyctis confervae-glomeratae (Cienkowski) Sparrow (1857); D.J.S. Barr: Canad. J. Bot., 49:2215–2222. 1971
Entophlyctis bulligera var. brevis S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India, 30:1–82, fig. 44. 1988.
Saprophytic ?; vegetative Spirogyra; ditch, Sultanpur Road, SE of Lucknow U., INDIA
Entophlyctis caudiformis S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India, 30:1–82, fig. 47. 1988.
Saprophytic ?; Closterium; tank; Lucknow U., INDIA
Entophlyctis confervae-glomeratae (Cienkowski 1857) Sparrow; D.J.S. Barr (Canad. J. Bot., 49:2215–2222. 1971) considers the following synonyms: = E. bulligera (Zopf) Fischer; = E. vaucheriae; (Fisch) Fischer, = E. helioformis (Dangeard) Ramsbottom; = E. rhizina (Schenk) Minden; Powell & Koch do not consider E. bulligera a synonym; Canad. J. Bot., 55:1668–1685. 1977
Entophlyctis crenata Karling; Sydowia, 20:109–118, figs. 1–12. 1967.
Saprophytic; Vallisneria sp.; small brook; WELLINGTON PROVINCE, N.Z.
Entophlyctis filamentosa in S.N. Dasgupta; Indian Phytopathol. 35:215. 1982; ? nomen nudum
Entophlyctis helioformis (Dangeard) Ramsbottom 1886; = Entophlyctis confervae-glomeratae (Cienkowski) Sparrow; D.J.S. Barr: Canad. J. Bot., 49:2215–2222. 1971
Entophlyctis lobata Willoughby & Townley; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc., 44:177–184. figs. 1–2, Pl. 13, 1961.
Saprophytic; shrimp chitin bait; littoral of Derwentwater, E.L.D., U.K.
Entophlyctis luteolus Longcore [Chytridiaceae]; Mycologia, 87:25–33, figs. 1–20. 1995.
Saprophytic; onion skin and Utricularia; bogs and acid lake; Maine, USA
Entophlyctis mammilliformis S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India, 30:1–82, fig. 46. 1988.
Saprophytic ?; oospores of Spirogyra; pond; Mohanlalganj, east of Lucknow U., India
Entophlyctis molesta Canter; J. Roy. Microscop. Soc. London, 84:549–557, figs. 1–4. 1965
?Parasitic; Stylosphaeridium stipitatum; phytoplankton; English lakes, U.K. ? Dangeardia molesta (Canter) A. Batko 1975
Entophlyctis obscura Sparrow & I.J. Dogma; Arch. Mikrobiol., 89:177–204, fig. 2. A–S. 1973;
Saprophytic; pine pollen bait; soil; DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
Entophlyctis reticulospora P. Cook; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc., 49:545–550, Pls. 28–29. 1966;
Parasitic; Closterium moniliferum et al.; swampy area; Cheboygan Co., MICHIGAN, USA
Entophlyctis rhizina (Schenk) Minden 1858 = Entophlyctis confervae-glomeratae (Cienkowski) Sparrow; D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot., 49:2215–2222. 1971
Entophlyctis sphaerioides S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India, 30:1–82, fig. 48. 1988.
Saprophytic ?; reproductive body of Spirogyra; ditch, Sultanpur Road, SE of Lucknow U., INDIA
Entophlyctis texana Karling 1941; See Sydowia, 20:109–118. 1967 for 1st published figs. In habit and morphology this species strongly resembles an “orange Endochytrium” that I have found in moribund cells of the aquatic plant Eriocaulon (the habit of Karling’s species) in Maine, New York and Michigan.
Entophlyctis variabilis (Karling) Cejp; Omagiu lui Traian Savulescu, 129–138. 1959.
? Phlyctorhiza variabilis Karling 1947; ?Catenophlyctis variabilis (Karl.) Karling 1965
Entophlyctis variabilis Powell & Koch [non E. variabilis (Karling) Cejp 1959] (homonym) Canad. J. Bot., 55:1668–1685, figs. 1–36. 1977. Saprophytic; pollen and Paspalum leaf; soils; NC, USA. ? Powellomyces variabilis Powell & Koch ex Longcore et al. 1995; ? Geranomyces variabilis (Longcore et al.) D.R.Simmons. Mycologia 103:1411–1420. 2011
Entophlyctis vaucheriae (Fisch) Fischer 1884 = Entophlyctis confervae-glomeratae (Cienkowski) Sparrow 1857. D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot., 49:2215–2222. 1971
Entophlyctis willoughbyi Bradley; Amer. J. Bot., 54:577–582, figs. 1–7, 9. 1967 (fossil) In fossil plant parts; Eocene Green River Formation, Wyoming, USA. I do not recognize fossil species placed into genera with extant members. Some genera in different orders of the Chytridiomycota can be distinguished from each other only with difficulty when alive; it is impossible to say to what order, and thus to what genus a fossilized organism belongs.
FAYOCHYTRIOMYCES WJ Davis, Letcher, Longcore, and MJ Powell [Chytridiomycota, Chytriomycetaceae] MB#810999. Mycologia 107:432–439. 2015
Fayochytriomyces spinosus (Fay) WJ Davis, Letcher, Longcore, and MJ Powell MB#811000. Mycologia 107:432–439. 2015.Epitype declared as UACCC WJD186 plus Figs 2 & 3 and 28S rDNA sequence KM281875 in GenBank. ≡ Chytriomyces spinosus Fay (1947).
FERAMYCES Radwa Hanafy, Mostafa Elshahed & Noha Youssef [Neocallimastigales] MB#823650; Mycologia 110:513–525. 2018
Feramyces austinii Radwa Hanafy, Mostafa Elshahed & Noha Youssef; MB#823651; Mycologia 110:513–525. 2018
Fresh feces and rumen content of female Barbary sheep (Ammotragus lervia); Val Verde, TEXAS, USA
FIMICOLOCHYTRIUM D. R. Simmons &Longcore [Spizellomycetales, Powellomycetaceae] MB#564196. Mycologia 104:1229–1243. 2012
Fimicolochytrium alabamae D. R. Simmons & Longcore. MB#564198. Mycologia 104:1229–1243. 2012
Saprobic; pollen; pollen bait with horse manure; ALABAMA, USA
Fimicolochytrium jonesii D. R. Simmons & Longcore. MB#564197. Mycologia 104:1229–1243. 2012
Saprobic; pollen; pollen bait with horse manure; MICHIGAN and MAINE, USA